
Trickling Red

That day, Soojin never returned home. She would not be doing so in the future as well because...

She was dead.
It was reported that a girl's body was found just below a ten-storey building. A pool of blood was around her head and some of her bones were fractured too. Her parents were called to verify the body in the morning.
The girl's parents came rushing into the hospital, face glum, thinking that it was impossible that such a thing would happen to their child — their child! 
A female officer who was holding a clipboard stepped forward when she saw the deceased's family approaching. She was all ready to offer words of sympathy but Soojin's mother shook it off. She did not want to hear it or be convinced that her daughter was dead.
With big strides, Mrs Song marched towards the body. When she caught sight of a white cloth over a person's head, she hobbled towards the shell of her presumably loved one. Her fingers trembled, fearing for the worst. Slowly, she peeled away the cloth. Her eyes widened as she came face to face with her child. The woman pressed her hand to , breaking down in tears. Salty streams drenched her cheeks as she bawled. 
Mrs Song stumbled backwards and her husband caught her by the shoulder. Embracing her, he wept silently at the loss of their daughter.
The policewoman said nothing and only passed a packet of tissues to the couple, waiting for them to calm down. It was almost impossible.
Listless, Mrs Song sat on a bench with her husband beside her. She was still in disbelief that her daughter was gone. Gone! She leant against Soojin's father for support. She badly needed one. He patted her back lovingly for he did not know what else to do. He was as lost as her. Although he was not showing his emotions, he was extremely saddened by the fact that their daughter had left them.
Seeing that Mr Song was the strong one among the two, the officer broke the news to him, "The way your daughter died... It seems like she has committed suicide... We've contacted her school and it has been confirmed that she's indeed being isolated. We believe that this is the cause of her death. Do you know about this?"
The man shook his head slowly, still processing the officer's words.
"No! I should have... I should have!" his wife burst into tears again. "I know something's wrong! I should have pushed it further and ask her! Maybe, she wouldn't have died!"
Mr Song rubbed his hand in circles on her back to soothe her. Tears welled up in his eyes as he muttered.
"Why her? Why our daughter?" 
News travelled fast. Jaejoong knew that his cousin died and he was in despair. They grew up together; they were rather close so much so that he treated her like a sister. Losing her was like losing a limb of his. However, there was something amiss about her killing herself.
"Sir, I would like to reopen the case regarding Song Soojin's death," Jaejoong said, a determined glint in his eyes.
The chief lifted up his head and stopped leafing through a rim of papers in front of him. Giving him a quizzical look, he stated, "I said, don't involve personal matters with work."
"Sir!" he began. "You don't understand. I know her since young. She's such a strong girl. Soojin would never commit suicide."
Jaejoong was never one to be so expressive. Even he found it puzzling as to why he could do so. 
Sighing, the chief shook his head and continued with his paperwork.
"There's no proof that she didn't commit suicide," insisted Jaejoong.
"I said—" the chief's words were interjected.
There was a knock on the door. Peeking in, Junsu said, "Blood's found in an alley near where the body's found. It matches the deceased's DNA. So we may have some leads."
Jaejoong could not resist the urge to smile. With a little upturn of the lips, he asked, "May I...?"
"Go ahead with it."
This was a happenstance which Jaejoong needed to bring out the truth.
In the empty space, Yunho was standing, fixing his sleeve cuffs. Kibum came from nowhere, materialising into solidity from darkness beside him. He wore a simple tee-shirt and a pair skinny jeans, a faint smell of cologne lingering in the air. He did not come after work. Turning his head to face his friend, Yunho stopped adjusting his clothes.
"You've a strong scent of human on you," Yunho stated, his interest sparked. "A very, very strong one."
"Oh, you got me there," Kibum laughed, both feet leaving the ground. 
Raising a brow, Yunho questioned, "Were you able to finally..."
"Nope," he said, popping the 'p'.
Kibum crossed his legs Indian-style and floated across the living room. Swaying his body from side to side, he giggled like a child.
"I'm dating..."
Yunho remained nonchalant about it.
"A cop," Kibum ended, confident that Yunho would definitely react to it.
"You—!" Yunho groaned. 
"What?" Kibum whined. "I'm not guilty of doing anything against the law."
He looked at Yunho pointedly.
"Maybe you've not lived long enough to know but those maintaining law are the most annoying being of all," Yunho hissed, glaring at the younger vampire. "They're observant enough to find out that we're vampires. They may be in denial at first and then, they'll start to see a possibility. They do anything to keep citizens safe, even to the extent of dirtying their own hands."
"Isn't 478 years long enough? Anyways, I like that cop and I won't let him go easily," Kibum made a stand.
"I'm going to work now," Yunho changed the topic and put on his coat.
Brushing away invisible dust, he straightened his clothes. He ran his hand through his hair, making sure that he was neat and presentable. When he was done putting on his shoes, Yunho turned around, facing Kibum once again.
"And to have a meal," Yunho said, his lips. "Yesterday's has gotten away."
"You mean you haven't eaten? Then what about that girl in the hospital just now? A police officer was there too!" Kibum exclaimed, he was certain that his friend was responsible for it.
Shrugging it off, Yunho left the house.
Happy 2013! ^^ 
Next update = around 15 Jan(?)
Btw, I use British English. Just saying if u've yet to realise.
See ya!!
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薔薇色の事件's title is changed to Trickling Red. Pls take note if u see it in ur updated subscription section. Tks!


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Chapter 3: I love the story
Chapter 22: oh my...cliffhanger..nice story and I like your writing styles too..
but I hope there is more romance between Yunho and Jaejoong ^^
oconxs #3
Chapter 22: why yunho why you must leave Jaejoong?! stupid yunho >_<
Jaejoong listen to me, if yunho really come back, please smack his head...hard. lol
there must be a reason, why only Jaejoong and maybe Changmin who remember Yunho, Kibum, Soojin, and why Yunho must leave ooh why~~ #singing_heart_mind_and_soul
OMG! there's sequel and another story from you Junyoshi! sub right away *_*
MissEztie #4
Chapter 22: Argh I can't wait to read sequel. Thank you for the story
MissEztie #5
Chapter 5: well I'm new here and I want to read this story again. This is make me anxious
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 22: Interesting story, I will waiting for the sequel.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 22: ill wait for the sequel!!!!
mizuki_s #8
Chapter 22: :O that was awesome omg <3 will be reading the sequel!~
XDoubleComboX #9
Chapter 22: Wow can't wait for the sequel!!! It's gonna be great for sure!! Can't wait to see what happens when Yunho comes back!!!!! ^_^