Set Free

The Unwanted Groom
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Sehun hurriedly went on his way to meet with Ren. Though he’s a bit hesitant of leaving Luhan alone, he didn’t bring the latter with him for he doesn’t want to just spring up on Ren the truth that he’s together with Luhan now. He admits that he cares for him too. Ren was his return-to place while Luhan was gone and 4 years of being with him (2 years as a friend and 2 as his boyfriend) and the thought of hurting him with his honesty is hurting him also.


He arrived at the private room in the restaurant where Ren asked them to meet. It was the restaurant they went to whenever they decided to eat outside. He was escorted by the waitress and Ren was already there, sipping on his cup of coffee. When Ren noticed his presence, he immediately put down the cup and smiled at him. He smiled back at him and sat on the chair in front of Ren. He saw a box situated right beside Ren and he wonders what that box is for. Is Ren already moving in with him? That thought made Sehun tense on the inside.


“Hi” Sehun greeted, “have you been waiting for long?”


“Oh no, not really” Ren replied with a smile visible on his lips, “I already ordered something for us to eat, I hope you don’t mind”


“No, it’s okay. You already know what I like to eat here” Sehun assured him “so why did you ask us to meet?”

“Oh, that. First, I would like to say sorry for leaving you on our wedding day,” Ren looked at him apologetically, “you see I did it on purpose”


The last words were said in a whisper but Sehun heard them too well and it made him confuse.


“What do you mean ‘you did it on purpose’?” Sehun asked, his brows furrowed.


“Do you remember the first time we met?”

Though Sehun doesn’t know why Ren is asking him such question, he nodded his head nevertheless.



After a month of setting foot in Seoul and sulking and longing for Luhan, Sehun decided he needs time to unwind. So unwind, he did. He went to a mall and entered a bookstore, he is looking for a book that can help him move on. He knows the idea is ridiculous but he was hoping he can find one. While he was scanning the shelves, a moving pink object caught his attention. It’s a guy whose hair was in a pretty shade of pink and Sehun found himself staring at the stranger’s back longer than he must and when the guy turned around, Sehun felt his world stop moving.


“Luhan” he said in a faint whisper. He doesn’t know if it’s because he’s so lonely that he started seeing Luhan anywhere or the guy just look painfully a lot like Luhan. The pink-haired stranger smiled at him and turned around again, his back now facing Sehun. Unaware of what he’s doing anymore, Sehun walked towards the stranger, grabbed his shoulder and made him face Sehun.


“Lulu!” Sehun exclaimed.


“Oh, sorry but my name’s not Lulu, Sir, I am Ren”


His voice, it wasn’t like his Luhan’s, ashamed and disappointed, Sehun lets his hand fall on his sides and sighed.


“I’m sorry, I just thought you were someone I knew”


“It’s alright. Everyone does that, I’ll be going now then”


After that scene, Sehun exited the bookstore and went straight to the parking lot and went home. He ended up sulking much more than day and finishing 5 bottles of canned beer.


Two months after leaving States, Sehun was already back on track. He still misses Luhan though but he has a company to manage so he snapped out of his wishful thinking and started focusing on things that need to be done.


He just went out of work and he head straight to the nearest bar, the one he visits frequently, to relieve some stress and to forget for a day. There on one of the stools in the bar counter, he saw Ren - the pink-haired stranger he had mistaken to be Luhan a month ago. Sehun took the seat beside him and when Ren saw him, the latter’s eyes went wide in shock.

“Have we met before?” Ren asked him.

“Uh, yes, a month ago, in a bookstore” Sehun said shyly

“Oh, you’re the ‘Lulu’ guy, was it?”

“Yes, I apologize for my actions that time”

“Oh, no it’s okay” Ren flashed him a wide smile

“I haven’t introduce myself properly back then though, I’m Sehun, Oh Sehun” Sehun reached out his hand to initiate a handshake and Ren took it enthusiastically

“It’s nice to meet you again, Sehun”


They had a fun time together - Ren and him. Ren was glad to see the man who’s been hunting him in his dreams for a month now again. After drinking, Ren asked him to go to a park nearby to help Sehun sober up a bit. Sehun had drank a lot more than usual that night.that he didn’t notice his phone that was once situated in his pants pocket was now on the bench, going off, with an unknown number flashing on its screen.



Ren took a phone out of the box and gave it to Sehun. Sehun immediately recognized it.


“This is my old phone. You told me I lost it so where did you get it?” Sehun asked Ren, who’s now looking a little bit uneasy.


“The first night we drank together, you were very drunk that time and when we’re at the park, you fell asleep. Your phone fell on the bench, I took it and I took you home. You left it in my apartment. I forgot to give it to you the very next day for you left earlier than I thought and I didn’t know where to return it” Ren told him


“But we met a week after coincidentally, you could have returned it that time, why didn’t you?”


“I was afraid to lose you. When your phone’s with me, an unknown number kept on calling your number and I have a feeling that the caller was the ‘Lulu’ you were repeatedly calling in your sleep and my hunch was proven true when he left a voice mail for the next days. It was a selfish move, I know”


“I… I “ Sehun was at loss for words. He immediately turn on his phone and went to the call logs and sure enough, there were a lot of missed calls, messages, and voice mails all from the same number.


“Is there anything that you kept away from me?” Sehun bravely asked him.


“Yes” Ren answered him, his voice already faltering. He placed the box on top of the table and pushed it lightly towards Sehun. Sehun opened the box and there he saw a lot of unopened letters.

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hope you can check out my new story! will update soon! 💞💕💁


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Chapter 7: What the helll nooo!!! T T this is so sad T T
Chapter 4: Darn i had been reading this story for the upteempt times. And will come back again n again
naimiestrella #4
Chapter 7: I has to subscribed again
Chapter 7: Gah this gave me massive chest pains
Chapter 7: This hurts.. Reading this.made me cry.. Dunno why.
naimiestrella #8
U know what is weird? That im subscribed and i have even comment but i can not read ch6 cause I need to subscribe again
Dettadwiarto #9
Chapter 5: Happy ending!! :)