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Mina's POV

I tried opening my eyes but the blinding light causes me to close it again. Where am I? Am I dead? I tried to recall what happened. I can remember joining a hiking group when I arrived in Busan after almost two months of continues travelling. I've been to different parts of South Korea, trying to find something to make me forget but I failed, miserably. He's always on my mind. And when I arrived in Busan I saw an advertisement inviting individuals to join a group of hikers and I instantly felt that excitement again. I used to be carefree. Before I met Taemin, I love to climb mountains, go to the sea, everything that's exciting used to make me feel alive. But everything changed when I chose to be with him. His busy schedule won't allow us to travel. We'd spend our time hanging out on my place or their dorm. I never complained. Being with him makes me happy and contented. But now that he's no longer with me, I hope that adventures will somehow fill in the loneliness inside me.

I was so excited that day. I met new friends before we started the hike. Somehow I feel... alive again. Everything was fine until I felt dizzy. I told them I'll just take a break but I guess they didn't hear me because when I opened my eyes I couldn't find them. I'm not sure which way to go so I stayed at the same place hoping that other group of hikers will pass by or the group will go back to find me. But hours passed, no one came and it's getting dark so I decided to walk which I regreted instantly. I couldn't find the way back to the place where they left me. I'm sure they'll go back for me once they realize I'm not following them and they will surely go back to the trail. 

I'm lost. I admitted to myself when it's already dark and I couldn't find my way back to the trail. I decided to build my tent and spend the night in the woods. I still have food inside my bag so I'm okay till tomorrow. I was about to sleep when I felt something from outside the tent. I kept quiet and listened carefully. I could hear growls from outside. Oh ! wild animals! I must have been walking deeper into the woods. I know just what to do, with a thumping heart, I slowly opened the tent. And in the darkness I heard their growls and when my eyes adjusted in the dark, I saw at least three pairs of eyes looking at me as their prey. I made a few steps back before I turn around and run as fast as I can, leaving all my things behind. I felt them chasing me and I never stopped until I fell into a pit. I winced in pain when I tried to stand. Though it's dark I am sure I injured my ankle. I want to scream for help but I can't. I've lost all my strength and my head is spinning. I was thinking if that will be the end for me, if no one comes to help me, it will surely be. I cried, I'm afraid. All I want to do is go back home. I prayed so hard until I've used up all my strength and surrendered to the darkness.

I tried opening my eyes again. I saw the white ceiling and when I roamed my eyes, i realized I'm inside a hospital room.

"Mina, you're awake!" it's mom. Everyone gathered beside me when they heard mom. My dad, broth

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Everything written here are fruits of my imagination, so please bear with my twisted mind. :) And everything is for the love of SHINee


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noomin #1
Chapter 35: Hhhhh i laughed at what key said hhhhh that's soooo like him
nerry55 #2
Chapter 31: Ji Yeon needs to be exposed!!! Ooo I can't waitt for what will happen next! Thanks for the update!
Chapter 30: This was cute, but I'm not too satisfied with her forgiving him just like that. They didn't even find out the truth yet. Well, I guess things are only gonna get better from here? :)
I love Taemin T-T and it sounds interesting
noomin #5
Chapter 30: Awww hhhhh i love pregnant mina hhhh
noomin #6
Chapter 29: Waaaaaa i'm sooo happyy yaaayyyyy i knew it she's going to be pregnant goshhh amazing chapter
noomin #7
Chapter 28: Thank god they found her i hope nothing happened to her i can't wait for tae to know the truth and to get back with mina they have suffered enough already
Thank you so much for taking time to read my story! I wrote this not expecting to gain any subscriber knowing I lack in so many aspects when it comes to writing.
I'm so grateful that there are people who appreciate my first ever story!
Please stay with me until the end of Taemin and Mina's story.
Will update soooooon :)
Love you all muah!!!
noomin #9
Chapter 27: Ohhh noooo i just hoped that things will get better between them and that the truth will be revealed but their situation got even more complicated goshhh taem must be so heartbroken now knowing she left without informing him beforhand and mina poor her i hope u'll update soon
Chapter 27: Ji Yeon needs to tell thr truth :'(