(Special Chapter) Their First Time

The Unwanted Groom
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Luhan woke up to the sound of his alarm clock going off. Today’s his free day and though other people will take it as a chance to have longer sleep and to slack off all throughout the day, Luhan’s different. He makes sure that during his free day he’ll do something productive or something relaxing so he still wakes up early. Like today, Luhan misses touring the city on his own so he makes it a goal to do just that today.


He went out of bed and did some stretching. After that, he proceeded inside the bathroom to do his morning rituals. He, then went to the window and pulled the curtains open, allowing little rays of sunlight to pass through his moist, glass window. He wrote his name on the window with his delicate fingertip and puff a blow of air right through it after. With the sun barely up, and the leaves starting to fall to the ground with a faint thud that everyone fails to hear, some of them swirling in the humid air, Luhan has a feeling that today will be a good day and that something unexpected but is clearly welcomed will happen later. Luhan grinned at the idea.


The street isn’t that busy, only a few cars were passing by and a few his neighbors are already out taking a jog or a walk either alone or with their partners, some with their pets. The newspaper man is already out there giving the few chosen people a copy of the newsprint, the same goes with the milk and bread supplier too. Minutes later, he heard his doorbell being rung and Luhan happily skipped towards the door and opened it. It was Mr. Herman, the old mailman and Luhan bowed politely at him and gave him a warm smile which the mailman returned.


“Good morning, grandpops!” he happily greeted, “you have any mail for me today?”


“Of course, young man” Mr. Herman replied, already rummaging inside his messenger bag, “here you go”, he handed Luhan a blue envelope with the stamp that clearly shows that the letter was indeed from Seoul, his former place. Luhan gave his words of thanks to Mr. Herman who left after being hugged by the giddy Luhan.


Mr. Herman is one of the few people who helped Luhan to adjust in the new country he’s staying at - the States. It’s been a year since Luhan had to decided to move out and live his life in Seoul. Luhan’s an independent person. He loves living alone so when he finished schooling, he asked for his mother’s permission to let him move out and be on his own. He was 22 that time. Though heartbroken and weary because his oldest will now be moving out and will start living on his own which clearly means less time to be with him and less time to see him, his mother knows that she can’t stop him from doing things he wants and he trusted Luhan to make good decisions so she let him.


“Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” his mother asked him one night, a week after he told her about his plans. They just finished packing Luhan’s things for his flight is scheduled tomorrow. They were currently on Luhan’s bed, his mom’s arms wrapped around his waist. Luhan pulled his mother close to him and hugged her tightly.


“Ma, we already talked about this right? And you know I’ve already made up my mind” he replied.


“But I will miss you. I’m not ready to let you go yet!” his mother whined.


“Ma, I’ll miss you too but I’m already old enough to be on my own. Don’t you trust me?”


“But you’re still my baby. You’re my 22-year old baby who cries when he gets bruises or small cuts. You’re my 22-year old clumsy baby who you can bribe with sweets. You’re still my baby”


“Ma, I’ll be fine on my own.” he answered, chuckling at his mother’s statement, “I guess those are not your only worries, am I right? You’re afraid that I won’t come back home right? You’re afraid you won’t see me again right? But Ma, you will. I’ll come home eventually. I won’t stay there for life. Who knows? I might come home earlier than you expected. Don’t be sad, okay?”


“Who am I going to take care of now that you’re leaving?”

“Ma, are you forgetting that I’m not your only child? Ren is still here. He needs your attention, too and Papa also.”


“You’re right. Just come back, okay?”


“I will, Ma. Now go to sleep, we need to go to the airport early tomorrow morning” Luhan then turned off the lamp on his bedside table and cover themselves with the blanket he remembered his mom making for him when he was 16. Few minutes later, his mom’s already fallen asleep and he just watched her. He’ll miss her too but he has to go. He knows he needs to.


“Just take care and keep in touch. I’ll be depositing money on your bank account often to help you with your expenses” was his mother’s last words the next day before he boarded the plane. His mother hugged him for a good 15 minutes and the last announcement for his flight can already be heard echoing in the speakers so even though she still wants to hug her son longer, Mrs. Lu lets him go. She doesn’t want to be the reason why Luhan’s going to miss his flight. With a tear rolling off her cheek gently, she bid him goodbye. Luhan embraced her for one last time. Luhan then turned to his father and embraced him too. Luhan and him seldom talk with each other for they also seldom see each other the reason being that his father is a very busy man. He has a company to manage and he often went home when everyone, except his mother, is already asleep. The last person that Luhan embraced was his younger brother Ren. Being the only sibling that Luhan has, he’s very fond of him. He babied Ren so much and gave him a share of everything he has. They seldom fight, and if they do, it’s just over something trivial.


