Fake Love
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6 months later…

Your phone rang wakes you up from the good sleep you are having. You fumbled for your phone on the table stand beside your bed without opening your eyes. “Hello” you said once picked up the call without looking who is the caller that disturb your Saturday morning. “You just woke up?! You are a woman now Nari. Open your eyes! The sun is up already!” your mom nagged at you. Whose mom doesn’t nag right. Well, your mother always nag whether you are with or without her physically.

“Mom, it is Saturday. Can I have my rest please. I am very tired from work yesterday.” You groaned lazily still not opening your eyes. “Please, wake up. I am calling you to tell you I will be visiting you tomorrow. Is Baekhyun with you?” that woke you up. You didn’t tell your parents about your break up with Baekhyun yet. Sometimes, it is so hard to even hear Sehun mentioning his name to you. You could said that you still didn’t move on with him.

You sat up and rubbed your face thinking for believable excuses. “What? No. Baekhyun is not here. He..he has left for football practice, I think.” You tried to made a brilliant excuse. That is how every time is. Excuses to cover up your broken relationship and not making your parents worried about their only child who can’t protect her life by her own. “Look, mom. I’m busy this week. You shouldn’t visit me. I will visit you next weekend, okay?” you tried to persuade your mom. “It is fine darling. See you tomorrow. Bye” your mom ended the call without letting you talked.

‘. Why she is so persuasive’ you thought. You unlock your phone and scrolled your contact for the person that has always been there for

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You know..sometimes girls are too stupid. although they have been hurt countless times by the one they love, they will forgive them still. This is a fact. I hope non of my readers out there have to go through this situation.


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Chapter 5: Ah, Nari...soft girl...
Chapter 4: *tsks* public intoxication is not the answer
Chapter 3: I...think that I would have to make new friends.
Chapter 2: What's your favorite ice cream?
Chapter 1: *sighs* unfaithful louse
poorly written
FootballerInDreams #7
Chapter 5: Nari should be VERY CAREFUL this time. She should not let her feeling decide evennif she still loves him.
Chapter 5: I hope baekhyun is really sincere about it
Chapter 4: Hjsdhjsdhj Omg I need more . Sehun and nari they are more like brother and sister
Chapter 2: It's been 6 months already why can't nari just tell the truth to her mom that she already broke up with baekhyun