defect rejects


Lahyun Choi, a home-schooled teen, and a serial painter who's appalled at the thought of selling bits of her soul for $19.99 +tax, is intimately familiar with isolation. Plagued with insomnia and social anxiety, her daily struggles look like choosing between drowning in a nest of blankets while staring at her often blank easel, or braving the five-minute walk to the corner store for some ramen and strawberry milk.

Her sedentary life is shaken up when she finds out that her new tutor, Chanyeol, the son of a friend, is going to watch over her while her dad goes on a business trip. In general, people make Lahyun want to dive out of a ten-story building. But, Chanyeol seems different in ways Lahyun can’t pinpoint. The thing is, he’s human; and Lahyun is some mix of human and anxious beast born by a runaway ghost. She spends some of her time with her face pressed against the portal to her backyard, hoping her red-eyed runaway will return to her, and dreading the day she does.



Choi Lahyun 16 y.o.

Park Chanyeol  18 y.o.

cover by @goldenblood

submitted in shoes of a unicorn



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Chapter 2: This is actually really adorable! Hyun is such a unique and interesting character. I feel like she's had some sort of trauma and maybe that's why she doesn't go to a regular school like others? Either way I'm looking forward to seeing more of her and her story. Its nice to know she felt comfortable with Chanyeol and even looked forward to meeting him~