Fake Love
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“Have you eaten, mom?” you turned to look at your mother while driving.

“Yes, I already eat before I meet you” your mom answered.

“So, what are you doing here? You don’t like a busy city like Seoul. What makes you come here?” You don’t know what else to say. You tried to make a conversation here and there but it dies down.

Once you arrived at your apartment, you wait for your mom reaction but she didn’t say anything. You took your mom luggage from the hood and brought her to your apartment. You were nervous to let her know about your life. You keyed in the passcode to your home and let your mother in first. Then, you entered. You watched her reaction but it didn’t show nothing.

“Welcome to my heaven” you tried to cheer up the situation.

Your mom turned to look at you and you stared back at her. You know she could see the situation you are in right now and asking for explanation from you. You sighed and chuckled.

“I’m y, free and single now” you continued to chuckle sadly. “Now you could stay with me comfortably. Make yourself at home, mom” you smiled at her.

“When do you plan to tell me?” your mother asked.

“I’m afraid. I don’t want to accept the fact that he is not with me anymore but I realized I eventually have to” tears already glistering when you answered your mother question. Your mother walked to you and hugged you tightly in her arms. That is when you let tears fell down. You showed your mother your weakness. “Mom…”You told your mother why he left you and how your life turned this way right now.

“Actually..I met him” your mother told you.

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You know..sometimes girls are too stupid. although they have been hurt countless times by the one they love, they will forgive them still. This is a fact. I hope non of my readers out there have to go through this situation.


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Chapter 5: Ah, Nari...soft girl...
Chapter 4: *tsks* public intoxication is not the answer
Chapter 3: I...think that I would have to make new friends.
Chapter 2: What's your favorite ice cream?
Chapter 1: *sighs* unfaithful louse
poorly written
FootballerInDreams #7
Chapter 5: Nari should be VERY CAREFUL this time. She should not let her feeling decide evennif she still loves him.
Chapter 5: I hope baekhyun is really sincere about it
Chapter 4: Hjsdhjsdhj Omg I need more . Sehun and nari they are more like brother and sister
Chapter 2: It's been 6 months already why can't nari just tell the truth to her mom that she already broke up with baekhyun