Just like that

I thought you loved me...

_______'s POV:


   I woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed for a girl who just got ditched on her anniversary. It was a weird feeling to be so happy. But I had a good reason for being happy this morning. And no matter how much I hate to admit this, the reason was Lee Byunghun.

The jerk has made me feel bad about myself for a whole 4 years now, but suddenly he changes? Is that even possible to change that quickly?

No. It's not.

Sadly, I think that was just a one time thing. He didn't mean to be nice to me. It just happened because I was crying. He didn't have any intention to be my friend once-so-ever.

I sighed at the thought of it and sat up from bed. Right away, I felt the cold currents hit my body as I left the warmth of my bed, and shivered. Why must winters be so cold in Korea?

Dragging myself to the bathroom, I forced myself to strip and step into the shower. After 20 minutes, I put on a random outfit I found in my closet.



I have decided to pretend like I don't know what happened. I'm going to go back to before I saw Chunji at the club. I'm not going to do anything that might make him think that I saw.

No, I'm not forgiving him. I'm testing him. He'd tell me right? Of course he would. He's my boyfriend! My boyfriend that I have loved and cared for for two whole years now! He'd never lie to me!



Chunji's POV:

   My nose woke me up earlier than I had planned to on a Saturday. What was that? Bacon? Eggs? Sausages? Maybe all of the above? What the- I live alone...? 

Oh my god. What if it's that creepy lady I slept with yesterday? What if she managed to get a hold of my name, number, and address and is here to ruin my life?!?!

Or worse.

What if she's prego!?!?!?

With that thought I sprang out of bed, not bothering about my appearance, to tell that girl that I am not responsible for her baby.

Instead, I saw the back of a short, innocent, sweet looking girl. Her dark hair sat perfectly at her waste. I wanted to burry my face into it, because I knew that her hair always smelled of strawberries and honeysuckle. 

But it seemed like forever since I had even been close to her enough to smell the scent I loved so much.

What was she doing here? Did she know? Was she here the break up with me? If so, why did she make breakfast?

I was cut off from my train of thought when _______ turned around. She smiled when she saw me.

Her smile is just so perfect.

It looks so unreal and lit up her face. Her innocent eyes bore into my guilt. Her soft facial features made her look fragile, as if you were to breathe on her, she would break. 

_______ was pure beauty. Almost perfect. Well, in my eyes anyways.

She never cheated.

Never lied.

Never even stole a glance at another guy since we started dating.


At times I feel like I fall short next to her. Maybe that's why I grew away from her. I knew that I was hurting her, and I regret every moment of it. 

Sometimes, I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms and whisper sweet encouraging words into her ears like I used to.

But I couldn't.


I have no idea. It just didn't feel right. How could someone like me, deserve to even be in the same room as her, let alone date her?

"Oppa!" she called cutely. Her voice was like that of an angel's. Soft and warm all the time. "I made you breakfast!" ______ turned back around and grabbed a plate off the counter and held it out to me. 


It looked really good. So i smiled and sat down while she got a plate for herself. 

I took a bite and felt my mouth water for more.

Oh _____. I love that you can cook well.

I began scarfing down the breakfast like my life depended on it.

______ giggled. That cute tinkling laugh that always made my heart flutter. 

"Why are you here?" I asked once my mouth was empty again.

"Why? You don't want me here? Are you hiding something from me mister?" She spoke like she would talking to a child.

I knew she was kidding, but I tensed up anyways.

"No. Why would I hide something from my lovely girlfriend?" Calling her my girlfriend and being all lovey-dovey with her again made me somewhat happy.

______ Smiled and began eating her food. 

I stared at how cutely she ate for a while, then began my process of shoving everything into my mouth again.


_________'s POV:

    "No. Why would I hide something from my lovely girlfriend?" Hearing him call me his girlfriend again made part of me feel like it was on air.

But I couldn't shake off the other part of me that was slowly crumpling up into a ball. 

Chunji. He looked straight into my eyes. And lied to me. He lied to me! 

So easily too. He didn't even flinch.

This made me wonder.

I wondered if he had lied like this in the past also.

Looking at me straight in the eyes.

And lying.

Just like that.

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Chapter 8: Update soon.
Chapter 8: update again! its great.
Chapter 8: Update soon! I want to see her with L.Joe
Chapter 7: Update soon pleaseeeee!! New reader btw~
Chapter 7: because she loves you!
skylightbaek #6
bombomi #7
Update fast!
Can't wait and also new sub ^^
ljoe was nice.

please update soon, im a big fan of sad/dramas :))