First Impressions

Acacia Academy

The acacia tree. Native to tropical regions throughout the world, one must wonder how an acacia tree is found in the middle of this city. The region is not particularly warm, nor is the tree native to the area. Despite all this, the tree is all natural.

Well, as natural as magic can get. The fact is this tree is no ordinary tree. It was cultivated through the ancient powers of spirits at the burial ground of a goddess. The magical spirits and the goddess merged into the physical form of a root which grew into a large acacia tree. 

This tree is located at the center of the academy, or more accurately, the academy is located around the tree, and it symbolizes the magical elements of our school and acts as a historical mark of the ancient forms of our powers. 

Today, thousands of young magicians learn under the wisdom of the acacia tree. Although the magic used today has deviated from what once formed this tree, the respect and power of this ancient magic is still widely thought of. Some of this ancient magic can still be seen through elementalists, due to elemental magic being genetic, but a new type of magician has arisen. 


People whose powers are expressed through one particular ability. This ability can range anywhere from super speed to mind control. These powers did originate from the elemental powers, but they are now vastly different, and have to be taught separately. That's why Acacia Academy teaches elementalists and peculiars separately. Besides these two groups, there is also a third, the hybrids. 

Hybrids are children of both elementalists and peculiars. Their powers would be a mix of both parents' which give them much higher potential with the exception of latent hybrids. Latent hybrids are like hybrids in that one parent is an elementalist and one is a peculiar, but they don't have any apparent abilities, due to a clash in powers. This causes them to be essentially powerless.

Latent hybrids are still accepted into the school under circumstances, but it is hard for a latent hybrid to compete with able-users for acceptance into such a competitive school. That is the risk of hybrid children. But, as the saying goes, high risk, high reward.

"Welcome to class 1-1. We will start off the year with some simple introductions. Come up, and tell us a bit about yourself. Let's start with Nam Woohyun." said the teacher, who had introduced herself as Ms.Park.

When his name was called, a boy with a mischievous smile stood up and strolled to the front of the classroom. 

"Hello, my name is Nam Woohyun, and I can turn invisible and levitate."

The boy suddenly blinked out of sight then reappeared moments later by the windows to the side of the classroom. Then, he began to levitate until he was half a foot of the ground. 

"This is as high as I can go right now, but I hope to improve it soon so I can hover around like a ghost. I also hope that I'll be able use both powers at once, but I'm not sure I can find a use for that. It would still be cool to do though." The other students slightly chuckled.

"BOOHYUN!" yelled one of the other boys at the back of the class. The class laughed at the nickname as the teacher instructed Woohyun to go back to his seat.

"Next, Lee Sungyeol."

A tall, handsome boy stood up and walked to the front of the class as students whispered about his model-like appearance.

"I'm Lee Sungyeol, and my power is healing. Not sure how I should demonstrate that." he said in a neutral voice.

A girl suddenly cried out, "Can you fix my broken heart, oppa?"

"Not sure I can, sorry," he said with a slight confused tone and went back to his seat.

While looking at the class list, the teacher called up the next student. "Lee Howon."

Showtime. Nara thought as she made eye contact with her brother.

She was then picked up by him and they proceeded to the front of the class. He sat her down on the floor in front of him and began his introduction.

"Hi, I'm Lee Howon, and my power is puppeteering." he said as he stuck one hand out above his sister while wearing a confident face. He began to make pulling actions and his sister followed along, as if they were a puppet and master. He led her around a bit before his arm suddenly dropped to his side and it appeared as his arms were stuck. 

"What's happening?" he exclaimed with panic.

The puppet then turned around and started to head towards him, seemingly to choke him. Just as she was about to reach his neck, she dropped to the ground like a rag doll. The class suddenly felt a cold gust of wind.

"Did anyone else feel that?" said one of the students.

Then, the sound of thunder clapped throughout the class.

The class began to panic and cower in fear. 

"BOOHYUN, ARE YOU DOING THIS?" yelled the same student that had given him the nickname.


"YOU HAVE ANGERED THE GODS! PREPARE TO PAY!" a mysterious voice crawled into the ears of the students with a cackle.

The whole class yelled at the top of their lungs and started running around like beheaded chickens. Then, everything stopped. 

Slowly, the girl lying on the floor stood up and dusted her uniform skirt.

"Hello, my name is Lee Nara, and I am Howon's twin sister."

The class remained frozen with shocked expressions as they watched what they thought was a doll introduce herself.

"My power is wind whisper, and we apologize if our little demonstration caused any emotional harm."

Again, the class remained stationary and they blinked to try and understand what had just occurred.

"Also, I am no puppeteer. My power is actually sonic boom which is how the thunder sound was made." said Howon and he snapped his fingers to recreate the thunder sound.

After another pause of silence, the teacher suddenly yelled, "LEE NARA, LEE HOWON, GO TO THE HEADMASTER'S OFFICE!"

The two siblings chuckled as they headed towards the office and high-fived each other.

"Worth it." they whispered to each other.

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Chapter 1: I see that change ;) can't pull a fast one on me
spadeangel #2
Chapter 3: Omggg are they always going to walk in the end of each chapter??