Chapter 4


Dear Diary,

Jiyong and I have been talking these past few days. We talk about almost anything. Sometimes we flirt… yeah. I’m kind of crushing on him now too. I mean, his personality is the best. He seems to always be optimistic about things and oddly, he always seems to read my mind and understand me. I feel like we’ve already met each other in real life, but unfortunately, we haven’t. When I suggest meeting up somewhere, he always turns it down. Although, I understand since he said that he doesn’t live in Korea. What I don’t get is why he even turns down video chat requests. I mean, at least we could see each other’s faces, right? Is he insecure about his appearance or something? I don’t know. Anyway, I’ve even asked Bom to show me a picture of him, but she keeps saying that she doesn’t have a picture of him. I highly doubt that since she has a picture of pretty much all her friends. Oh well, I’ll see him someday.

Speaking of Bom, she’s been acting weird lately. It’s as if she’s debating against herself. I’ve asked her what’s wrong a couple of times, yet she keeps on saying it’s nothing big. I’m really hoping it’s nothing big.


Minji is moving out in five days. It’s going to be lonely without her here, but she promises to come and visit me. Of course, I’ll be visiting her too. So, I guess the fact that she’s moving is okay.






I’ve never been a fan of stalking people on facebook, but that’s exactly what I’m currently doing.


“Okay. K-w-o-n  J-i-y-o-n-g. It’s the one without the profile picture.” I muttered to myself. Why does he not have a profile picture anyway? Oh well. The other Kwon Jiyong has one, so I guess I know that I’m talking to the right guy.


Wall: A whole bunch of guys and girls having a conversation with him. None of them seem familiar to me.  OH! He posted a status a few days ago. It’s the most recent one he has.



Now take away “THE” and sound out what it says ;) ”


“You like this.”


Wait. How come I’m the only one who has liked this status? I’m pretty sure a few girls would click like in this status and some would even comment on it. Maybe he doesn’t have a lot of people in his friends’ list? But… it says he has more than 500 people on his friends list. I’m quite sure that at least one person would like this status besides me. Wait. I have to make sure my hypothesis is right.


One ring. Two rings. Hang up.

Should I call her back? I don’t know. Oh wait! She called me back!


“Bom!” I exclaimed on the phone.


“Yeah? Why did you call?”


“I need to confirm something.” I declared with determination.


“You sound so… Nevermind. What do you want?”


“I want you to go search up Kwon Jiyong on facebook then go on his wall.”


“Why?” Bom hesitated.


“Just do it!” I impatiently proclaimed.


“Fine. Okay. Now what?”


“Now go find the most recent status he has then read it to me out loud.”


“Uhh.. he posted, ‘Like for a tbh.’ What’s so special about this? Why’d you want me to search it up? Wait. Are you creeping him on facebook?” All of a sudden, a flood of questions drowned me, but the water didn’t affect my thinking. If his latest status that Bom can see is “Like for a tbh”, that means he blocked her from seeing the most recent status that I saw.


“Kay. Thanks Bom. Gotta go!”


“Hey wai--” Before she could finish, I had already hung up on her.


Anyway, does this mean I was the only one who could see that post? … No. He probably just blocked Bom so that she couldn’t bug him about who the status is really about, right?








This Sunday was my “alone time”. Once a month, I take time to relax just by myself. Everyone needs time where they can just be themselves, where there are no pressures or judgements from peers. Even if the time is limited to a few minutes, it’s healthy to just be alone and think about anything. Therefore, I dedicate and look forward to that time where I can just sit back and think; no distractions, no anything.


This time, I went to a trip to the beach. A lovely golden sun soars high in the air as if claiming its territory up in the sky and a calm and peaceful ocean lies beneath it, what more can a person ask for? I’m happy just being able to see the view. Swimming in that ocean is a bonus. Before I could actually swim in the ocean, I had to apply some sunscreen. I try to always protect my skin in anyway.


“Is this seat taken?” I asked a stranger. Slowly, he turned his turned towards me and shook his head.


“Okay. Do you mind if I sit here?” I asked, hoping to hear his voice. I concluded that he was probably between 17-19 years of age judging from his face. I was curious as to what he sounded like.


“No. Not at all.” He replied without looking in my direction. His voice, oh god. It sounded kind of … y. He’s beginning to really attract me, but before I could ask for his name, someone had called for him and he left to go to that direction. Oh well.


Maybe I’ll see him again later on.








After returning to the apartment building, I did my usual routine; I stopped by Minji’s apartment to help her pack, go home, call Bom, then go on facebook.


Oh! Jiyong was on.


Sandara Park

Heyy :) How was your day?


Kwon Jiyong

Good. Stayed home :/ You?


Sandara Park

Went to the beach.


Kwon Jiyong

Ooohlala ;) Bikinis and whatnot ;P


Sandara Park

How erted :P


Kwon Jiyong

Can’t blame a hormonal teenager ;)


And the rest of my night was spent talking to Jiyong.







The next day, I woke up extra early because it was Chaerin’s birthday. Chaerin and I have had our ups and downs. Though lately, we’ve been arguing. I want to make it up to her since it was partly my fault. So, I decided to decorate her locker.




There! The locker’s open; it’s time to start wrapping it with some birthday decorations! Suddenly, I notice something, her phone. It buzzed. It’s still buzzing. Oh god! How do I end it? Quickly, I grabbed her phone and start pressing random keys.




I clicked on her text messages. Wait. Bom messaged her. I wasn’t planning on snooping around her phone, but my urge to do so defeated me.


“I feel bad for Dara. I mean, I’m tricking her. What should I do Chaerin-ah?”


Tricking me? What’s Bom talking about?


Is it…?






As soon as I spotted Bom, I quickly confronted her.


“Bom, the Kwon Jiyong I’ve been talking to is fake. Truth or Lie?” My stare at her never faltered, but Bom’s head slowly dropped to the ground while biting her lip. I knew the answer before she said it herself.








So that's it for this chapter (: Tell me what you think.

I think this story will have maybe about 2 chapters left?

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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 4: I love the view. Im not understand it at first. Then, i repeat it again and again. I love view. I love view. I LOVE YOU !! Hahahaha
Chapter 7: sequel author-nim!!!!!!!!! DARAGON!!!
YuukiPot #3
Sequel! Oh pretty please author-nim. .
Like this so much!
joyzly12 #4
Nice story.. and i really like it.. please make a sequel. :) please
ohhh.. please make a sequel.. thanks for this
browneyesmouse04 #6
this makes me giddy like crazy! COME ONNNN CONTINUE THIS!!:3
stitchaddict #7
this surely need a sequel dude. i demand sequel!!1 :D
BowzNrain #8
Please do a sequel!! Pwetty please with a cherry on top!! ^^ <3 I really loved the originality of this story, and I would live for you to continue your amazing writing into a sequel !!! ^^
Lots of love!!