Chapter 6


“Minji, I can’t believe you’re actually going now.” I said, trying to hold back sobs.


Since the incident, Bom, Chaerin and I have gotten closer and promised not to do that to each other again. The remaining days after the whole “Kwon Jiyong thing” occurred went by like the wind. Each passing day was like the usual. I would go to school then either hang out with Bom or Minji. Now was finally the time where my best friend leaves to go back to her parents.


“Yeah. Dara, promise to visit me okay?” Minji replied while holding her pinky up. “Pinky promise me.” She added with a smile.


My pinky slid against her and they curled up together.


“Pinky promise.” I concluded.


With that, her father picked her up but our friendship will remain.








“Dara! Can I use your laptop for a second?” Bom asked.


It’s been two weeks since Minji left the building and there is no one who’s currently renting it out right now. Therefore, I’ve been neighbour-less for two weeks now. It’s lonely not having Minji around. Besides Minji, I never really did know anyone in the building. So, I always try to have some friends over. Today, it was Bom and I’s time to have our best friend time.


“Yeah. Go ahead. It’s in my room.” I replied, turning my back to go get us some food to eat.


“Mmkay.” With that, Bom stood up to go bring the laptop on the couch. What’s she going to do anyways? Oh well. Probably just going on facebook, like the typical Bom.


After I set the chips on the table, I lazily sunk into the cozy couch. A few seconds after, Bom emerged into the living room in the laptop on one hand and charger on the other. After setting up the charger and putting the laptop down, she immediately went on the internet. Curious as to what she was doing, I peeked over her shoulder. As predicted, she was already logged on facebook.


“What are you going to do?” I asked.


“Stalking some people.” She snickered with a mischievous gleam in her eye.




“The real Kwon Jiyong. Well, at least the one that the fake Kwon Jiyong was made from.” Bom replied nonchalantly.


Now, I was interested in this facebook stalking. There was some tension between us about the “Kwon Jiyong” issue, but now we can look back and laugh. At first, I was just pretending to be okay with it, but now, I really am. It wasn’t hard to get over a fake guy.


Once Bom clicked on his photos, I was utterly stunned. His albums were filled with pictures of what I assume is him. Though, that’s not what made me stunned. It’s the fact that he was cute, y and handsome; the ideal guy for looks. Before I realized it, I already grabbed the laptop from Bom and started to click on specific pictures of him that intrigued me.


One was of him with his eyes squeezed shut while biting his lips. The Band-Aid on his cheek added more to his cuteness. He possessed dark brown, almost black, hair that seemed to flawlessly frame his face. His skin seemed too smooth for a guy to have. Oh damn. He has captured me with just a single picture. I needed to see more.


Another picture consisted of him wearing hot pink pants and fitted black shirt. To top the outfit of, he wore a sailor-like hat. Normally, I wouldn’t like this outfit on a guy, but he had made hot pink the definition for manliness. This picture exuded so much charisma, especially with his posture and dark, captivating gaze.


With each click, I learned more about him. He has a dog! A Shar-Pei to be exact. One of his photos shows him sleeping with his dog beside him. His, most likely dyed, blonde locks flattered his soft-looking face. With both his dog and him sleeping, it really was an adorable sight.


“Dara! Give me back the laptop!” Bom exclaimed while buttering her voice with a “cute” 5 year old-like voice.


“Aish. Fine.” As I said that, I grumpily crossed my arms and pouting my lips a bit.


After a few seconds, we both ended up laughing due to our earlier actions.


Yeah. We’ll be best friends forever.



Next chapter will be the last one (: I was going to make this one the last chapter but I decided to chop it into two pieces. It’s not because it was too long tho ;P

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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 4: I love the view. Im not understand it at first. Then, i repeat it again and again. I love view. I love view. I LOVE YOU !! Hahahaha
Chapter 7: sequel author-nim!!!!!!!!! DARAGON!!!
YuukiPot #3
Sequel! Oh pretty please author-nim. .
Like this so much!
joyzly12 #4
Nice story.. and i really like it.. please make a sequel. :) please
ohhh.. please make a sequel.. thanks for this
browneyesmouse04 #6
this makes me giddy like crazy! COME ONNNN CONTINUE THIS!!:3
stitchaddict #7
this surely need a sequel dude. i demand sequel!!1 :D
BowzNrain #8
Please do a sequel!! Pwetty please with a cherry on top!! ^^ <3 I really loved the originality of this story, and I would live for you to continue your amazing writing into a sequel !!! ^^
Lots of love!!