

"Bark! Bark!"


"Ugh! Why is it so noisy in the morning?!" I asked myself, annoyed at how my sleep was interrupted. The walls in the building isn't very thick, so therefore I hear what ever happens to my neighbors. Wait. Minji moved out two weeks ago... I only have one neighbor now and that person has a night job and is usually sleeping in the morning or is just getting back from work. Why is it so noisy then?


Since my curiosity got the better of me and therefore, I went outside, still with my morning face and hello kitty pajamas on, to go check. As soon as I opened the door, I immediately regretted it. A bunch of boxes were laying right in front of my door, and with my half-asleep mind, I tripped flat face on the ground. What a great way to start my long awaited weekend. While I was still lying on the ground, I heard the bark once again and a husky voice asking if I'm alright. Great. People saw me.


After mustering my courage to show my embarrassed face, I started to stand up. When I was on my fours, I noticed a hand with stylish yet manly rings on the fingers. I'm guessing the owner of the dog is offering his hand to me. In order to be polite, I took it. His strength quickly and effortlessly pulled me up.


"Thanks." I muttered, ashamed to show my face. Even with just his hands and face, I could already tell that the man was attractive. My morning face, bed head, and black-rimmed glasses were probably nothing compared to him. I mean, really? The guy has rings on his hands! It's already for sure that he's stylish and attractive.


"No problem. Are you okay?" He asked with worry. I answered him with a simple nod, but I guess he wasn't satisfied with it because he dipped down his head to take a good look at me. This unexpected gesture caused me to almost fall back. Had he not caught me in time, I would've fallen for the second time today. Though, since I was caught, our bodies are now pressed close against each other with his hands on my back and mine lightly gripping on his shirt.


"Uhh.. sorry about that." He hurriedly apologized while biting his lower lip and his right hand his neck. I was awestruck. That simple gesture is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. Though, something about him seems familiar.


"Uhh.. It's fine." I replied. I knew I was blushing. The temperature probably raised a few degrees. "So, are you new here?" I asked.


"Yeah. I live in that room." He pointed to Minji's previous room.


"Oh. So, we're next door neighbors then," I replied with a smile. "Hi. I'm Sandara Park." I formally introduced myself.


"Hi. I'm Kwon Jiyong." He introduced himself. Kwon Jiyong? Like.. the one from facebook? Omygosh. This isn't true. There are probably a lot of Kwon Jiyong's out there. Though, he does look like the one from the pictures.


"Do you want to have some pancakes in my apartment or something?" He offered. "Since you look like you haven't had breakfast yet and my boxes did make you trip. Just think of it as an apology." He quickly added.


"Sure." Outside, I tried to act as casual as I could, but on the inside, I was freaking out. I completely forgot that I was still rocking my "fresh out of the bed" look. Oh crap. After looking closely at him, his fitted white tank top sculpted his lean body. The skinnie jeans showed off his style. To top it off, his belt was visible, including the big star in the middle. It was casual, yet still trendy.


"I don't have much furniture yet, but I've got a table and a couch in. Oh! And also my electronics and stuff." He informed me.


"Ahaha, it's okay. You're offering me free food anyway. Who am I to turn that down?" I told him playfully and even added a wink there. That little wink at the end caused him to laugh. His laugh was like a melody from heaven. I wanted to hear more. Oh god. I'm already developing a crush on a guy I met just a few minutes ago.








I was still hanging out with Jiyong even after the pancakes. I feel like I'm over staying here a bit, but he doesn't look like he minds since he keeps on continuing the conversation.


"Do you have facebook?" He asked me.


"Yeah." Facebook; that brings a lot of memories.


"What's your name on facebook? I want to add you." He asked before logging into his account.


"Same as my real name. Sandara Park." I answered.


"Huh? That's weird. It says I already have you on." He said with a puzzled face. To confirm that it really was me, he showed it to me.


"Weird. That really is me." How come I already have him on my facebook? I kept on wondering this question until it finally hit me.


"Well, I guess I'll just go add both of the Kwon Jiyongs' facebook."

I added the fake Kwon Jiyong. This is the real one.

He really is THE Kwon Jiyong.


Oh how small the world is, the facebook world I mean.


Let's see how this ride turns out to be.








Annndd.. that's the end :D Kind of a cliffhanger... and I don't know if I'll write a sequel or not.


Soo.. please write a comment on what you think :D

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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 4: I love the view. Im not understand it at first. Then, i repeat it again and again. I love view. I love view. I LOVE YOU !! Hahahaha
Chapter 7: sequel author-nim!!!!!!!!! DARAGON!!!
YuukiPot #3
Sequel! Oh pretty please author-nim. .
Like this so much!
joyzly12 #4
Nice story.. and i really like it.. please make a sequel. :) please
ohhh.. please make a sequel.. thanks for this
browneyesmouse04 #6
this makes me giddy like crazy! COME ONNNN CONTINUE THIS!!:3
stitchaddict #7
this surely need a sequel dude. i demand sequel!!1 :D
BowzNrain #8
Please do a sequel!! Pwetty please with a cherry on top!! ^^ <3 I really loved the originality of this story, and I would live for you to continue your amazing writing into a sequel !!! ^^
Lots of love!!