Chapter 5

The Flames That Melted the Ice

The whole point of them meeting was for August to teach Taemin how to speak English well enough to pass his upcoming tests. She was supposed to be focusing on Taemin. Taemin, Taemin, Taemin, Taemin... nope. She couldn't help it. Being dissappointed was a natural reaction to not being able to see the guy of your dreams. Of course she was glad that she would be able to see Taemin, they were friends and she still needed to give him her apology present, but even his cute face wouldn't be enough to pull her out of this slump. It had been weeks since she had last seen her dream guy, unless you counted the time he was on variety shows, or when she looked up his pictures on the internet, or watched the music videos on Youtube, or...


"Am I a stalker?" August wondered aloud, a bit of panic beginning to settle in. With how closely she followed him it really did seem like she was a stalker. Groaning, she rested her head against the warm wooden surface of the table and tried to clear her mind. She needed to be totally focused on tutoring Taemin, and using the time she was waiting for him to worry about being a possible stalker was not the way to go about that. Right now was Taemin time. Or... it would be Taemin time when he actually showed up.


Sighing, August lifted her head slightly and glanced over at the door. Taemin had asked her to meet him at this cafe at nine o'clock in the morning, a ridiculously early time for a Saturday, so that they could do their tutoring. That had been the first big dissapointment for August, since the likelihood of her meeting any of the other members was slim to none. The second big dissapointment was that it was now nearly noon and he still hadn't shown up. She had already doodled on every napkin available, plus the chalkboard, and read over Taemin's text countless times. She was seriously running out of things to keep herself occupied with, and that meant that her temper would be taking hold any minute now.


Pulling out her phone, an IPhone 4, August decided it couldn't hurt to read his text once more. After turning it on, the first thing she saw was her lock screen, which painfully reminded her that she was, indeed, a stalker. She had his photo as her lock screen. Groaning, she quickly unlocked the phone, deciding right then that she was going to change the picture to something far less embarassing the first chance she got. After that it was just a few quick touches before she had pulled up Taemin's text. It was in Korean, which was natural considering the guy was Korean, so August had some trouble discerning it when she first read through it. Now she had pretty much memorized it.


Magazine interview. Will be late. Sorry.


Just how long was 'late', though? It had already been three hours, not counting the fact that she had been so nervous she showed up an hour early. It was the first time August had ever done this sort of thing, but she was pretty sure that you were supposed to keep in contact with the person you were keeping waiting. He could at least send her another text explaining what was going on. Unless something had happened to him...


Great! Now not only was she worrying about being a possible stalker, but now she was imagining all sorts of weird things that could happen to Taemin! He could have broken his leg, or been kidnapped, or in a car accident... August squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to think about it, but it was too late. Memories of her mother's death flooded her mind, except this time it wasn't her mom. Taemin was sitting in the front seat, dying after he was crushed by five bajillion tons of metal. As the horrors expanded in her mind, August could faintly hear the distint tinkling of a bell. Like the one the cafe had over it's door. Snapping her eyes open, August allowed the sounds of crunching metal and screams to fade into the background of her mind.


There was a male figure standing at the front of the store, but he wasn't Taemin. And if he wasn't Taemin then August wasn't interested. Still, she couldn't help watching him as he, after looking quickly around the cafe, approached the front counter and began talking to the teenage who was working the front. The girl seemed to be just short of having a heart attack as she frantically tried to keep herself under control, something that was obviously not going to happen in this life time. Curious now, August folded her arms on the table and rested her chin on them in order to get a better view of the show, which was proving to be highly entertaining.


After the third time of repeating himself the girl finally managed to calm herself down long enough to point vaguely in August's direction. Was this guy looking for her? She was positive they didn't have practice today, but you never knew when it came to that manager of hers. He liked surprising the girls, even if it usually ended up in August turning into a raging monster. His best surprises typically were creating a makeshift marching band with pots and pans, which he then paraded through the dorm at eight in the morning. Due to this, August's relationship with him was usually only good in the afternoon hours of the day.


