~Woke up this morning, can't shake the thunder from last night








Son Seungwan strolls into her tiny office sometime after two o’clock, still torn between laughing out loud and scoffing in disbelief. Bae Joohyun is a real number, that’s for sure – or at least Seungwan has never until now met a similar personality. Demanding and pushy, yes, but also blatantly honest and to the point. Something about her makes one think that she is more important that she perhaps actually is in reality, and that makes her feel tremendously intimidating.

Seungwan is not a pushover but Bae Joohyun appears to be a person that would run her over anyway, and just for the heck of it.



‘What did you just say?’ Seungwan chokes out, still coughing. Joohyun patiently waits until the other is deemed in no danger, though not actively helping in any way, considering that she is the source of Seungwan’s almost suffocation.

‘I asked you to help me find a girlfriend appropriate to my standard and expectations,’ Joohyun repeats a little slower, making her companion feel even more humiliated, and for many reasons.

Not only is Seungwan apparently not up to Joohyun’s standards but she is now being asked to hook Joohyun up with somebody else instead. If I knew a person worth pursuing, I’d’ve done it myself a long time ago, she wants to scream but that would mean additionally exposing her own self as incapable of finding anyone suitable. And that would entail confessing to not having had for many, many months.  

And that could lead to the realisation that perhaps she is incapable of being loved at all. Seungwan really doesn’t want to go down that road.

The moment the waiter is done serving their drinks, she looks back at the older woman.

‘You’ve got to be kidding me,’ she deadpans, incredulous.

‘What’s so unreasonable about it?’ Joohyun leisurely takes a sip of her wine. Of course she’d be relaxed.

‘What’s not unreasonable about asking a stranger to set you up?’

‘Dating agencies do it all the time,’ Joohyun counters, looking at Seungwan as if the other were a naughty child who doesn’t want to cooperate.

‘For money. Are you going to pay me?’ Seungwan jokes, not really sure if she even finds the comment funny but Joohyun picks up on the message in a different way.

‘Would you take the money?’ She instead asks seriously, probably ready to calculate the benefits of such arrangement in her head.

‘What- No!’ Seungwan rejects the weird offer at once, now fearing that their dialogue will spiral down to the kind of chaos that she can no longer contain.


‘I am not a matchmaker and quite frankly, I should seriously feel offended now,’ the younger adds, her agitation simmering down. ‘But my personal feeling aside, just look at yourself.’

Joohyun tilts her head, lack of comprehension clear on her face. Seungwan mentally sighs. Is this what her life amounts to now? Hyping up pretty girls who don’t need to be hyped up at all? She still vividly remembers all the attention that Seulgi had always been on the receiving end of before she started dating Jongdae. Throughout all the university years and later, when they first started working. The questions, the little notes, the chocolates and even the flowers. And all that almost always passed though Seungwan.

So although Jongdae wouldn’t even be in top twenty of the most handsome or accomplished that tried to pursue Kang Seulgi, he was one of the few that at least had the balls to pursue her directly and for that alone, he’s already won over Seungwan as well.

While Seungwan loves her best friend dearly and mostly doesn’t mind being the so called wing woman, it does make her wonder from time to time if she herself is unworthy of attention of any kind. Although she does not particularly crave male validation, it would indeed make her feel a little more appreciated.

‘I don’t understand,’ Joohyun replies after a moment of silence, an expression full of concentration still present on her face.

Of course she wouldn’t.

‘You face, your body, your style,’ Seungwan recounts exasperatedly, almost rolling her eyes. ‘You’re a whole package. Why do you even need help in the dating department?’

‘Oh, that,’ Joohyun’s response is almost dismissive.

‘Yeah, that,’ Seungwan nearly mocks. ‘It’s enough that you walk into a lesbian bar and the girls will be all over you. You can have anyone you want.’ If anything, I might just slow your traffic, Seungwan thinks somewhat bitterly.

‘Seungwan, you’re not listening,’ Joohyun repeats one again, sighing as if she’s the one whose patience is being tested. ‘I don’t want just anyone. I want to find my ideal partner, the woman of my dreams. And I’m already late to the game, what if she starts meeting another before she has a chance to get to know me? I have no time for flirting and being casual. I want to go on a serious date with the intention of wanting to start a serious relationship with a person that shares my lifestyle and mind set, and is equally serious about settling.’

