
Just four simple letters, right?

*That Night*

"I'm home!" I shouted as I got into the house. I looked around the dark mansion and only heard silence.

"I guess they went out again...YAY!!! I GOT THE HOUSE TO MYSELF!!! FREEEEEEEDOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!"

I threw my hands up and ran to my room. I quickly did my homework and changed into my clubbing clothes. Just as I was about to stuff my stuff into my school bag, the letters from my locker fell out. I stooped down and picked up the letters. 

"To Victoria-Shii? Hm..."

I sat down and opened the letters one by one. They were all love letters. I threw them in the trash, but one caught my eye. It had the picture of a cute robot. I picked it out and on it was my name in fancy letters. 

"To Victoria~" 

I opened it up and began reading it. 

"Hello. I think we have already met, but you rejected me. I just wanted to say, you are very good at playing hard to get. Now, if you read this letter, that means you are now mine?!" I stopped reading and looked at the name of the person who sent it to me. 

"Nickhun, the one and only?!! Who does this gu- OMO!! IT'S THE RETARD FROM THE HALLWAY!!!" 

I felt my blood boiling and I quickly called Krystal. She was the one in the group who knew everyone and everything. 

"Yoboseyo? Unnie?"

"Hey Krystal, where is he?!"


"That Nickhun bastard!!"

"Oh.....I think he's at his dad's club right now like usual.... Why?"

"Nothing, see you at school on Monday."

Before she could say anything I hung up and threw on my black leather jacket and grabbed my keys. 

"Someone's gonna die tonight."

I got into the car and made my way there. When I got out I found myself at a popular club. There was a huge line with a lot of desperate people wanting to get in. I just went up to the door, much to their dismay.

"You can't come in." I looked up at the buff dude and smirked. I grabbed him by the collar and brought his ear to me.

"Listen, I'm only going to say this once. Let me in, or I'll bite your ear off right now." I hissed at him and he gave in.

"Thank you!" I quickly ran in and looked around for him.

"Aha! Oppa!!!" I heard squeals of a bunch of girls and looked over to see the one, the only, Nickhun. I rolled my eyes and stormed over. 

"YAH!!!" He looked up and a smirked immediately crawled it's way up to his face. 

"Hey baby, I told you you'd be mine." He pushed the other girls over and smiled innocently at me. I just gawked at him.

"Oh hell no." He leaned forwards and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh! I can't hear you. You need to come closer to oppa~" He patted a seat next to him and smiled. At that moment an idea popped into my mind and I smirked. I un-folded my arms and jumped onto the table, even though I had high heels on. The girls screamed while he just stared wide eyed up at me. I kneeled down to his level and took his chin. 

"Listen up. I'm not yours. Nor will I ever be. So back off before I seriously take you down. If you thought that arm twist hurt, then I suggest you step off. Arrasso?" He didn't respond and stayed in his shocked state. I released his face, jumped off the table, and left.  




Ayo! Whassup?! I'm back!!! YAY!! If you didn't notice I took down Day&Night.......I just lost all inspiration for it. Now, I'll just do this one. I also have a bunch more stories though so.....wait!!! See you laterz!! Bye bye!!


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vicqian #1
Keep update okay ....
vicqian #2
Update soon. Thank you.
ezwanie #3
Woah!! Feisty vic..i love!! Cant wait for the next chapters!!
Donchaa #4
update . don't leave this story chingu . fighting :) . subscribing btw .
AliceB #5
Please don't lose inspiration for this one! Fighting! :)
ezwanie #6
Ookayy..that's kinda unconventional way to pick a leader..hihi..and I wonder what kind of group they're representing..thanks for the update
asereth #7
update thanks... (:
ezwanie #8
Oohhh...so excited!! A new vic with new environment. Subscribed!!