“Look after Mama and Papa for me, okay? I’ll miss you, Ren-ah” he whispered unto the latter’s ears. Ren embraced him tighter in return while whispering the words “I’ll miss you, hyung, take care okay?” and “talk to me often, come back soon”


Luhan pulled out from the embrace and ruffled Ren’s pink hair. He’ll miss him, too for sure. He wiped away the tear adorning his brother’s delicate features and gave him a gentle smile “I’ll come back soon, call me if someone is trying to hit on you or had hurt you okay?”


Ren just gave him a firm nod. He smiled at his family for one last time and then started pulling his suitcase with a heavy heart. When he had already passed the glass doors, he smiled at them again and spare them one last glance.


Upon setting foot at the States, Luhan can hear his heart beating rapidly but he braced and prepared himself for what is yet to come. He contacted his long-time friend who had happened to be staying at the place he is currently in. He’s one of the reasons Luhan had convinced his parents to allow him to move out. He assured his parents that a friend of his is willing to help him find a place stay at and a job that will help him cover the expenses.


He dialed Kris’ number and after two rings, he picked up. He informed him that he’s already outside the airport and is currently at the cab terminal. Kris told him that he’ll pick him up and he also offered Luhan a place to stay at temporarily.


A week after setting foot at the splendid city, he found a stable job as a barista at a coffee shop with a good pay and a cheap rental apartment which was cozy enough to live in, all thanks to Kris’ help. There he met a lot of great people who helped him learn the language much more. Luhan’s already a good speaker of the English language but having native speakers to guide him and teach him is a very great help. He balanced his time working, learning new things and touring the city.


Luhan smiled at the memory. Everything feels like they just happened yesterday but it’s been a year already. Time surely flies fast. Luhan stared at the envelope he was holding. It was a letter from none other than Baekhyun, his very reliable best friend. Luhan opened it and the message inside really took him by surprise.


You are cordially invited

to a once in a lifetime event


-Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun.



Luhan quickly picked up his phone and looked at the date today. It’s August 18, 2014. Baekhyun’s getting married in less than a year’s time! And it’s with Chanyeol! Getting over the shock brought by the letter, he dialed Baekhyun’s number and the latter picked up, two rings after.


“Hannieeee! Hello, darling! Have you already received the letter I mailed 5 days ago?”


“Uhuh, I’m holding it now actually and Baek! Oh my god! Is this for real?!” Luhan shrieked


“Yes, darling, yes! I hope you can fly here on our wedding day, I want you to be my gorgeous best man!”


“Of course, of course! I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Baekkie! So how are you?”


“I’m very busy these past few days! A lot of orders are coming in and I’m going crazy! I need you here with me!” Baekhyun whined at him.


“Now, now. Don’t get too frustrated, buddy. You don’t want to have a lot of wrinkles by your wedding day, right?” he .


“Oh my god! Who would want to have them? You’re right! I’m amazing and I’ll finish everything right before their deadline! Right, Lu?”


“Uhuh, I’m rooting for you! I miss you though” Luhan confessed. He can already hear a faint voice calling for Baekhyun and he knows that their conversation will be cut shortly.


“I miss you too, Hannie and as much as I like to prolong our conversation and catch up with you, Kyungsoo’s already calling for me - business matters. I’ll call you later, okay? Visit us soon please? Take care, Lu! I love you!”


“Okay, Baek. Tell Kyungsoo I said hi. Talk to you later!” Luhan ended the call, put it on his bedside table and started his day officially.


Deciding to just skip eating breakfast and making a mental note to pass by his favorite pasta restaurant, he got a set of fresh clothes from his closet and went inside the bathroom. He came out half an hour later. He dried his hair with a towel and got his shoes, the white high-cut converse, sat on the floor and put it on. After getting his wallet, phone and a handkerchief, he is all set to go. Checking how he looks for one last time at the mirror - bluish denim cardigan, black and white - striped shirt, gray tight pants and his converse shoes - Luhan left his apartment and locked it.


