First Day

Acacia Academy

"Never would I ever have imagined that I would be getting noogied by the headmaster," thought Nara. "What about you, Howon?"

"Well I mean he is our uncle, but yeah, getting noogied by the headmaster is weird," thought Howon, back to his sister. 

"Are you kids using your mind link again? Anything you have to say can be said out loud," said the headmaster. 

"Well, do we say it out?" thought Nara. 

"I mean mom always says to not say anything if we don't have anything nice to say," said Howon using the mental link he had with his twin.

It was a power that the two of them shared. At all times, they would be able to share their minds. This meant they always knew how the other felt and what the other was thinking. It was convenient at times, but it occasionally got annoying. Especially when one of them woke up early and decided it was time to wake up the other.

Normally, siblings would wake the other one up by calling them or perhaps even shaking them vigorously. These two, however, had their own method. If an awake sibling tried to communicate while the other was asleep, the awake sibling would appear in the other sibling's dream. This made for some interesting conversations in the early morning.

"Well if you kids aren't going to say anything, I guess it's my turn to speak," the headmaster said with a rather annoyed tone.

He continued with an authoritative finger shake and asked in a interogatting manner, "I hear that you played quite the trick on your class this morning. The two of you scared the whole class into believing you were possessed. What do you have to say for yourselves?" 

"I'm sorry?" Howon said, not to sure himself.

"It was fun," Nara said which caused her brother to glare at her.

Before the headmaster could speak again, the door was forcefully pushed open, producing a great gust of wind, and their teacher, Ms.Park, appeared.

"Sir! These hooligans disturbed my class by scaring them out of their seats!", their teacher shouted politely, as if to scold them yet remain professional in front of her boss.

Nara opened and began, "Well"—"Don't you dare continue that thought, Nara," said Howon, telepathically.

She closed and slouched back into the chair.

"From what I heard, it wasn't that bad," exclaimed the headmaster. "Yes! He's on our side!", the twins thought to each other. 

"But I agree, they still need to be punished," he added. "WHAT?!", the twins mentally exclaimed.

"Yes sir. I believe an acceptable punishment would be to write a 1000 word apology essay on disturbing the class," the teacher said with a condescending look.

"That is way too much for a simple joke," cried Nara while Howon nodded in agreement.

"Yes, indeed, that is excessive," said the headmaster. "It should be enough that they receive a one hour detention. Only one day is enough seeing as it's the first day of school."

The twins smiled to show their agreement.

"But that means no devices or snacks," the headmaster added.

"And, of course, as your homeroom teacher, I will be supervising," said the teacher with the same look as before.

"Good thing she doesn't know about the link yet," thought Nara. 

"Think uncle will tell her?", asked Howon.

The two looked at the expression of the headmaster.

"I think we're fine," said Nara through the mind link.

"Then, should we work on our next plan?" asked Howon.

"Deal," she replied with a slight smile.

"I guess we spent quite a while in there. Class has already ended," Nara thought.

"Well, it's lunch time now so I guess we should get something to eat," Howon added as they left the office to head towards the cafeteria.

As they looked for a table to settle at after grabbing their food, they heard their names being called out.

"Nara! Howon! Over here!" 

As they turned towards the voice, a familiar face was calling for them. 

"Come join us!" yelled Woohyun.

The twins walked over and noticed other familiar faces, though they could not connect them to a name.

"What you guys pulled, that was seriously cool but seriously freaky," said Woohyun as he invited them to sit down.

"Seeing as you guys got pulled out at the beginning of the class, you missed this guy's introduction," Woohyun explained as he gestured to a brooding boy, looking down at his food with boredom.

"This is Kim Myungsoo. He's pretty quiet, but he's friends with Sungyeol so we asked him to join us too," said Woohyun. 

"Nice to meet you, Myungsoo, I'm Nara," said Nara with a slight smile as she extended her hand to him.

He lightly shook it while quietly muttering, "I know."

"So that's Myungsoo, and that's Woohyun, so you must be Sungyeol," said Howon as he pointed to Sungyeol before exclaiming, "Oh, it's heart-mending oppa."

Sungyeol glared at him before saying in a deadly tone, "Never call me that again."

Howon rose his eyebrow and shot him a questioning look. "Why not?"

"I'd rather not be called oppa by a guy," said Sungyeol with the most how-do-you-not-get-that look.

"Oh," Howon said to himself silently.

"Then, can I call you oppa?", asked Nara.

