
I thought you loved me...

Your POV:


It was February 14th. Chunji and I's anniversary. I still remember when he first asked me out, like it was yesterday. We went to a cozy little cafe on the side of the street. He stuck a piece of paper on the bottom of my cup of tea asking me to be his girlfriend. Here I am, sitting in the same seat as I did two years ago. Except this time, he wasn't here. I posted a sticky note on his front door, telling him to meet me here. Maybe he didn't see it? I was starting to worry that he wouldn't come. I spent around 2 hours to get ready. I sighed and ordered a latte. While sipping my drink I looked out the window next to my seat. Across from the cafe was this club. I hate clubs. They were loud, hot, and just plain gross in general. About halfway through my drink, a taxi pulled up to the entrance of the club. Five boys stepped out. One looked very, very, VERY similar. It can't be Chunji.... He's not even old enough! I convinced myself it wasn't him. That was, until he turned around... I was completely shocked. Now _____, he might just be getting off there and coming over to the cafe to meet me. :) I quickly paid and ran outside. My excitement faded when I saw him approaching the club door. Several girls clung onto his arm and he stepped in. What's going on? Did he forget our anniversary? Did he know those girls? Why did he want to hang out with them more then me? Then it hit me. All those times he texted back at 5 in the morning, the times when his jacket smelled of perfume that wasn't mine. Has he been doing this around my back this whole time? How long? It couldn't have been that long since he started. I noticed a change in him about 4 months ago. He's gotten quieter and hung out with his friends more than me. I felt a single hot tear run down my cheek. I quickly whipped it away. No. I will NOT cry over this. It might not even be what I think it is. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions...



Ljoe's POV:


I was walking along the street because I didn't have anything better to do at home. I looked up to see the figure of a girl standing with a blank expression. Ha, what a perfect time to mess with her. I laughed to myself as I approached her. "Wow _____. You're actually wearing something from the 21st century today. What's the special occation?" I snickered. "Not now Ljoe!" She turned to leave. What's her problem? She isn't usually this easy to mess with... I caught up to her and spun her around to again, until I saw her facial expression. It looked like she was about to cry... Was I too harsh on my words? "Yah. What's up with you?" If you hadn't noticed already, I actually care about ____. Just a little. I admit I used to think she was really pretty in freshmen year, but didn't know how to express my feelings. So instead, like the idiot I am, I 'bullied' her. This got her attention, so it gave me some sort of satisfaction. I don't like her anymore, but it's still fun to mess with her. I never wanted to make her cry though... "Nothing" ____ mumbled looking across the street. I looked up to find the club my friends invited me to go to tonight. Oh-no. She didn't happen to see Chunji go there, did she? My eyes widened at my sudden realization. "Are you okay?" "Why do you care?" That statement made me angry for some reason. I didn't understand why. I wanted to walk away, but my feet wouldn't move. I wouldn't blame them either. How could I leave _____ in this state? I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the nearest icecream store. "What are you doing?!?!?!" She seemed utterally shocked. "You know, I can be nice too. Now stop looking at me like that and pick a flavor." She nodded before whispering "I want mint chocolate chip" into my ear. I grew slightly flustered at how close she was to me, but quickly recovered from my state of shock. I ordered a whole pound of icecream and pulled her into a cab. 


_______'s POV:


Why was he being so nice to me? And why did he buy so much icecream? We ended up at my house. I looked at him with a confused face. "Well, are you going to unlock the door? Or do you want me to smash a window?" I quickly grabed my key and pushed it into the lock. Ljoe went straight to the kitchen, grabed two spoons, and plopped down on the couch. "What are you doing?" I asked again for the hundreth time that night. "You're sad right?" I just stared at him. What does that have to do with anything? "Just come here and eat icecream with me. You can say anything you want. You can totally cuss that bastard out and I wouldn't tell him." Oh. I get it now. I smiled. A real smile for the first time in a long time. At first I stayed quiet, scooping little scoops of the delicious creamy goodness. But after some time, I began opening up to him. As if we were bestfriends and did this everyday. I started telling how sad, angry, and confused I was at everything. Suprisingly, he didn't come up with those nasty remarks he usually did. He just stayed quiet and listen to me. Answering when he was supposed to. After an hour and a half of ranting, most of the icecream was gone, and what was left was melted. He decided he had to go home since it was late. I walked him to the door with a small smile plastered on my face. I suprised myself when i pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, Ljoe. For everything." It wasn't long before I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders too.






Okay... I don't have a good reason for not updating so... SORRY <3


Anyways... Thanks for reading and.....

Remember to comment and subscibe! 

(comments make me feel happy :D)

Sooo... ummm.... Byeeeee <3 


BTW, I decided to take out the part where you had an older brother... I kindof changed the plot a little... So, we won't be needing him anymore XP 

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Chapter 8: Update soon.
Chapter 8: update again! its great.
Chapter 8: Update soon! I want to see her with L.Joe
Chapter 7: Update soon pleaseeeee!! New reader btw~
Chapter 7: because she loves you!
skylightbaek #6
bombomi #7
Update fast!
Can't wait and also new sub ^^
ljoe was nice.

please update soon, im a big fan of sad/dramas :))