First Years

Acacia Academy

It was tradition at the academy to host an event in order for the first-years to meet each other. This year, it was decided that the event would be a treasure hunt. The students would be divided into groups and given certain clues to begin which would lead them to more clues and, eventually, the treasure.

Before the treasure hunt began, the students were gathered in the gymnasium to mingle and meet people from other classes. Most people stuck with their own classmates, but there were some that got to know others. 

 "Oh, so that's how you guys did it. Was this something you guys had planned?" 

"Yeah, we've been planning it for a while," said Nara.

Nara had been explaining the process of her notorious first day prank with her brother to a group of students who approached her with faces of awe.

When she finished explaining, she went back to her brother who was with their new group of friends.

"Another one?" asked Myungsoo. Students had been approaching the twins all day to ask them about the stunt they had pulled.

"They caught me while I was coming back from the bathroom," Nara said with a look that could almost be described as amazement mixed with fear.

"I see we have a little-miss-popular here," teased Woohyun.

"Shut up, Boohyun," Nara retorted.

Suddenly, the sound of someone clearing their throat, which belonged to one of the teachers with a voice amplification power, brought their attention to the front of the auditorium where they saw the teacher floating high in the air where everyone could see him. 

"Is he being levitated by someone else or does he really have two powers?" Sungyeol asked his friends.

"It looks like the levitation is coming from that other person over there," said Howon as he pointed to the teacher at the side who had her hands up towards the floating teacher.

"Is that Ms. Park?" asked Woohyun as he squinted at his teacher to get a clearer look.

"I believe it is," Sungyeol affirmed.

"Sick power!" Woohyun exclaimed.

The floating teacher began to speak as if he was using a megaphone.

"Welcome students to Acacia Academy. We have a special day planned for you in order for you to familiarize yourself with others in your grade. To start off, separate yourself into groups of seven or eight for some icebreakers." The sound of rustling spread throughout the gymnasium as the students not-so-quietly tried to sort themselves into groups.

"What's as icebreaker?" Myungsoo thought out loud.

"Ah, young one. It's a game that allows us to get to know others." Woohyun explained as he put his arm around Myungsoo which Myungsoo pushed off while glaring at him.

The teacher then continued with, "Every group must have at least two of each magic class. This means two elementalists, two peculiars, and two hybrids. The rest may be whatever you like." The room suddenly filled with a collective groan.

"Begin sorting!" the teacher announced with a slight tone of annoyance.

The students dispersed and look around for people to form a group with. Some dragged along a friend in order to have at least one person they knew. Nara and Howon were no exception. 

The twins approached a pair of friends looking around and asked them if they would like to form a group.

"That sounds good. We're peculiars and you guys are hybrids, right?" asked one of the new group members.

The twins responded with agreement and a slight bit of surprise.

"Okay, now we just need four more people," said one of the new group members.

A tap on Nara's shoulder made her turn her head around to face a girl who Nara had seen in her class on the first day.

"Hi, do you mind if I join your group? I'm a hybrid." said the stranger with the familiar face.

"No problem. We were looking for more people anyways." Nara replied. Nara turned back to her group to tell them of their new member.

"Now we just need three more people. Two of which need to be elementalists." said the other unknown peculiar.

"Hey, isn't that the guy we saw in detention?" Howon asked Nara through their mind link.

Nara turned to where Howon was looking and spotted two boys leaning against the wall, one of which was indeed someone she had seen in detention.

"Yeah, that was the guy who was next to that threatening Min Yoongi guy. I think his name was Kim Taehyung." Nara replied.  "They seem to be alone. Should we ask them to join us?" Nara wondered.

"I mean we do need more people. Hopefully they'll be elementalists." said Howon.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to look for more group members," Nara told her group as she began to approach the two boys by the wall. 

"Excuse me, are you two elementalists?" Nara asked the boys.

"Yeah, why?" asked the other boy who she had not seen before.

"We still need more members for our group. Would you like to join us?" she asked.

The boy looked towards his friend who had not yet spoken and he gave a shoulder shrug in response.

"Sure, why not," the stranger replied.

"Okay. The group is over here." Nara said as she brought the new members back to her group.

When Nara came back with new members, the girl from Nara's class said, "Oh good, now we have enough members."

The sound of the teacher's voice once again rang to tell them that they would be starting with the first activity soon.

Nara and Howon's group were ready to go and were waiting for the activity to begin when someone approached them to ask to join in.

"Excuse me, do you have any space left for me to join? The activity is starting soon and I haven't found a group yet," the stranger asked in a polite tone.

The group looked around to each other before discussing if they should allow someone else to join. Seeing as they had seven people, they did have the space for one more person.

"We have seven people, so you are welcome to join if you need." Howon replied.

"Thanks," the stranger said as the teacher announced the first activity.

"We are going to start off with something easy. Get in a circle and introduce yourselves to your groupmate. The introduction should be things like name, class, and a brief description of your power. Now begin!"

The twin's group quickly formed a circle and chose who to start from. It was decided that Nara would start and Howon would follow.

"Hi, I'm Nara and I am a hybrid in 1-1. My power is called Wind Whisper which allows my soul to act as wind meaning I can speak through wind, and my element is obvious enough." When Nara finished her introduction, Howon began.