If Joohyun fisted her hand and banged against the table shouting, And I want it now!, the message wouldn’t be clearer.

Bae Joohyun has lost her mind.

Then the lobster arrived.




Too preoccupied reliving the surreal situation she was just part of, Seungwan fails to realise that there is somebody already seated at the long table in the main room that serves as anything that the radio staff need it to be, from the writing space to the dining room. Personally, Seungwan likes to prepare for her broadcast there, seated at the far back next to the window. Today, the chair is occupied.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry,’ Seungwan apologises from the get go, not entirely sure what it is that she’s even done wrong but it’s sort of a habit. The other woman shakes her head, standing up.

‘I’m sorry,’ she replies. ‘I didn’t know where else to go, director Jung said that this is where most people just hang out to kill time.’ The speaker freezes a little, waiting for Seungwan’s reply and Seungwan does react, albeit after a few seconds. She is taken aback, somehow.

‘N-no, of course! It’s a public space,’ she assures the younger girl, finally putting her bag down.

She meant to stay for a bit to look over the scripts that she has picked up from her box down in the main office before moving on to the radio booth, so she didn’t bother depositing her coat or belongings in the safety of her own office shared with Chanyeol and Sooyoung just yet. She figured that she’d get there eventually anyway.

‘I’m sorry.’ Seungwan blinks rapidly, mentally chastising herself. Why is she so shocked at the new person in the radio station, she doesn’t know. She blames it on the eventful lunch which continues to occupy her mind. ‘We met last night, didn’t we..?’ She’s embarrassed to admit that the new intern’s name has completely slipped her mind.

‘Yes, yes we did. You remember.’ Somehow, even that little thing seems to lift the other’s mood considerably and Seungwan feels like an even bigger idiot. ‘Kim Sejeong. I’ll be here during the summer. I’ll assist for a few hours during the weekdays.’

‘Ah, yes. Of course.’ Seungwan nods, taking the seat directly opposite the intern. She belatedly realises that she meant to get a cup of coffee to go with her preparations like she usually would after lunch, but today has been all sorts of crazy and the woman hasn’t have a chance yet.

Her companion follows her line of vision that lingers for a moment too long on the cupboard in the corner with drinks and snacks, the restocking of which the administration clearly keeps as their priority, not that Seungwan is complaining.

'I'll get you a something to drink. Tea, coffee? Which kind would you like? I just spent thirty minutes this morning learning how to use the machine, I feel fully prepared to take on the task.' Sejeong seems eager to please, immediately standing up again.

Seungwan does as well.

'Oh no, please. Don't. I can definitely help myself, you're not here for that.' The little that Seungwan found out about the summer internship through the collective email which Yunho had sent did state that the newcomers would be focused on honing their writing and proofreading skills, rather than simply fetching the staff their beverages.

'It's nothing, I'm not doing anything at the moment.' Sejeong eventually beats the radio host to the coffee maker, looking at her expectantly. Seungwan sighs, albeit in a friendly, thankful way.

'Latte, please,' she says, resigned.

'Coming right up,' the intern feigns a deep bow to go with it and they both laugh. Seungwan has a feeling that the girl will be fun to have around.

'How old are you, anyway?' She prompts again after they sit down again and there is a lull in the conversation. Saejeong is toying with the pen in front of her, mindlessly rolling it there and back.

'Twenty-six,' comes the reply and Seungwan cannot help but frown. A little uncommon to still be an undergraduate student at this age, she thinks to herself, now regarding the younger with keener interest. Sejeong seems to comprehend the implication of her own answer right away. 'Had some bumps along the way,' she adds and the host doesn't press further, considering the sombre delivery. 'But this will be my last semester.'

'Very well, how about just speaking informally, then? There's only three years between us anyway,' Seungwan suggests to lighten the mood. Sejeong unexpectedly blushes.

'Oh no, I couldn't.'

'Please, I insist. Won't we be seeing each other the entire summer? It's best to quickly become comfortable.' The other hesitates for only a moment before finally nodding with a small content smile. 'Yunho sunbae mentioned that you're a fan of mine?' Seungwan adds cheekily and if the younger girl was blushing before, her face now positively resembles a tomato.

'It’s not like that! I just- I just really like your show,' she confesses in a near whisper.

