Chapter 3

The Flames That Melted the Ice

"So you're going to be tutoring Taemin in English?" Naomi asked, clasping her fingers behind her head as she walked casually on the treadmill. Beside her August was running bloody murder on a second treadmill, sweat pouring down her face as her bare feet slapped against the conveyor belt. "Do you even know enough Korean though?" Naomi continued, looking over at August questioningly. She was met by an equally confused look from August, but only for a brief second before the younger girl returned to staring straight ahead. Sighing, Naomi reached over and slowed down the treadmill so that August would be able to use some of her brain cells for more than running.


"You'll have to teach him the Korean equivalents to words" Naomi elaborated, stopping her own treadmill entirely. Glancing over at August she noticed the look of horror that crossed the girl's face as she realized exactly what she had gotten herself into.


"I didn't think about that..." August mumbled nervously as she lifted a white hand towel off the treadmill's controls and wiped off her face. Naomi sighed and exaggerated shaking her head, much to the chagrin of August. "What?! I had just slammed a metal door into his face! I wasn't thinking straight!" August protested, the memory of Taemin's face after her merciless assault on it floating to the forefront of her mind. Groaning, she brought the treadmill to a full stop.


"That was really harsh. I hope you apologized to him" Naomi chided playfully, trying to get a rise out of August once more. Her brain was entirely tuned out of Korean, though, so August simply ignored Naomi. Sitting down on the edge of the treadmill she began pulling on her socks. "Please tell me you apologized" Naomi groaned.


"Of course I apologized! Why wouldn't I apologize?! I hit him in the face with a door! Do you have any idea how important an idol's face is?! I mean-"


"Okay! I got it! You're really, really, really, really sorry!" Naomi interrupted, holding her hands up defensively. August nodded pitifully as her shoulders dropped helplessly. All night she had been replaying that horrific moment in her mind, until eventually she had managed to fall asleep at around three in the morning. Then her dreams had been plagued by the same memory, until the giant metal T-Rex, controlled by August's evil twin, had crashed through the ceiling and eaten Taemin. After that particular dream August hadn't even bothered trying to go back to sleep, even she had only gotten an hours worth of sleep, instead watching television until Naomi had called asking for her to come to the gym.


"I should do something to make it up to him" August thought aloud, stretching out her arms.


"You are, remember? Teaching English and all that?" Naomi reminded her, crossing over to a few weights and picking up one of the lighter ones.


"Besides that. Like baking him something" August countered, slipping on her sneakers.


"NO!" Naomi intoned, every inch of her entirely serious. Offended, August rose to her feet and frowned at Naomi.


"I'm actually good at baking! It's just cooking I can't do" she argued, pouting slightly as she tossed her sweaty towel into a duffel bag she had carried over.


"August, you can't even make toast" she pointed out, putting aside the weight she had been curling with in order to reason with her 'little sister'. This only managed to further irritate August, though, who had started storming towards the glass doors that led to the lobby of the gym. "You also burned that plastic bowl while trying to make macaroni and cheese! Plus the time you didn't let the rice settle and it ended up turning to soup! And-"


"I got it, okay?! I'll buy him something, then!" August roared, her temper flaring up into a white hot pillar of fury. Instinctively Naomi cringed, preparing for some sort of slap, but luckily for her August had already gotten to the other side of the room. Cautiously Naomi watched as August stalked out into the lobby and then out the main doors, probably getting ready to call a taxi. Right now it would probably be best to just leave August to fume, rather than putting herself in danger, so Naomi simply returned to her weights without worrying too much. Even if she did have a bad temper, August wouldn't take out her fury on an innocent taxi driver. It was more likely she would destroy the dorm.


Chaper 3 Note: Not the best chapter... Hope to make a better one next time...

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#The Flames That Melted the Ice 333 views! (I'm bored, haha)


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Thank you so much! I'm really, really glad to hear (read? haha) your enjoyed it! :D
hee hee!!! bouncing up and down in my seat right now!!! this story was AWSOME!!!
oh my god!!! Eun Mi is sooo evil!!!
its a real good story
this chapter was sooo freaken good!!!!
Ashyunchick20 #6
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondeing if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
for some reason naomi seemed evil in the beginning...
Not sure if I'm supposed to comment on my own stuff, but... thank you so much! You have no idea how awesome it is seeing people are actually reading this! :D