He went to the city proper and stopped by his favorite restaurant to buy himself some breakfast and got himself an Iced Americano and started strolling at the park nearby. Luhan smiled fondly at the kids that are playing at the playground, admiring how carefree each of them looked that moment. Luhan missed being a kid, although his childhood was short-lived for his parents are usually out and they only take Ren with them, leaving the older Luhan behind. Luhan didn’t get envious because of this though. He understands why their parents always favored Ren. The latter was sick and he needs to be taken care of 24/7, pampered and spoiled. Luhan grew up alone until he met Baekhyun during middle school and from then on, they became inseparable.


He was about to turn in the intersection when suddenly, a stranger bumped into him and spilled his Iced Americano on his cardigan.


“Mian- I mean I’m sorry. I didn’t notice you and it’s stupid of me to not look at where I’m walking” the lanky boy in front of him stated.


“It’s okay. You’re a Korean? My name’s Lu Han, and I lived in Seoul before” Luhan started, now speaking in the language he’s very much familiar with, beaming at the stranger in front of him and offered his hand for a shake which the stranger gladly took and gave it a firm shake.


“Hi. Yes, my name’s Oh Sehun”


“So you’re a tourist or you’re staying here?” Luhan inquired


“I am just on a vacation. I took a leave from work for the mean time”


“Oh, okay. So do you need someone to guide you and tour you around?”

“Uhm, yes. If that wouldn’t be too much trouble” Sehun replied, his hand rubbing his nape. Luhan gently smiled at him.


“Of course! I’ll gladly tour you around. Be prepared for an awesome touring!” Luhan replied enthusiastically. He held Sehun’s hand and started dragging him.


They walked pass the busy suburbs and ended up at the bus station. Luhan is still holding Sehun’s hands and Sehun just stares at him - clearly captivated by the person standing right next to him. Luhan whipped his head towards Sehun and he caught him staring at him. He gave him a gentle smile and squeezed his hand. Sehun felt his heart skipping a beat.


The bus arrived 5 minutes later. Luhan pulled Sehun with him and they rode it, the downtown being Luhan’s wanted destination. All seats were already taken so they had no choice but to stand on the aisle. Many passengers were still arriving, making the bus crowded so Luhan and Sehun ended up being squished at the far back, their bodies pressed against each other. The ride started and Sehun wrapped an arm around Luhan, who has both of his arms wrapped around Sehun’s, his other hand holding on the hanging straps to help him balanced himself so they won’t fall back.


“Are you okay?” he asked Luhan when the bus sped up a bit.


“Hmm” Luhan hummed. His left cheek is currently pressed at Sehun’s chest, Sehun’s scent starting to fill up his senses with every inhale Luhan does. Sehun, though a stranger to him, smells very familiar. He smells like Luhan’s favorite Sundays and the calming sea, mixed with a daily dose of sweet scents from his favorite forget-me-not, and the sweet and dark aroma of his favorite coffee. Sehun smells like home to Luhan. And with an arm wrapped around him, Sehun also feels like home to Luhan. A place where he hasn’t been for a long time.


The ride to downtown took about 15 minutes and when they arrived at the next bus stop where passengers can be unloaded, Luhan tugged Sehun’s shirt, signaling him that they already need to go down. They walked pass the stuffed up aisle, their foreheads sweating. Upon setting their feet on the pavement, Luhan pulled Sehun again. Luhan started touring Sehun around, bringing him to different places - restaurants he visits frequently, the museum and the art galleries. They also ended up inside an arcade where they competed in shooting hoops. Sehun, though a good shooter, ended up loosing by 2 points for when he was about to throw for the last time, Luhan called him and does an aegyo, successfully distracting Sehun. They also played drag race, this time Luhan lost for he was not really a good driver per se. He kept on bumping at different barricades and he’s not a good drifter, and Sehun was the total opposite of him. Sehun plays like a pro. Luhan stood up, pouting and his arms crossed. Sehun found him very cute that time and very adorable too. He ruffled his hair and this time, he pulled Luhan out. They spotted a stall that sells cotton candy and Luhan make a run for it, Sehun following suit. Luhan bought two co

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hope you can check out my new story! will update soon! 💞💕💁


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Chapter 7: What the helll nooo!!! T T this is so sad T T
Chapter 4: Darn i had been reading this story for the upteempt times. And will come back again n again
naimiestrella #4
Chapter 7: I has to subscribed again
Chapter 7: Gah this gave me massive chest pains
Chapter 7: This hurts.. Reading this.made me cry.. Dunno why.
naimiestrella #8
U know what is weird? That im subscribed and i have even comment but i can not read ch6 cause I need to subscribe again
Dettadwiarto #9
Chapter 5: Happy ending!! :)