Seungwan reaches for the girl’s hand lain on the table, intent on letting her know that it's not anything she has to be embarrassed about, but Saejeong notices the moment and withdraws her own hand to her lap instead.

That was too much, Seungwan belatedly realises her own mistake.

'Thank you, I'm really honoured,' she says. It's the truth. Apart from the general personal satisfaction of a well delivered broadcast, Seungwan's work hardly ever receives additional validation. Certainly not from strangers - she is by no means a celebrity or anyone that people would recognise on the street.

She thinks that this will be the end of the topic when the younger picks up again.

'You have an outstanding talent, you know. You're able to cheer a person up even from afar, with only a few words of encouragement. I've grown so attached to your programme that I sometimes record it, just so I can hear them again.' Sejeong seems to regret her words as soon as she voices them out, mortified at the personal confession. She lowers her head, suspecting that she said something uncomfortable. She doesn’t mean to sound creepy.

Seungwan though, Seungwan is touched. She would have never suspected that the simple messages she tries to convey during her shows could mean so much to a virtual stranger.

'Thank you,' she repeats only, also looking away.

It is Oh Sehun who comes to the rescue, suddenly saving them from the prolonging awkwardness and promptly reminding Seungwan that she has a rather urgent business with him.

'Sorry for taking so long,' the man apologies, putting down a pile of papers as well as a flash drive with their radio's logo in front of the intern. He briefly nods at Seungwan before proceeding. 'Here are some of the scripts for next week. We need them back by next Tuesday so you can take your time proof reading, you don't have to feel pressured to stay after your shift ends. I printed them out as well, I don't know about you but seeing the physical copy always helps me concentrate... Not very eco-friendly of me, I do realise,' he scratches his head sheepishly.

'Thank you.' Sejeong only smiles in his general direction, pulling the content forward gingerly. She looks nervous and doesn’t look him in the eye too long.

'Just highlight in red anything you corrected. Jinki hyung- I mean, manager Lee says that you're welcome to contribute any ideas that you have, save them as comments in Outlook, I guess, we'll take a look later.' Saejeong nods again, not giving any impression to wanting to talk anytime soon. Sehun regards her for a longer moment, clearly expecting questions but when nothing comes, he nods to himself. 'Well, alright then. You have a desk in the writers' room or you can just work here, whichever you prefer.' His gaze strays to the unopened laptop next to the girl. 'If you need anything, just say a word.' Another nod.

'Speaking of talking, if you're done here then follow me. You and I need to have a serious chat,' Seungwan cuts in right there, confusing the man who sends her a questioning look. 'Outside,' she adds, walking out first. She stops at the end of the corridor by the door to the archive. The room usually remains closed for the majority of the week, until one of the behind-the-scenes staff is tasked with the pain of neatly putting the tapes away before their artistic chaos gets out of hand completely.

'What's up?' There is worry on Sehun's face and Seungwan struggles to not feel sorry for her favourite colleague but then remembers that she landed in this awkward arrangement with Bae Joohyun because of him and she quickly recovers.

'Did you or did you not deliberately set me up with your sister last night?' The three seconds of hesitation visible on the man's features have the woman hit him lightly in the arm for good measure. 'Sehun!' She whines, becoming more embarrassed by the second.

'Okay, wait. Wait,' he pleads when she's about to inflict more physical damage. 'I didn't really mean to set you up. I genuinely wanted her to leave the apartment and forget about her problems for one night. And you're the nicest person that I know, so... I just figured that maybe you'd take a liking to one another and well. And in the worst case scenario if you don't, and then that's fine, too. No harm done anyway, right?'

'Your sister has managed to reject me twice since we met last night, despite me not having made a single move on her. Rather crudely too if I might add, but that's not even the most humiliating part.' When Sehun doesn't react, only blinking furiously - looking completely stupefied - Seungwan adds. ‘Today she asked me out to lunch in this fancy seafood restaurant and then basically demanded that I find her somebody that would actually be on her standard. You know, like a blind date for rich lesbians. With instant emotional connection, and happily ever after included in the price of the meal, I presume.'

'I-' Sehun's jaw goes slack, clearly not knowing what to respond to that. 'Are you- are you sure that you didn't misunderstand her?'

'Oh, she even offered to pay me for my matchmaking services. The money in her purse looked very real.' Not her proudest moment but Seungwan did stay long enough to finish the lobster, despite the air of madness that accompanied the menu set. It’s not every day that somebody is willing to pay for her food in a restaurant with one Michelin star.

