New Start...?

Just four simple letters, right?


(Boyfriend- Jum Jum Jum [Little by little]...I ♥ THIS SONG SO F-ING MUCH!!!!!)

---------Victoria's P.O.V.---------



I slowly open my eyesand the peircing sun burns my eyes.


...damn sun...

I get up and brush my teeth. I go to my huge closet and look at my clothes.

OMO!!!! I almost forgot!!! Today is the first day of school! How the hell can I forget that!

I get dressed in my new uniform and run down the stairs to see my mother sitting on the couch watching t.v.

"Morning mom." I say plainly.

"Morning." She doesn't take her eyes off of the t.v.

Ugh, why can't you even look at me?

I ignore her rudeness and fix myself breakfast.

I check myself in the mirror.

New life here I come!!!!


I head outside and get in my car. I start the engine and turn on the radio: 2ne1 I Am The Best (

I smile. Heck yeah I'm the best! Today is gonna be good, I can just feel it!


I drive up to school and park next to a  Purple's nothing compared to my Jet Black Lamborghini.

I get out of my car and students around me start to talk.

"Is she new???" "Dang she's hot!!!!" "Ooooh, I hope she's in my class. She seems so cool!!!"

People these days, can't they just see people as people.

I walk into the office and tell them I want to enroll. They take me to sign all the papers and send me off with a schedule.

"Good Luck!!!" A perky girl says at the desk. I smile, but inside I'm nervous as hell.

I walk along the halls trying to find my locker. I finally find it and I'm about to open it, but a hand blocks my way.

"HI!!!!" An even perkier girl is in front of me. Her hair is long and wavy and she looks like a little kid.

"Who are you?" I'm getting irritated with all these freaking perky people here.

"I'm Sulli, how about you?" She flashes me a smile and boys around me swoon over her. Yeah she's pretty, but these guys are over doing it a bit.

"Victoria, now please step aside. I need to go." She moves and pouts like a puppy.

"Awwww! You don't like me now do you!!!" Again some freakin idiots swoon over her saying 'Sooo Cute!!!!'

I ignore her and leave. Being the nice person I am, I got out of there before I cussed her out. Annoying...-_-

(A/N: I have nothing against Sulli, there just had to be an annoying girl here though. Don't worry she'll have time to shine laters)


I arrive at my first class and enter. People look up and begin talking.

They know I can here them can't they?

I sit at an empty desk and more people come over.

"Hi!!! I'm Jonghyun."

"I'm Jin Ki."

"Key here."

"Minho, nice to meet you"

I was about to tell them my name, but a boy comes in and tackles the Jonghyun guy with a hug.

"HI!!!! I'M TAEMIN!!! YOU WERE TALKING TO SULLI WEREN'T YOU!??" Dang, he's the perkiest one yet. Beats the Sulli chick.

"Yeah...I'm Victoria."

They smile at me and Jin Ki holds out his hand and I shake it.

"Welcome to SM Academy. Hope you the best."

I smile at his kindness and the bell rings.

"CRAP!!! I gotta go to class, see you guys later!" Taemin darts out of the class.

They four other boys laugh and take their seats as the teacher enters.


After class ends I go and look for my next class. I bump into someone and they drop their books.

"OMO!! Soooo sorry, I didn't watch where I was going." I picked up their books and handed them to a student about my age.

"No problem." They take the books and looks at me.

Woah, this guy is really pretty...

"I'm Amber, you look new. Name?"

Wait...AMBER???!!!! Is he a SHE?????

"I-I'm Vic-Victoria.." I stuttered from my state of shock.

She smiled at me and saluted. She left and I was still pondering on what just happened.


After I managed to walk again, I bumped into ANOTHER person.

Dammit, Why do I keep running into people!!! How freaking clumsy can I be?

"Sorry, my bad." I look at a really pretty girl and she looks at me surprised.

"Watch where you're going next time, ARRASSO?"

I looked at her stunned and she scoffs as she stomps off.


I stomp off too and find my next class.

I enter and again, ALL the students look at me then turn to whisper again.

I roll my eyes and take a seat. I look out the window as a girl sitting next to me taps my shoulder.

"Hello, I'm Luna. You must be Victoria, right?" She eye-smiles at me.

I nod.

"Wahh!!! You know, you're really popular already? Everyone has been talking about you. Dang, I wish that on my first day I got that kind of reaction. Aww well, you are really pretty...hhhhhuuuhhhh..." She looks at me and smiles again.

I manage a smile and she takes my hands.

"How about we be friends? I can introduce you to my friends and show you around the school here. We can do all sorts of stuff...ohhh" She lets go and looks up, thinking of stuff we could do together. I shake my head...she's so wierd...

I look out the window and close my eyes.

This will be my new start...won't it...please...I need it...

I smile to myself and wish for my new start.

Class starts and I open my eyesand smile again, ready for class.

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vicqian #1
Keep update okay ....
vicqian #2
Update soon. Thank you.
ezwanie #3
Woah!! Feisty vic..i love!! Cant wait for the next chapters!!
Donchaa #4
update . don't leave this story chingu . fighting :) . subscribing btw .
AliceB #5
Please don't lose inspiration for this one! Fighting! :)
ezwanie #6
Ookayy..that's kinda unconventional way to pick a leader..hihi..and I wonder what kind of group they're representing..thanks for the update
asereth #7
update thanks... (:
ezwanie #8 excited!! A new vic with new environment. Subscribed!!