Chapter 7

The Flames That Melted the Ice

"He left you with the bill?!" Chung Ae exclaimed as she and August made their way towards the practice room. Girls Dead Monster would be filming their first music video in a few days, so in order to prepare their manager had called a last minute meeting for the girls to get their moves down. It had been coincidence that August had come across Chung Ae at the main doors to the building.


"You know, out of my entire story that is the part you choose to focus on?" August sighed, running a hand nervously through her hair. She had just gotten through telling Chung Ae about Saturday's little adventure, which had been quite the ordeal considering the girl felt the need to aks questions every ten seconds. "Besides, it was just a cup of coffee" August added quietly.


"Coffee or not, I expected Oppa to be more of a gentleman" Chung Ae sighed, faking dissapointment. Unfortunately, August didn't pick up on that until after she had spoken up.


"He is a gentleman! And a perfect one at that!" She argued, frowning at Chung Ae. Glancing over at August, Chung Ae couldn't help but smile mischeviously, which caused August to blush and turn away.


"Don't tell me that Minho is the guy you-"


"NO!" August denied loudly, glaring at Chung Ae. Giggling, Chung Ae raised her hands defensively and leaned away from August.


"Okay, okay. You don't have a huge crush on Minho, I got it" Chung Ae managed to get out between giggles. Frowning, August opened to reprimand Chung Ae, but lost the opportunity when the girl rushed forward with a big grin on her face. "Eun Mi! I love your camera!" Chung Ae exclaimed, running up to the band's drummer the instant she spotted her coming around the corner. Startled, Eun Mi jerked her head up to watch in horror as Chung Ae came towards her. Either there was some creepy clown on that camera, or Eun Mi was way more shy than August had originally thought. Then again, Chung Ae could be... overbearing at times. August didn't blame Eun Mi for being startled.


"What pictures have you taken? Can I see?" Chung Ae continued, oblivious to Eun Mi's feelings, as she reached out to take the digital camera from Eun Mi's hands.


"No! You can't see!" Eun Mi gasped, yanking the camera out of Chung Ae's reach and glaring at the little girl. Pouting, Chung Ae looked up at Eun Mi and opened to protest. One look at the expression on Eun Mi's face quickly simmered her attitude down. Smiling apologetically, Chung Ae stepped back from Eun Mi and gestured for her to continue. After a quick glance in August's direction Eun Mi obliged, bustling away with her camera clutched tightly in one hand.


She had almost looked guilty when she saw August. Maybe because of how she had reacted to Chung Ae? It was well known in the group that the youngest member was practically flesh-and-blood sister to August. Still, call it intution but August was positive it was something more than that.


"Must be that time of the month for her" Chung Ae sighed theatrically, shaking her head from side to side as she returned to August's side.


"What?! Chung Ae! You can't just go around saying stuff like that!" August exclaimed, flinching away from the bluntness of Chung Ae. Laughing, Chung Ae stuck her tongue out playfully at August before skipping ahead a few steps. When she spun around, her hands were clasped behind her back as she leaned forward slightly, a bright smile on her face. It was hard to stay mad at her when she acted like this.


"Why not? It's a fact of life" Chung Ae whined, changing her expression flawlessly into that of a pout.


"You just... you just don't. It's not something to discuss in public" August muttered, wondering if this was one of those 'cultural differences' things. After all, people in France wandered around . Boy had that been a big shock when Naomi decided it was perfectly alright to change, bra and all, in front of her group members. Maybe Korea was the same way?


"So I guess asking you when yours occurs isn't acceptable either?" Chung Ae asked innocently. August's eyes widened to the size of saucers as she spluttered angrily, trying to form words that just wouldn't come. After a few seconds she gave up and decided a quick whallop over the head would be a suitable way for her to convey her feelings. Stalking towards Chung Ae, who had flinched away in a mixture of playfullness and genuine fear, August didn't even notice when footsteps came up behind her.


"August?" Pausing mid-step, every inch of August's body froze solid. She couldn't have moved even if she wanted to. Sensing her "big sister's" predicament, Chung Ae jumped to the rescue and helped guide the terrified August through the motions of turning around to face her adresser.


"Y-yes?" She hesitated, unable to keep her eyes from meeting his. Color rose to her face the second their eyes locked together, and she had to quickly lower hers or else run the risk of passing out from her heart going into over drive. Smiling, Minho came a bit closer and extended a couple bills towards her. Confusion washed across August's face as she looked between the money and Minho, or at least a point a few inches to the right of his head.


"For the coffee" he explained, reaching down and picking up her hand. Swallowing hard, August resisted the intense urge to start squealing and run off down the hall to throw herself out the nearest window. Beside her, Chung Ae was stifling a laugh by disguising it as a sudden and furious bought of coughing. It sounded like she was trying to remove her lungs.


After pressing the money into August's unresisting hand, Minho nodded and started to walk off. A wash of warmth came over August, unfreezing her limbs long enough for her to spin around and grab Minho's arm to stop him from going any further. When he turned to face her, surprise evident on his face, August gasped and quickly withdrew her hand.


"Um... um... why?" She managed to squeak out, holding up the money he had given her in an attempt to convey her meaning.


"For the coffee. I hadn't meant to leave you with the bill like that, it's just that a lot of unwanted attention was staring to show up" Minho explained, bowing deeply as a second apology. August's attention was drawn to his muscles as they rippled beneath his skin, bringing intense heat into her face as it flushed red. Noticing August's reaction, Chung Ae began working on removing her other lung.


"Y-you don't need to repay me! Since you came out of your way to tell me about Taemin's interview..." August mumbled as she played nervously with the corners of the bills. Shaking his head, Minho smiled at August and straightened up. His smile could have lit up the entire planet if he were attached to a generator. At the moment, it could only attack August's heart, nearly stopping it in the process. Not that August minded. She would stop her heart in, excusing the pun, a heart beat if it meant seeing his smile.


In the time it took August to come back to reality after nearly dying, Minho had left. She was pretty sure he said something before going, but her hearing had been temporarily occupied by the sound her heart beating. Sagging, August practically collapsed on the floor, and most likely would have, if Chung Ae hadn't come in and supported her. Smiling, the younger girl patted August assuringly on the arm and started leading her towards the practice room.


"You've got it bad, August. And I mean bad" Chung Ae giggled, obviously enjoying this moment. "Not that I blame you. He is, and I quote, 'a perfect gentleman'" August would have gotten after Chung Ae for quoting her like that, but right then she just didn't have the will to. She didn't have the will to do much, in fact, besides devote every inch of her brain to thoughts of Minho. Face, laugh, smile, voice... everything wonderful about him flooded her at once. She really did have it bad.


"Now come on, pull yourself together. We've got a practice to get to" Chung Ae said, opening the door for August and nudging her inside.


Chapter 7 Note: I wrote the first half of this at three in the morning, when an idea suddenly hit me. Thank goodness I could sleep in math XD


"Naomi ish evil!!!! If I was a character in this story I would her from Taemin!!!"

Just thought to say that this had me laughing all day! :D

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#The Flames That Melted the Ice 333 views! (I'm bored, haha)


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Thank you so much! I'm really, really glad to hear (read? haha) your enjoyed it! :D
hee hee!!! bouncing up and down in my seat right now!!! this story was AWSOME!!!
oh my god!!! Eun Mi is sooo evil!!!
its a real good story
this chapter was sooo freaken good!!!!
Ashyunchick20 #6
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondeing if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
for some reason naomi seemed evil in the beginning...
Not sure if I'm supposed to comment on my own stuff, but... thank you so much! You have no idea how awesome it is seeing people are actually reading this! :D