Remember when...

I thought you loved me...

"_______-ah!" You heard a low voice called from behind me. A smile lit up your face as a turned around to see my handsome boyfriend, Chunji. You've been dating for a whole month now, and just got pass the stage of holding hands. :D He pulled you into a warm hug. "I missed you." You laughed. "It's only been afew hours." You stated. He had walked you to school this morning, and it was only lunch time. "Far too long" He kissed your forehead making you blush. "Chunji!" you hissed. Chunji just smirked, "What? I can't even kiss my girlfriend now?" After what seemed like forever, school was over. You were getting the books you need for homework when two hands covered your eyes. "Guess who?" "Ummmmm..... Is it, Kevin?" You asked mockingly. The hands dropped from your face and whipped you around to look at Chunji's eyes, blazing with jealousy. "Who is Kevin?!?!?!?!" "Ohhhh.... No body." Chunji's eyebrows came together and he frowned. You giggled, then started to laugh uncontrollably. "What's so funny?!?!" "You're so cute when your mad" His face softened. He put an arm around your shoulders and grabbed your books. When you finally got to your house he gave you back your books. "Good luck on the homework. Mr. Choi has been bringing the whip down hard this week." You smiled, "Thanks, you should get going, he gave us A LOT. It'll take hours to finish." He hugged you once again before he ran off towards his house. *How cute is he* you couldn't help thinking. <3

That was 5 months ago. Chunji wasn't the same anymore. No more walking with you to and from school. No more carrying your books if they were too heavy. No more just sitting around and talking. It seemed like he didn't have any time for you anymore. But just when you are about to give up, he appears again, making you fall for him harder. You still talk on the phone, and text. Just not every night. He had a new group of friends that he often hung out with, dancing and singing, they were so popular and loved by everyone in the school, both boys and girls. All this attention he was gaining kept pulling him away from you. Honestly, you missed him. But why would you tell him that? He'll think you were some super clingy girlfriend or something. You didn't want that. You just wanted him to spend more time with you. Sometimes, you acually forget you even had a boyfriend. Those are the times you need him most. Too bad he's never there.


Hey guys!!! This is my first fanfic. :) I'm sorry if it's boring. I just thought of this the other day and decided to write. Hope you liked it. If I have any grammar miskakes, sorry. :/ ANYWAYSSSSS. I hope to keep updating this week. :D Please Please Please  remember to........

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CubCubChuby :D

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Chapter 8: Update soon.
Chapter 8: update again! its great.
Chapter 8: Update soon! I want to see her with L.Joe
Chapter 7: Update soon pleaseeeee!! New reader btw~
Chapter 7: because she loves you!
skylightbaek #6
bombomi #7
Update fast!
Can't wait and also new sub ^^
ljoe was nice.

please update soon, im a big fan of sad/dramas :))