I should have been...

I thought you loved me...

______'s POV


It was a Monday morning after the whole Valentine's day fiasco. Chunji and I were as we normally are. Awkward. Ljoe and I have been on a strange course lately, though. He's been a whole lot nicer to me after the incident and is becoming more and more friendly towards me.


For example, as I was walking to school this morning and passed by the carrot head, he smiled and whispered good morning as I passed. Strange huh? A locker door next to mine slammed shut, breaking me out of my train of thoughts. 


I looked up to see some random classmate of mine walking away. Huh. I thought it was Chunji... As I turned to head to the cafeteria for lunch, I saw a mass of blond hair that I could notice anywhere. "CHUNJI!" I hollered, earning afew disapproving looks from the students in the hall. 


Chunji stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of his name. Turning around, he gave a sort of suprised yet questioning look. Was it weird for a girlfriend to want to walk with her boyfriend to lunch? After the whole I-think-Chunji-has-been-doing-things-behind-my-back-and-forgetting-our-two-year-anniversary thing happened, I felt I needed to be more like a girlfriend to him.


Maybe the reason that he forgot in the first place was because he didn't feel like I was being a real girlfriend. Bounding up to the suprised boy, I slipped my fingers through his and smiled, pulling him gently towards the double doors. "Oppa! Let's eat!" "Ahh... Ne-Neh. L-Let's go.." I could tell that my bold actions took him by suprise.


Pulling him to a table for two in the corner, I told him to wait while I go buy food. He blankly nodded while staring at me confused before I turned my back to go buy lunch. Hmmm. I hope you get used to this, Chunji....


Chunji's POV


Why was ______ being so sweet today? It was actually quite strange on my part. We have been eating separate lunches since a year ago... And we haven't been all lovey-dovey since the first six months of our relationship... I wonder why she's been so weird.... Maybe this is a way for her to show that she's actually going mental....


What if _____ is doing all this because she saw me at the club and doesn't know how to break up with me.... I pushed those nasty thoughts out of my head when I saw ____ approach the table, her arms filled with food on a single, tiny tray. As she neared me, she gave a stunning smile which made my heart melt.


About ten feet from my table, some guy accidentally stuck out his foot while trying to get up for a refill of his soda. Being the clumsy girl _____ was, she tripped and was about to come crashing down. My eyes widened and I froze in shock. Suddenly, two strong looking arms appeared in front of _____ and caught her while the rest of the food came crashing down.


Ljoe? I thought he hated ____.... Why did he help her? "Omo! Kamsamhamnida, Ljoe's-shi! But... The food..." _____ looked down sadly at the pile of junk lying on the floor in front of her. "Don't worry about that now. Let's get you cleaned up." Ljoe calmly replied while wrapping an arm around _____'s waist, leading her away.


I suddenly felt a surge of burning fire rise in me. What the hell?!?! Since when were they so close? I thought they hated each other? And Ljoe didn't even look me in the eye! He just took my girlfriend and left! That bastard! And why in the world did ____ let him touch her like that? 


I stood up and was about to lash out on the both of them before stopping when I was close enough to hear what _____ was saying. "But that was the last cupcake there was! And it was Chunji oppa's favorite kind too!" she whinnied while Ljoe tried to calm her down. Here I was, about to yell at my sweet little girlfriend for being too touchy with a guy when I've been out partying and doing things with other girls on our anniversary...


And above all that, _____ was still caring enough to think about me and what I want when her head could have clearly been busted open by that marble table that came too close to her face before Ljoe caught her...


I feel like a terrible boyfriend.... I should have been the one that caught her today. I should have been the one who asked her to go to lunch, not the other way around. I should have went to buy food. I should have been the one who fell. And I should have been the one tat actually showed up at the anniversary.... I should have been the one neglected during that year and a half of dating instead of her.... _____..... I don't understand why you haven't left me yet...

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Chapter 8: Update soon.
Chapter 8: update again! its great.
Chapter 8: Update soon! I want to see her with L.Joe
Chapter 7: Update soon pleaseeeee!! New reader btw~
Chapter 7: because she loves you!
skylightbaek #6
bombomi #7
Update fast!
Can't wait and also new sub ^^
ljoe was nice.

please update soon, im a big fan of sad/dramas :))