Out There

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Days have passed and little by little, Miyoung has started to adapt living with humans. She realized how hardworking they are in order to survive and be able to pay for their living expenses.

Taerin has been a great help, guiding her as much as she could. Aside from all the fangirling lessons Miyoung didn't expect to have, she also taught her stuff like household chores and human relationships--at least from the perspective of a 13-year-old girl.

Miyoung isn't perfect at everything she was taught but she was smart enough to get the learn stuff easily. With that, they started to trust her with small tasks like setting the table, cleaning floors and washing clothes. She still does the dishes sometimes but she has yet to perfect washing them without breaking stuff. The whole family doesn't really ask her to do them but she felt like she has to contribute so she offered.


Miyoung was left alone in the house. Since it was a weekday, both kids were at school. Sejung walked to the nearby grocery to chat with her friends and catch up with the latest gossips and Jungah was working at the local office.

She was busy sweeping the kitchen and planned to continue onto the dining area when suddenly Jongin entered the house.

"Jongin, hello!" Miyoung greeted him.

"Hey." He barely acknowledged her and walked straight to his room.

Miyoung immediately stopped wiping the floor and poured a glass of orange juice.

"Jongin..." she knocked before she entered his room.

"Here, I brought you some orange juice."
"Uhh..okay. Thanks."

"What are you doing here so early? Are you finished working for today?" She asked hoping that he was and he'd stay at home so she could spend more time with him.

"Nope. I need to go to Taeoh's school since eomma couldn't pick him up."

"Ohh... can I come with you?" She asked.

"No, you should stay here. It's a long walk."

"It's fine. I like walking." She reasoned but Jongin just wouldn't let her spend some time with him.

"No. Just leave me alone, okay?!" He immediately closed the door as soon as he stepped out.

After Jongin left, Miyoung went back to cleaning but after finishing everything, she got bored.

The life she's living as a human is really different from what she's used to in the waterlands. She used to travel a lot in the past without a care in the world but now, it seemed like she's stuck in a small house without anyone to interact with most of the time and nowhere near the person she wants to be with.

She couldn't think of anything to do so she decided that she would do something different today. Just something different that would make her feel like the old part of herself is still there.

Her excellent navigating skills underwater were as useful in land so she was able to go to the market easily. She wandered around observing people especially the lovers that she crossed paths with. They were all doing some public displays of affection. She sighed and wondered when will it ever happen with Jongin.

While walking around, she passed by the same bingsu shop from a few days back. She entered the store and Taeyeon immediately spotted her.

"Hi, nice to see you again!" She greeted Miyoung.

"Hi!" She greeted her back.

"Do you want anything?" Taeyeon offered.

Miyoung ordered the same bingsu and sat on the same spot.

While she was eating, Taeyeon joined her with her own bingsu.

"So, how are you? Is he still treating you badly?" She asked without hesitation as if they had known each other for a long time.

"Who? Jongin?"

"If that's the name of the guy from last time then, yes. Is Jongin still treating you like you're not important?"

"Uhh he doesn't tell me that. He just doesn't mind me that much. I really want him to notice me but he doesn't really talk to me." Miyoung explained. "What do you think I should do to help him love me?" She asked.

"You know Miyoung, we live in the modern era. Living the way you do and slaving yourself in that house is not the only way to make him like you. Nowadays, men tend to like independent women too."

"Independent women?"

"Yeah. These times, women have the same right as men. Women can have jobs now. We can work and earn our own money too."

"Really?!" Miyoung asked.

"Of course!"

"But I don't have any job. I don't even know where to start looking for one. I don't know what I'm good at and I don't know a lot of people here."

"Well Miyoung, today is your lucky day. As the owner of this shop, I could give you a job." Taeyeon bragged. "Come, I'll show you."

Taeyeon showed her around and briefed her with all the tasks that she would do in the shop.

"What do you think will I be good at?" Miyoung asked, still unsure of the idea of working especially in a bingsu shop which was a new concept for her.

"Well, you could start first by clearing and wiping the tables and cleaning the shop. That I'm sure you could do fine since you're already doing it anyway. Might as well get paid, right?"


Taeyeon can sense the uncertainty in Miyoung's voice so she assured her. "Hey, don't feel bad. While working, you'll be able to start to learn

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pink_angels09 #1
Chapter 16: This is getting exciting! If Jongin continues to be a jerk, maybe Sehun’s better for her :(
Thanks for updating <3
pink_angels09 #2
Love this story...its so cute. Please continue to write this <3
soshi_frvr24 #3
Hello ? this is a good story. Please continue writing this story