Epilogue 1/2

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The moment I saw her walk through that door, my heart already knows that she's the one. When our eyes met for the first time, I felt the need to be with her.

It wasn't easy at first, I had to contain my feelings for her, believing that I'll get over it. For the sake of our group, for the sake of friendship, but the more I tried to distance myself, the more I'm pulled into her.

Her smart remarks whenever she interacts with my hyungs and other SM artists. She looks tough outside, but with people close to her, she's soft and sweet.

She's more than just a pretty face. She's the smartest person I've ever known. She also has the softest heart and I'm so lucky she chose me. 

I'm far from being perfect but she chose me. Our relationship had its ups and downs but in the end she stayed. She proved that my mistakes aren't enough for her to give me up. Though everything was a lie, I know how it hurt her. Those months are the worst part of my life, I almost lost her. I'm just so thankful that we found our way back to each other.

And here I am, looking straight into her misty eyes as she walks down the aisle towards me. Her round eyes also not leaving mine. As if speaking the words I already know. 


True love does exists and she's a living proof. I felt a knot in my heart that went straight to my throat. Oh God. Not now. I felt the burning sensation in my eyes. I was never a crybaby but with her, damn, the tears just won't shy away. It was such a happy day for them to fall but I guess I too happy to hold them back. 

Yes, I, Lee Taemin, cried on our wedding day. 

I probably won't hear the end of it from my dear hyungs. I will have to wait for them to fall so deep in love, as much as I love Mina, before they stop making fun of me because of this. But right now, all that matters is Mina. 

My baby.

She doesn't look real with that wonderful white wedding gown. The lace covering her arms and neck until the top of her chest. The delicate cloth fits upto half of her abdomen and from there, the cloth flows like a balloon, covering the baby bump. She's five months on the way and I can never be happier knowing there's a part of me inside her.

I was so lost in her eyes and I realized she's already in front of me when her dad tapped my shoulders. He didn't say a word,but I already know what he wanted to say. I looked at him and nod. Thanks to Kibum hyung, who gave me a hankie before the ceremony started, i was able to dry my tears. 

When I look at her again, I felt like I return to the first day she barged into the room and the first time our eyes met.

I felt it.

My heartbeat. 

It was beating so fast that time, as if it wanted to go out of my chest. 

Then the first time we kissed. It was her who initiated it and it took me by sur

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Everything written here are fruits of my imagination, so please bear with my twisted mind. :) And everything is for the love of SHINee


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noomin #1
Chapter 35: Hhhhh i laughed at what key said hhhhh that's soooo like him
nerry55 #2
Chapter 31: Ji Yeon needs to be exposed!!! Ooo I can't waitt for what will happen next! Thanks for the update!
Chapter 30: This was cute, but I'm not too satisfied with her forgiving him just like that. They didn't even find out the truth yet. Well, I guess things are only gonna get better from here? :)
I love Taemin T-T and it sounds interesting
noomin #5
Chapter 30: Awww hhhhh i love pregnant mina hhhh
noomin #6
Chapter 29: Waaaaaa i'm sooo happyy yaaayyyyy i knew it she's going to be pregnant goshhh amazing chapter
noomin #7
Chapter 28: Thank god they found her i hope nothing happened to her i can't wait for tae to know the truth and to get back with mina they have suffered enough already
Thank you so much for taking time to read my story! I wrote this not expecting to gain any subscriber knowing I lack in so many aspects when it comes to writing.
I'm so grateful that there are people who appreciate my first ever story!
Please stay with me until the end of Taemin and Mina's story.
Will update soooooon :)
Love you all muah!!!
noomin #9
Chapter 27: Ohhh noooo i just hoped that things will get better between them and that the truth will be revealed but their situation got even more complicated goshhh taem must be so heartbroken now knowing she left without informing him beforhand and mina poor her i hope u'll update soon
Chapter 27: Ji Yeon needs to tell thr truth :'(