As she thought, the girl bustled over to August's table while glancing nervously over her shoulder. Straightening up, August smiled at the girl as she approached and tipped her head slightly in acknowledgement. It was something Naomi called 'being gracious to fans', which August apparently needed to practice twenty-four-seven if she wanted to make a good celebrity. It was good advice, but since it came from Naomi's mouth it had annoyed August.


"Would you be August Rivers?" The girl asked, her eyes continually flickering back to the young man. Her face was totally flushed, like she was embarrassed or something. After August nodded her head, the girl continued with, "there's a man up front who's looking for you. Is it okay if I show him to your table?" The girl obviously wanted August to say no, because then she would get more time to spend with this mysterious stranger. Glancing over the girl's shoulder, August got her first good look at the guy's face.


"No!" She squeaked, her cheeks flushing red. "I-I mean yes. Yeah. Sure" she choked out, shifting her position so that she was hiding behind the waitress, who seemed crestfallen that August had agreed. While the girl returned to the front to give him August's response, August started frantically removing all evidence of her impatience. After crumpling up the doodled on napkins August crammed them into the handbag that rested at her feet, then slipped her phone, with the embarrassing photo, into her pocket. By the time he had been escorted to August's table she was sitting peacefully at the table, trying to look unconcerned as she stared nervously out the window.


"Hello" he greeted, and it took all of August's self control to not whip her head around. Slowly she turned to face him, a small smile appearing on her face even though she wanted to grin.


"Thank you for being late, Taemin! I will buy you the world for this!" August thought, gesturing for Minho to sit across from her at the table. He nodded and took a seat before turning to the waitress and ordering himself a cup of coffee.


"Anything for you, ma'am?" The waitress asked coldly, glaring daggers at August as she held her pen poised over the pad of paper she carried.


"Um... orange juice?" August replied, to which the girl nodded curtly before striding off. August wouldn't be surprised if the waitress spit in her juice. Or poisoned it. Probably the latter. "So... Min- Oppa. What are you doing here?" August asked, correcting herself when she addressed Minho. She wasn't entirely sure about Korean terminology, but she was positive it was rude for her to call him by his name. At least... she hadn't heard any of the other girls address him by his first name. It was always Oppa this and Oppa that, and since Eun Mi and Chung Ae were Korean it only made sense for her to follow their example.


"Taemin ended up getting tied up by the interview, so he asked me to come and tell you he won't be able to make it today" Minho explained, smiling apologetically at August. "He's really sorry about it and promises to make it up to you"


"No, no! It's fine! I totally understand if he's busy!" August assured Minho, forcing herself to keep her brain working full force. After all, when you see a hot guy your brain stops working. When you see a handsome guy your brain abandons ship. And when you see Minho... your brain implodes. At least that was the logic August had come up with, and right now it seemed to have become a universal truth.


After this quick exchange of words an awkward silence filled the air between the two of them, making a stifling atmosphered. Unsure of what to say next, August chewed the corner of her bottom lip nervously and tried to think of something. Minho seemed to be having just as hard of a time, shifting awkwardly in his seat and avoiding looking at her. Thus the next few minutes passed like this, until the waitress returned with their orders. Even if the girl was shallow, August still felt relieved to see her approaching them with the drinks on a tray.


"Here are your drinks. I hope you enjoy" she said sweetly as she rested the tray directly center on the table, her back turned pointedly to August. Swallowing down the harsh words that were boiling up like bile, August reached out to take her drink from the tray. The waitress, being the 'amazingly' subtle woman she was, quickly rested her arm on the table between August and her drink in order to block her. Frowning, August retracted her hand and sunk down in her seat with her arms folded over her stomach. Apparently she was not welcome, although this girl had had no problems with August before Minho came in.


