Shizz goes down.

Just four simple letters, right?

*Monday At School*

"Aish..." I heaved a sigh and leaned against the wall of the gate. 

I really don't want to go in.... I'll have to face that bastard for sure....


I know that voice anywhere. I sighed again and pushed myself off the wall only to be attacked at that second.

"Victoria unnie!!! How was your weekend?!?!?!" I looked down as Sulli squeezed me to death.

"G-Great! Please!!" I was about to turn purple when Sulli finally released me. I heaved a sigh of relief and straightened up. 

"Okay, all good now. Let's go." She didn't let me have a chance to say anything and dragged me into school. We left our separate ways and went to our lockers. 

I watched her leave and suddenly a boy came up behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist. I raised my eyebrow at the sight and looked closer... IT WAS CHANGSUN!! That boy that was with Nickhun on my first day. I watched as Sulli took his hands off her and stomped off annoyed. Then I saw Taemin on the side sigh in frustration as he walked away while throwing.... flowers in the trash? Woah... I just watched a nasty lovers quarrel in less than a minute... 

I shook it off and began walking towards my locker again. Then...IT came....

"Hey baby!" I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around to face the one, the only, Nickhun.

"I thought I told you to step off." I glared at him, but he just eye smiled me. Before I could say anything else, he picked me up bridal style and carried me off. Apparently he didn't notice all the stares, but I did. And I didn't like it. 

"YAH!!! PUT ME DOWN YOU BASTARD!!!!" I saw that he wasn't going to do so anytime soon so I buried my face in my hands.

---Onew's POV---

"Huhuhu~ Hey hyung.... I wasnt able to give those flowers to Sulli.... Changsung got in the way again... Wait, hold up-"

Taemin stopped and tapped my shoulder rapidly as he pointed at something.

"Hyung, isn't that..... Victoria noona? With.... Nickhun?!" I looked where Taemin was pointing and indeed it was...

"Dammit... They got Sulli, now they have to harrass Victoria? Why does 2pm always get in the way?!" I slammed my hand into the wall.

"Calm down hyung. You still have a chance with Victoria noona!" He took my hand off the wall and looked at me seriously  as I sighed in frustration.

"Aish.... It's just.... They've been taking all of the girls we love away. I finally fell for someone and this happens..."

---Victoria's POV---

"YAH!! You!! PUT ME DOWN!!!" I finally wriggled out of his grip and landed perfectly on my feet. I dusted myself off and glared at him. He just smiled brightly at me again.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!?!?!" >:(

"I want you~ You know what eeryone has been saying about you. You're the hottest topic in school. You've joined the volleyball and dance team. You've even joined the choir and still maintain a perfect report card. On top of that, you're the nicest person anyone here has seen. I think it's about time you and I hooked up. We would make the perfect couple. Everyone would be envious about us, two popular people who are both damn fine."

After his rant I gawked at him. WAS HE SERIOUS?!?! 

"What. The. Hell. YOU MEAN YOU'VE BEEN ANNOYING ME JUST BECAUSE YOU LIKE MY SOCIAL STATUS?!!! OMG I WANT TO FREAKING KILL YOU!!!" I grabbed my hair and fell onto the bench utterly exghausted. 

"Not only because of your status. You've also got an amazing body~" 

At that I slapped him. 

"You know what?! I would date you if you were a least bit decent!! You're just a rich playboy that only cares about ow popular you are!!! Unlike me, who wants to just get my diploma and get out of this hell hole that you call heaven!!! Now leave me alone!" I screamed at him like I've never screamed before and quickly stomped off to class. I avoided all of the weird stares from the people who watched from the windows. 

"Now what have I gotten myself into... Freaking bastard..." 

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vicqian #1
Keep update okay ....
vicqian #2
Update soon. Thank you.
ezwanie #3
Woah!! Feisty vic..i love!! Cant wait for the next chapters!!
Donchaa #4
update . don't leave this story chingu . fighting :) . subscribing btw .
AliceB #5
Please don't lose inspiration for this one! Fighting! :)
ezwanie #6
Ookayy..that's kinda unconventional way to pick a leader..hihi..and I wonder what kind of group they're representing..thanks for the update
asereth #7
update thanks... (:
ezwanie #8 excited!! A new vic with new environment. Subscribed!!