"I'm Howon, Nara's twin, and I am also a hybrid in 1-1. My element is wind and my power is called Sonic Boom. It allows me to compress air waves to make sound and also can cause strong gusts." Howon ended his introduction with a slight demo of his powers. Then, the next person began.

"I'm Mina and, like Nara and Howon, I am also in 1-1. My element is time and my power is Time Travel, which is pretty self explanatory. Currently, I can only go at most five minutes into the past and into the future. There's not much else to my power." Mina had her jet black hair tied back on her head and she wore square glasses that framed her face perfectly. Unlike many of the other students that Nara had seen that day, she was one of the only students who wore her uniform properly with her shirt tucked in and her skirt to an appropriate length.

"Hey, my name is Hansol, but you can just call me Vernon. I'm in the Hawking class." In the side of the school where peculiars studied, the classes were named after famous figures in science and technology, instead of numbers."My power is Super Strength. I can control when it is active so don't worry about your hand being crushed from a handshake." 

"Hi, I'm Seungkwan and I'm in the Hawking class too. My power is Super Vision. You might think that it's just x-ray vision, but it is more than just that. I can also see clearly even from very far distances and I can see almost microscopic things too." 

"I'm Taehyung. I'm an elementalist and I belong to the East class. My power allows me to manipulate time." Like the peculiars, elementalists also have special names for their classes which are named after the directions, North, East, South, and West. Their class system, however, differs in more than naming. In the elemental classes, students from all grades are taught together, regardless of age.

Even though Taehyung had finished, the person after him had not begun. Seeing this, Taehyung nudged the boy next to him.

"I'm Jungkook. I'm also from the East class and my element is fire."

The last member of the group to introduce himself was not sure if the previous person had finished yet so he was quite surprised when Nara tapped him on the shoulder. "Your turn," she told him

"Oh, I'm Sehun. I'm an elementalist and I am in the West class. My ability is to control wind." Sehun then turned to look at Nara and Howon. "Unlike these two,  I can actually use my element."

There it was. The discrimination that Nara and Howon had been expecting. They heard warnings that they would be picked on when they reached the academy due to being hybrids, especially because they had the wind element which is one of the most common elements.

There were certain families that look down on hybrids because they believed hybrids tainted the pure elementalist blood by mixing it with inferior peculiar blood. Hybrids had the highest potential for power which is why some people turned to having them, but their immense power was rarely achieved and occasionally, children would even be born without powers.

Even though Nara and Howon had seen it coming, it still stung when they heard it.

Because of Sehun's comment, the mood of the group had gone sour. Fortunately for the twins, the teachers announced that the main event was about to begin meaning they could finally be rid of Sehun.

Just as they were about to begin cheering, the teacher had added that the teams for the activity would be formed by splitting their group into two. To do this, the members chosen to be leaders for each team, which were chosen by the teachers, would select their members in alternating fashion.

In their group, Nara was chosen to be a leader. Unfortunately, so was Howon.

After the leaders had finished picking the members, their teams were complete. Nara's team consisted of Mina, Taehyung, and Seungkwan while the rest went to Howon. Sehun included. Howon had chosen Sehun in order to protect his sister as she was more hurt by the comments than he was.

When all the first years had finished making their groups, each team was given a slip of paper with a clue on it. They had five minutes to try and figure out the clue with their team before the doors of the gymnasium were opened for them to start hunting. Of course, the gymnasium also had a barrier put up right before the beginning of the activity, in order to prevent students from using their powers to get a head start, which would be removed at the same time that the doors opened.

Nara looked down at the paper and stared at it as if the answer would pop out at her if she stared at it for long enough. On the paper, the clue read,

     Fullness makes me empty, and so does the ring. Nearest to my portal, under it will cling. 

"Anyone know what it means?" Seungkwan asked the group.

The other group members all looked at each other, then looked around to see if any other groups had figured it out.

"I think I have an idea," Nara said as her group turned their attention to her.

"Where do you think it is?" whispered Mina.

"I can't tell you right now because of all these people around. When the doors open, follow me," Nara responded. Her teammates seemed a bit skeptical but still nodded their heads in agreement.

Meanwhile, Howon's group had been brainstorming ideas out loud since the moment they read the clue.

"Maybe it's in the hallway by the main door," Vernon suggested.

"But how would the first part apply then?" Howon asked.

"This is such a simple riddle. I guess it's more than just your powers that are weak. Are you sure you don't need my help?" Sehun taunted. Howon and Vernon refused to take any hints from Sehun after his derogatory comments, stating that they would rather lose than take his help.

"We're fine," Howon responded in a harsh tone.

"Whatever you say," said Sehun as he drifted back to what he was previously doing.

"What cou–I've got it!" Howon exclaimed.

"Prepare yourselves, we will commence in five seconds," the teacher announced.




"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" questioned Taehyung.




"Only one way to find out," Nara responded.




"Are you absolutely sure you're correct?" questioned Sehun




"I'm sure," Howon responded.




Every team had started heading towards the door in order to be the first ones out.




And they ran off.

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Chapter 1: I see that change ;) can't pull a fast one on me
spadeangel #2
Chapter 3: Omggg are they always going to walk in the end of each chapter??