'I did not expect that. At all. I'm so sorry-'

'I really don't care for your apologies, you're not even the one at fault. But since it was your idea to introduce us, how about you make her understand that I'm not gonna set her up with anyone.' She doesn't add that it's mainly because she doesn't know anyone who could possibly fulfil all the conditions that apparently come with being Bae Joohyun's lover.

'Of course. I'm so sorry,' he says still, resigned. 'You know... Hearing you say that makes me think- ' Seungwan hums in encouragement when he doesn't continue. 'I thought she just bottled it all up. She keeps telling me she’s fine and I don’t need to worry but I figured that she just didn't want me to know that the divorce hurt her. Now I think that maybe it really didn't. She knows what she wants and she has already managed to move on with her life.’

‘What she wants sounds impossible,’ Seungwan can’t help but mutter.

Sehun’s shoulders slump.

‘But it did hurt Junmyeon hyung terribly, you know, and I just feel so bad for him. I don’t know what to tell him when he calls me and I’m afraid that seeing noona happy again so soon will only cause him more grief.'

Seungwan sighs. She has even less understanding of the things that go on in Kim Junmyeon’s life so all she can do is offer Sehun a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

‘Look, just- I mean, I can’t imagine what kind of emotional mess must be a divorce with only one side falling out of love but seriously, I don’t think that your sister is alright, either. She looks like the obsessive perfectionist type to me and judging from her comments and relationship ambitions, she is seeking to fill the inevitably huge void that her ex left in her life with a person who will be exactly the same as him, except they will have a and turn her on ually. You should have heard some of the things that were on her list. Must love contemporary art. Well oriented in wines. Preferably fluent in three or more languages. Taller than her – that one won’t be hard, she’s a midget. What more? Oh, yes, A degree from SKY, obviously-‘  

‘I get it.’ Sehun stops the tirade, clearly giving up. ‘I get it.’

‘Do you? Because I can continue. It’s not like I’m making this up.’

‘No… I do get it. I’ll make sure that she doesn’t bother you again.’

Having seemingly settled the matter, they turn back in the direction of the common space. Seungwan really does need to look over the material for today’s broadcast.

‘Hey… Have you talked to the new intern yet?’ Sehun clears his throat. He wants to sound casual but Seungwan knows him too well not to realise that this is usually how his probing starts.

‘Yeah, why? She seems nice. Wants to be helpful, I believe.’

‘Nah, nothing. I just wonder if perhaps she is the skittish kind. I met her very briefly last night and she seemed friendly but this morning she was sort of weird. Looked reluctant to follow director Jung to his office and then wouldn’t look any of us in the eye.’

‘To her defence, you are all a bunch of big dudes in that writers’ room. Anyone would get totally intimidated. It’s her first day, give her a break.’

‘You’re probably right,’ the man agrees, accepting the explanation without any further comments.

They leave it at that.




God, no, Seungwan internally groans when she sees yet another message in her inbox.

It has been three days and Bae Joohyun not only did not get the hint (which was not subtle either, considering that Sehun swears he was direct with his sister about the matter), she keeps bombarding the younger woman with more comments and ideas about the women she’d like to meet. Seungwan mutes the phone for a moment, throwing it to the side but something in her finally snaps. She blindly reaches for the phone again, which she discarded in sheer annoyance, and decides to call the other to give her a piece of her own mind.

‘I’ll call the police,’ Seungwan’s threat doesn’t amount to much when it is muffled by a big yawn. She struggles to raise herself to an upward position, planting her feet on the mattress and elbows on top of her knees.

 It’s 7.14am. On her day off. Seungwan wants to groan but instead, she just messes her already ridiculously difficult to maintain mop of hair with her free hand, hoping that the self-inflicted discomfort will somehow alleviate the real source of her frustration.

‘Ah, I was just about to call you,’ Bae Joohyun announces on the other side of the line, everything about her voice and delivery charismatic and sounding very much awake.

It’s 7.14am.

‘Look, I’ve been trying to be patient but this is getting out of hand. I cannot help you,’ Seungwan accentuates every word slowly and carefully, as if speaking to a child. Wait, scratch that - most children would have understood by now.