"I mean you're a girl, so maybe?" said Sungyeol.

"What about hyung? Can I call you that?" added Nara. 

"What is the deal with the two of you?" questioned Sungyeol as he shook his head.

The twins simultaneously made identical goofy poses, and said, "Who knows?"

While Sungyeol was debating whether or not he should leave the table to avoid catching whatever the twins had, another student appeared beside the table and sat down next to Myungsoo.

"Yo, Myungsoo. How's the first day of school?," said the stranger.

Nara directed her attention to Myungsoo and asked, "Who's this?"

"My cousin. And my day's alright. It was a lot more interesting than I expected thanks to these two," said Myungsoo.

"I thought you said he didn't speak much," Howon asked Woohyun.

"All I said was that he's quiet. I didn't mention a single word about how much he talks," Woohyun said back, the quietly whispered, "But I thought so too."

"Hi, I'm Kim Sunggyu. I'm in class 3-1. Are you guys all first-year hybrids?"

"Yes, the 100 of us are human students made up of a combination of DNA of other elemental human beings and peculiar human beings," said the twins in synchronized, robotic voices.

"Uhh, what?", said Sunggyu with a confused expression.

Sungyeol just sighed before explaining, "Just get use to these weirdos. This is their tame form."

"It's not my fault. She's the one who comes up with the crazy ideas," argued Howon.

"Well who's the one who agrees to the crazy ideas, Lee Howon?", Nara snapped back while glaring at her brother.

The twins stared at each other while preparing to duel mentally.

"Think you're so tough don't ya, Hoya," Nara taunted.

"You don't scare me anymore, little sis," Howon taunted back.

She booped her brother's mental image in the eyes and he physically flinched, while holding his face with a look of pain, confusing the other's at the table.

"What just happened?", questioned Woohyun.

"Nothing. My brother is just a bit scared of me you see," Nara said proudly then taking a bite of her food.

Her brother glared back at her while she motioned to punch him. Then they went back to their normal, goofy-smiled selves and brought their attention back to the rest of the table. 

"Is this some weird twin thing?", asked Woohyun.

"Something like that," the two of them said together.

"So, how did you two even pull off what you did?" asked Woohyun. Then, he took a sip of his drink before adding, "I mean I get the thunder, but what about the rest?"

"Well," Nara began to explain, "My power allows my soul to leave my body and turn into wind. When I do this, my soul can move around freely. It also allows me to whisper through the air as wind. That's my element you see."

Being hybrids, they had their abilities which resembled peculiar abilities, but they also had elemental souls which allowed them to manipulate said element. Unfortunately, hybrids generally had specific requirements to use their elemental powers or the powers were so weak that they were simply considered latent.

"But as you saw, it's not much of a whisper. It's more like a whale," Howon added.

"Did you just call her a whale?" said Sungyeol.

"I mean whales are pretty loud," said Myungsoo.

"Wait, are you guys the first-years that caused that huge puppeteering-gone-wrong prank?" asked Sunggyu.

"Guilty," the twins admitted. "How did you know about it?" Nara added.

"Oh, everyone's been talking about the breeded first-years who managed to make their whole class pee their pants," said Sunggyu.

"We're famous!" Nara cheered to her brother.

"More like infamous," Sungyeol muttered under his breath.

"I mean it's better than being known as the heart-mending oppa," said Howon which made Sungyeol glare at him.

Woohyun turned towards Sunggyu with a confused look and asked, "What does breeded mean?"

Sunggyu shot back with a similar confused look then had a moment of realization.

"Right, you guys are new here. Breededs are most people call hybrids at this school. You might hear the term thrown around," Sunggyu explained.

"Hmm, good to know," said Woohyun.

The bell rang, signalling the end of their lunch period. Slowly, student around them started to head towards their next class. 

"I'll see you kids later. It was nice meeting you guys," Sunggyu said before he disappeared into thin air.

"Whoa, did he just teleport?" Woohyun asked in awe while staring at the spot where Sunggyu was standing moments ago.

"Yeah, that's his power," Myungsoo added.

"That's wicked!" Woohyun said.

"It's getting late. We should start heading to class too," Howon addressed to the group.

The remaining first-years at the table all got up and started heading towards their homeroom. As they walked through the nearly empty hallway, there was plenty of  tickling, chasing, and laughs welcoming them for the journey to come.

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Chapter 1: I see that change ;) can't pull a fast one on me
spadeangel #2
Chapter 3: Omggg are they always going to walk in the end of each chapter??