
The Unwanted Groom
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2 months passed by in a blur to Sehun and Luhan’s loveless marriage. In that 2 months, Sehun and Luhan didn’t had any normal conversation. The only conversations they had involved shouting and Luhan leaving Sehun behind after their argument. After every fight they had, Luhan will ran upstairs and pull out his luggage under the bed and hurriedly stuff his clothes inside it and he’ll leave the house without even looking back. And every time Luhan left, Sehun was sure to fetch him the next morning and take him back.


After numerous fights, they toned it down and they avoid each other. Sehun busied himself with work, leaving early in the morning before Luhan woke up and coming late in the evening - drunk. And nursing a drunk Sehun has been Luhan’s hobby for the past two months. It pained Luhan to see Sehun in such a broken state. He wanted to take his pain away but he wasn’t capable of that. So Luhan always cradled the drunk Sehun to sleep, whispering sweet nothings to him every time. Sehun may not remember it the next morning but Luhan doesn’t mind. He loves taking care of Sehun. He wants to take care of Sehun. Arguing with Sehun has been only his defense mechanism. He wanted to be thrown out of the house so he won’t suffer more. But he knows that deep inside, a part of him - a big part- wishes for the opposite. He wanted to stay - very much so.


Selfish it may sound, but Luhan sometimes wished for Ren to not come back to Sehun yet for he still wants to be with the latter. Because when Ren came back, Luhan knows he won’t be needed anymore.


Today happened to be an unusual day though. Sehun didn’t leave that day. Right now, Luhan and him was having breakfast at their spacious dining table. The silence is deafening but Luhan didn’t really bothered initiating a conversation. They were fine with this. Luhan stood up from his seat to get a cup of coffee for himself. He can feel Sehun’s eyes trained on his back while he was pouring himself a cup and it’s making him uncomfortable. Feeling uneasy, Luhan accidentally knocked down the cup while he was reaching for the creamer and the content of the cup spilled on his hand.


“Ouch!” Luhan was about to blow at his now reddening hand when suddenly Sehun grabbed his hand and blew on it instead.

“Stay put, I’ll just get the burn cream upstairs” and before Luhan could even protest, Sehun was already rushing up the stairs.

3 minutes after, Sehun was already applying the cream on his hand while Luhan just sat there on the kitchen stool, heart beating loudly inside his chest - his eyes trained on the busy Sehun.

“Luhan” Sehun suddenly spoke


“Please be careful next time” Sehun reminded him.

“Okay, I’m sorry for causing trouble”


Sehun stood up and ruffled Luhan’s hair, and then went back to the dining table, sighing he said “It’s okay, apply the cream again later. Don’t worry about washing the dishes, I’ll take it from here, just go back to your room and if you need something from me, I’ll just be in my study room. ”


Luhan went upstairs and preceded inside his room and slumped on the bed. He sighed. Frustrated, he ruffled his hair and lie on the bed, his feet dangling on its edge. Sehun’s a big confusion machine. Some days, he treats Luhan like and makes it clear that he doesn’t want to do anything with him and some days, he does these things. Those little things that make Luhan’s heart flutter. And Luhan likes it and hates it at the same time. He likes that Sehun cares for him. He hates that he’s falling deeper for Oh Sehun.


“I’m hopeless” Luhan blurted out.


An hour after, Luhan heard a knock on his door. He knows it’s Sehun.


“Come in” he said


A casually dressed Sehun opened the door and stepped in his room.


“Why?” Luhan asked.

“I’ll be going out for a while. I’ll be meeting with Jongin. He told me that he’s near to finding Ren” Sehun told him. After hearing Ren’s name, Luhan felt something prick his heart, making it sting.

“Okay” was Luhan’s only reply. Sehun just stared at him.

“Just okay?” Sehun asked.

Frowning, Luhan said “Yes, what else do I have to say? Take care? Come back early? I’ll be waiting for you?”

“Nothing” and Luhan was sure that he heard Sehun let out an exasperated sigh “I’ll be going now”

Seconds later, Luhan heard the door close gently. He slapped himself lightly that moment.


“Luhan,you bitter piece of life form!” he mumbled.


It’s been 2 hours since Sehun left, and Luhan is already bored. As if on cue, his phone rung. It was Baekhyun.

“Hello, Baek?”

“Luhan! You little prick! Where are you?! I haven’t seen you since your wedding day. What have you been up to? Are you playing the ‘good husband’ role now?”

“I am not playing the ‘good husband’ role, Baek. I just became busy”

“Oh really? Busy loving Sehun even though you know he doesn’t love you anymore?” Baekhyun teases.

“Oh, shut it Baek! You don’t need to rub salt to my bleeding wound”

“Aww, my poor Luhannie! Want to meet today? If you’re not busy, that is”

“Sure, same place?” Luhan asked.

“Yup, I’ll be there in an hour. See you, sweetie”


After hanging up, Luhan quickly grabbed some clothes and went inside the bathroom. He went out a good thirty minutes later. When he’s done fixing himself up, He decided to inform Sehun but then he remembered he doesn’t have Sehun’s number. He went out of the house and hailed a cab. After 20 minutes, he reached Heaven’s Cafe - Baekhyun and his’ favorite place. There on their favorite spot, he saw Baekhyun who’s busy tapping on his phone. Silently, he walked in strides towards him and decided to startle poor Baekhyunnie. When he’s two tables away from Baekhyun, Luhan started crawling towards him. He crawled under their table and held Baekhyun’s right leg.


“Kyaaaaaah!” Baekhyun screamed and Luhan nearly died of laughing because of Baekhyun’s face.

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hope you can check out my new story! will update soon! 💞💕💁


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Chapter 7: What the helll nooo!!! T T this is so sad T T
Chapter 4: Darn i had been reading this story for the upteempt times. And will come back again n again
naimiestrella #4
Chapter 7: I has to subscribed again
Chapter 7: Gah this gave me massive chest pains
Chapter 7: This hurts.. Reading this.made me cry.. Dunno why.
naimiestrella #8
U know what is weird? That im subscribed and i have even comment but i can not read ch6 cause I need to subscribe again
Dettadwiarto #9
Chapter 5: Happy ending!! :)