‘I’m outside your door,’ is what Joohyun says instead and it takes Seungwan a moment to process before she bolts for real, jumping to her feet. Predictably, she is clad in her worst sleepwear, as one always does when they suddenly have to entertain unexpected visitors. The old stretched out Lotte World T-shirt and cotton shorts with an irremovable stain from the first and last time Seulgi tried to make pasta have never looked more offensive.

The bell rings. Seungwan looks around in panic. There’s a pair of denims that she used yesterday hanging from the armchair and she grabs them, pulling them over the shorts, frowning in displeasure at the tight fit. Not the best combination, but what choices does she have now.

The door is suddenly being opened and there’s a murmur of voices in the background. It’s not Seulgi’s, it’s-

Crap. Jongdae stayed overnight. She didn’t know but she should have expected it. It isn’t unusual on their friends’ date nights.

Considering his big mouth, he’s the last person that should be seeing Bae Joohyun in Seungwan’s apartment.

Seungwan pulls her hair away in the last desperate movement, opening the door to her bedroom and nearly running through the living room to get to the entrance. It is indeed Jongdae’s back that greets her the moment she’s close enough to assess the situation.

‘Ah, Seungwan, you’re here. I brought coffee,’ the older woman motions at the Coffee Bean cup carrier in her hand, still standing at the threshold and not quite inside the flat. Jongdae turns to Seungwan the moment he becomes aware of her presence and then, to the woman’s utmost horror, says,

‘I was just about to invite your friend to come in,’ he grins, looking at her knowingly and Seungwan wants to scream at him that there is nothing to know. He opens the door wider and lets Joohyun through. Nice,’ he mouths at Seungwan behind the older woman’s back, nodding in approval.

Shut up, she mouths back, raising her fist at him. He soundlessly laughs in response.

‘I’m going back to bed. Nice seeing you again, Joohyun,’ the man adds and finally leaves the two alone.

The two woman look back at each other, and Seungwan realises that Joohyun must have been indulging in a morning jog – that is, before deciding to proverbially run Seungwan’s sanity over as well with her eagerness. Her leggings fit a little too well and her top is a little too tight so the younger immediately turns away, leading them both to the living room which doubles as a dining space. She doesn’t need distractions this early.

‘Your place looks cosy,’ Joohyun observes out of politeness, looking around discreetly. She puts the coffee down on the nearest available surface, which just so happens to be the second hand Ikea cupboard found by Seulgi on a Facebook group.

‘I cannot help you,’ Seungwan repeats, wiping the sleep away from her face with both palms.

 ‘I know, Sehun told me. I think I understand now what this is about,’ Joohyun stares at her so intently that the radio host feels obliged to reciprocate. She frowns in disbelief.

 ‘You do.’ It comes out more as a statement filled with suspicion rather than a question.

‘Yes. You cannot help me. Now. So let me help you first.’

Before Seungwan realises what exactly is going on, she is being grabbed by the shoulders and pulled forward. Bae Joohyun kisses her like she’s never kissed anyone in her entire life.



A/N: Please upvote if you liked? Have a good day!


* Title: The Script - Rain

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Thank you so much for the feature, I am very grateful to all the long-term and new readers. I'm glad you've liked this story so far and that you gave it so much credit though it doesn't yet have that many chapters. I hope I can live up to the expectations. Thank you again and have a good day!


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 14: the way se could already see Irene was falling for her!! I'll wait with respect whole rereading from time to time :)
mklarisse_ #2
Chapter 14: oh i did not expect this :0 such a good story.. i really thought the last chap would show another development between wr but its oki ofc i really enjoyed this fic thank you authornim
Chapter 14: I will probably wait forever for the continuation.
mklarisse_ #4
Chapter 3: WHATTTT AJDJDJD im so amazed how the end of every chap gets me this shook
mklarisse_ #5
Chapter 2: what 😭😭😭 my poor seungwan being rejected this fast and twicE
Chapter 3: i forgot how unhinged joohyun was here lmao
Chapter 1: Rereading even if I have work tomorrow. Always such a pleasure to reread your works.

And! You manifested Wan DJ 🥺
Chapter 14: sobs i hope you're doing well author-nim. this story is doing wonders and i really hope that one day, when you're ready, you'll be able to continue this story. fighting!
Chapter 14: I hope you're doing good author
WluvsBaetokki #10
Chapter 14: I'm still hoping that author-nim will continue this story