"Not that I blame Minho. He was just trying to do the right thing by helping Taemin out. It's this jerk who's the problem" August thought, glaring at the back of the girl's head. It wasn't just the girl's bad attitude that was annoying, too. It was how she was looking at Minho, with those pretty brown eyes of hers. Actually, now that August got a good look at the girl, she actually was really pretty. A lot pretty then some foreigner who had a school girl crush on an idol. August's shoulders slumped in defeat as she watched the girl make obvious attempts to flirt with Minho, who was very gracious about it.


"Ae Cha! Get your over here! You can flirt when your shift is over!" Another waitress snapped from across the cafe, waving irritably for Minho's not-so-secret admirer to join her. Ae Cha pouted cutely and sighed as she removed her arm from the table. Snatching her opportunity, August's hand shot out and back with her orange juice before Ae Cha could get a chance to react. Glancing over at Minho, she noticed a small smile on his face as he watched her desperate attempt to get her orange juice. Well... that was embarrassing. Lowering her eyes, August tried to ignore his amused expression as she began to blush.


"I'll see you later? My shift is over in twenty minutes" Ae Cha suggested, smiling seductively at Minho. August could barely keep down her breakfast just looking at this girl.


"Unfortunately I'm busy at the moment. Thank you for your service, though" Minho said, graciously ending the conversation. Ae Cha nodded in understanding before sashaying away, leaving August awe struck at how a girl could move her body like that. In comparison, August looked like an elephant when walking. Glancing over at Minho, she notice that he was also watching Ae Cha as she left. Maybe Naomi would be able to give her some pointers on how to walk. After all, when compared to Naomi it was Ae Cha who looked like the elephant, and an elephant with constipation problems at that. "I should go now" Minho sighed, picking up his coffee from the tray as he stood.


"Yeah... thanks for coming and telling me about Taemin" August agreed, keeping her voice light hearted even if she felt entirely crest fallen at the moment. Minho nodded and smiled before heading towards the door to the cafe. Sighing, August rested her chin against the table and stared blankly at her orange juice. It wasn't until the tinkling of the cafe's bell announced Minho's exit that she remembered Taemin's present.


"Shoot!" August exclaimed, reaching down and scooping up the gift as she flew out of her seat and towards the door.


"Ma'am! You can't leave without paying!" One of the employees called after her, halting August just before she went out the door. Groaning she pressed her forehead against the cool glass of the door's window for a moment before turning back around. She opened to try and explain her situation, but gave up once she realized it would be too late to catch Minho anyway. He probably drove here, so by now he would in his car and gone.


"Sorry" she mumbled, doing a quick bow before slowly heading back to her table. Dropping heavily into the seat, she placed Taemin's present on the table. Maybe this was for the best. She didn't want Minho to get the wrong idea about her and Taemin's relationship. It would be weird for anyone to misunderstand their relationship, as she had learned at the mall, but if Minho misunderstood August was pretty sure her entire world would crumble beneath her feet.


Despondently, August played with a bit of water on the table from the condensation on her orange juice while sipping at said orange juice.


Chapter 5 Note: Sooo... Over 60 views in three days! Yay! :D  I was thinking of writing a mini-story about Girls Dead Monster's members in High School, when they first started the group. Dunno if I'll do it while I work on this one or after it, though...

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#The Flames That Melted the Ice 333 views! (I'm bored, haha)


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Thank you so much! I'm really, really glad to hear (read? haha) your enjoyed it! :D
hee hee!!! bouncing up and down in my seat right now!!! this story was AWSOME!!!
oh my god!!! Eun Mi is sooo evil!!!
its a real good story
this chapter was sooo freaken good!!!!
Ashyunchick20 #6
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondeing if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
for some reason naomi seemed evil in the beginning...
Not sure if I'm supposed to comment on my own stuff, but... thank you so much! You have no idea how awesome it is seeing people are actually reading this! :D