What if...

I thought you loved me...

I'm re-writing the chapter that was deleted... So if you already read this, you don't have to read it again XD




Chunji's POV:


      "Ugghhh" I groaned as I sat up in bed. My vision was blurry and I had the worst headache of all time.... The sun was peaking through my light green curtains, and basically burning my eyes. Wait a minute. I don't have green curtains O.O I slowly looked around the room, trying my best not to turn my head too fast, afraid I would cause my headache to get worse (If that was even possible.) Clothes were thrown all over the floor, the lamp on the nightstand was knocked over, the white sheets were crumpled and gave off a gross smell. When I turned to my right, I let out the most annoyingest, highest, girliest scream ever. But it wasn't my fault! I had a perfectly good reason to let out my inner girl. THERE WAS A RANDOM LADY IN THE SAME BED AS ME!!!!! WHAT THE !?!?!? My girlish scream must had woken the lady up. I was expecting her to scream her off too, but she just smiled at me... "You're up already?" She asked me as if it's the most normal thing in the world for us to be in the same bed... Went she got up the blanket fell from her body and exposed her chest. I blush furiously and looked down. That's when I realized I was too! I jumped off the bed and grabbed all of my clothes and put them on lighting fast. She giggled at my reaction. "I didn't think you'd be this shy after everything that we did last night..." What we did last night? Oh-no.... What did we do last night... I guess she saw my confused expression and laughed again. "Look around! Put the peices together! What do you THINK we did last night! You got laid, man!" 
OH.MY.GOD. I DID NO SUCH THING! I am still pure! I'm still a ! I will always be a until my wedding night! That was the original plan!!! I didn't even know the lady's name! I had to get out of here. Fast. "Hey!" She screamed as I aprouched the door. I turned and she threw my phone at me. When I caught it I accidently clicked the home button, turning my blank screen to my wallpaper. The date was February 15. February 15.... That means yesturday was Valentine's day... My anniversary! MY GIRLFRIEND! OH MY GOD!!! My girlfriend! I had a girlfriend!!! We didn't even kiss yet and here I am doing unimaginable things to a random girl on our anniversary! I rushed out of the the room ignoring the girls's screams telling me to come back. I had to see my girlfriend. NOW.

As if the taxi cabs knew what I had been up to the night before, none of them stopped for me. Running to the bus stop, I found out that the bus I was supposed to catch wasn't coming for another 20 minutes. While waiting for my bus, I thought about how I was going to apoligize to my girlfriend. After ten minutes of complete concentration, I figured out I couldn't tell her... I couldn't say I ed a girl on our 2 year anniversary. That's basically suicide! I'm not even sure she knows what ing is.... She's so innocent... When the bus finally arrived, I decided to head home instead. sighing I pulled out my keys as I came up to the door. That's when I saw a cute heart-shaped sticky not designed with flowers, hearts, and marshmellows. 


Chunji-ah! When you get this note, you probably just got home. (Obviously) XD Well, it's February 14th! Do you know what that means? You better, Mr.! Or I'll be very berry disappointed in you XDDDD Anyways, instead of you planning for our anniversary, like you have been the last two years, I wanted to do something special for you this year!!! I hope you'll like what I planned today! It's going to be so much fun! Dress casually. Meet me at our cafe at 6:00pm sharp! Don't be late mister!!! Love you <3 


From the most awesomest girlfriend ever,

_____________ <3 


I felt a huge wave of guilt wash over me... She planned something for our anniversary? She probably waited for hours... And I decided to ditch her for some girl that meant nothing to me... I re-read the note. I could imagine her writing the note on the bench outside his house, then crumpling it and re-writing it again. I smiled at the thought. But wait... When she said "our cafe" did she mean the one where I asked her to be my girlfriend? But, that cafe is right across from the club....

Oh my goodness... Did she.... Did she SEE me? What if she saw me.... What if...








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Chapter 8: Update soon.
Chapter 8: update again! its great.
Chapter 8: Update soon! I want to see her with L.Joe
Chapter 7: Update soon pleaseeeee!! New reader btw~
Chapter 7: because she loves you!
skylightbaek #6
bombomi #7
Update fast!
Can't wait and also new sub ^^
ljoe was nice.

please update soon, im a big fan of sad/dramas :))