First Sight

Acacia Academy

The last bell was a signal of freedom for most students. Nara and Howon, however, still had to face the consequences of their prank. 

As the other students packed up to leave, the two of them headed towards the detention room to face their punishment. 

When they entered the room, they were shocked at the fact that there were others there too. Looking around the room, they saw four other boys sitting at desks around the classroom. 

In the corner of the room, they spotted Myungsoo looking out the window. Seeing as he was the only one they knew, they decided to sit near him. 

"Hey Myungsoo. What are you doing here?" Nara asked.

"I was caught using my powers." he said without turning to face them.

"But what's so bad about that?" asked Howon.

"I used dark magic." Myungsoo muttered

"Oh." the twins chimed together.

Dark magic was a rare form of elemental magic that was banned from practice in most places because of how dangerous and uncontrollable it was. The school only accepted dark magicians in order to teach them how to control it so that it wouldn't go chaotic. That meant, outside of specific teaching time, it wasn't allowed to be used. The topic was generally avoided in conversation too.

The sound of footsteps at the door caused the twins to turn and face the direction of the new arrival. Another teacher entered the room with his hand tugging on the ear of a student to lead him along. 

"I caught this one trying to skip detention." the new teacher said.

"Min Yoongi! Do you think this is appropriate for the first day of school? You already managed to get yourself in here and now you are trying to avoid your punishment?" said the teacher supervising detention. "You are in your third year already! Try to set a better example for your underclassmen!"

Min Yoongi. The school's ice prince with porcelain skin and snow-like hair. He wasn't actually royalty, but by his entitled attitude, no one would think he wasn't. Coming from a powerful family with deep roots in one of the more prestigious forms of magic, ice magic, he was known not to be messed with. People say his glares would make you freeze in fear, or actually freeze if you annoyed him. 

With an icy voice, he spit out, "Let go or I'll make you let go."

The teacher holding onto his ear quickly let go before shuffling a few steps back. As Yoongi turned to exit the room, someone approached the classroom. The newcomer had a dangerous smile that dared others to test him. 

"Where do you think you're going, Min Yoongi?" he said with a superior tone.

Luhan. Nara thought as she stared at her cousin's deadly expression. 

Luhan was the son of the headmaster and was now in his fifth and final year as a student. Everyone knew that this meant he, and his two brothers, who were triplets, were preparing to take over the responsibility of the academy, him especially due to his power. This was because Luhan had one of the rarest forms of elemental magic, soul magic.

It was originally found in the bloodline of the royal family because it allowed the royal family to essentially control the souls of their kingdom. As the monarchy transitioned to the current system, soul magic followed along into the current era.

Those who were once in power changed their focus onto magical teachings. The kingdom, that was always fascinated by magic, was intrigued by the magical acacia tree and had decided to build the school around it. 

When the school was built, the royal family took off their royal robes in exchange for teaching gowns. Their soul power was then passed down to the next generation of educators and the following, ultimately onto Luhan's hands.

Because he had this extraordinary power, the whole student body knew not to get in his way. Min Yoongi included. 

"Nowhere." he whispered as he turned back and took a seat at an empty desk. 

Luhan stepped out of the classroom, gesturing to the other teachers to follow him out for a talk.

"I wonder what he did to get detention on the first day." Nara said quietly, diverting her attention back to Howon and Myungsoo.

"I froze an annoying first-year like you." Yoongi said in an annoyed tone. " Guess who's next."

Uh oh. Nara thought as she gulped in fear.

"Maybe keep your mouth shut until he's out of hearing range next time." Howon told her sister through their mind link.

A boy nearby tapped her on the shoulder and whispered to her, "Don't worry, he's more bark than he is bite."

"Well, I hope I don't get bitten. That would make for an interesting first-day-of-school conversation with my parents." Nara whispered back.

"I'm Wonwoo. What about you?" he asked.

"I'm Nara." she replied.

"Oh, you're Nara. I heard about your puppet show. Let me guess, the guy sitting next to you is Howon." said Wonwoo.

"Yeah, this is my brother. So I guess you know why I'm here then. What about you?" Nara asked.

"I may have blurted the answers for my class's pop quiz this morning."

"Pop quiz? It's the first day of school and you have a quiz already?" Nara questioned with a shocked appearance.

"Well, third-year can be quite difficult sometimes." Wonwoo said with a tired expression.

"Wait, how did you know the answers?" Nara wondered.

"I read the teacher's mind. That's my ability." Wonwoo explained.

"And you just decided to blurt them out?" said Nara.

"I mean I may have gotten detention, but I saved my class from having to do the quiz." Wonwoo said proudly.

"Oh, so you're Robin Hood." Nara stated with an amused expression.

"I prefer Superman, but Robin Hood works too." Wonwoo said with an amused expression mirroring hers.

"Will the two of you shut up!" Yoongi yelled in frustrated tone.

"Dude, chill." the boy sitting next to Yoongi said.

"Kim Taehyung, shut your mouth before I shut it for you." Yoongi said while glaring at his neighbour.

Taehyung raised his arms to show a surrendering pose as he went back to what he was previously doing.

The teachers strolled back into the class and started to head towards a student with her face on her chin and a bored expression.

"Park Jiri. Stand up." the teacher instructed. The girl stayed stationary as she stared into empty space.

"I said stand up!" the teacher yelled then slapped a ruler on the desk. The girl still didn't shift.

"Call Luhan back in here." the teacher instructed the other teacher.

Soon, Luhan returned with a confused expression. 

"What seems to be the problem?" Luhan asked politely.

"This student put an duplicate of herself here instead of actually showing up." the teacher explained.

"Well, she must be nearby if she is casting herself here." Luhan added.

"Would you mind using you power to locate her, Luhan?" the teacher asked.

"Oh, it's no problem. I'll go search for her now." Luhan said before heading out the door to search for the missing student.

He came back a while later with his arm dragging a girl identical to the one with the bored expression at the desk. Not long after, the student at the desk disappeared.

"Well, the rest of you can leave now. Park Jiri, you have to stay for another hour." said the teacher. 

Jiri sighed as the other students prepared to head home. Soon, the others were all out of the class, and only her and the teacher remained. The teacher made her write the same phrase 'I will not ditch class by sending my copy instead' over and over again to make sure it was the real one.

By the time she finished, dusk had already fallen and the moon began to awake. As she walked through the empty hallways, she thought to himself, "Not worth it."

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Chapter 1: I see that change ;) can't pull a fast one on me
spadeangel #2
Chapter 3: Omggg are they always going to walk in the end of each chapter??