Chapter 3


My eyes are lying to me right? I mean… he can’t be talking to me. Well, he can but… I didn’t expect him to. Wait. What should I say? Heey? Heyy? Hey? Hi? Hello? God. There are way too much options to say.


Sandara Park

Heyy (: How are you?


Play it cool Dara. He’s just a normal guy.


Kwon Jiyong

I’m surprised.


Sandara Park



Kwon Jiyong

Cuz I thought your first question would be, who are you?


Sandara Park

You’re Bom’s friend. Good enough for me. Plus, you called me pretty ;)


Okay. A little flirting there. It’s not bad though right? Oh god. Please flirt back. Please flirt back. Please flirt back.


Kwon Jiyong

That’s cuz you are one of the most beautiful girl I’ve seen. ;)



Deep breaths. Deep breaths. No one’s every complimented me like that. It feels nice. Ish? But.. It’s my first time talking to him. I’ve never met him before. He’s just trying to be more friendly and flirty.



Sandara Park

What a lie ;P


Kwon Jiyong

It’s no lie babe ;)



Play it cool.



Sandara Park

What a flirt :P


Kwon Jiyong

Well, I don’t know how else to approach such a gorgeous girl like you.


Change the subject. I can’t handle this thing. I need Bom here with me. Oh wait! Should I go call her and ask her what to say? Nah.


Sandara Park

So anyways…  let’s play 20 questions! :D


Kwon Jiyong

You first then :)


Sandara Park

Where are you from?


Kwon Jiyong

Not living in Korea, that’s for sure. You?


Sandara Park

Living in Korea, that’s for sure. Age?

Kwon Jiyong

18. You?


Sandara Park

Turning 18 in November.


Kwon Jiyong

This is boring.


Sandara Park

Yeah. I know. I’m TRYING to make it boring ;P


Kwon Jiyong

Why? Cuz you don’t want to blush over my flirting skills? ;)


I already have.


Sandara Park

You wish :P but I’m hard to get ;)


Kwon Jiyong

Challenge Accepted ;D


Sandara Park

What challenge?


Kwon Jiyong

To get the most stunning girl I’ve ever seen :)


Sandara Park

And who is that?


Kwon Jiyong



After quickly running to the mirror to see what my face looked like, I immediately regretted it. I’m blushing! God! I’ve only talked to him today and I’m already blushing! “I’m hard to get”, my . With a simple 5 minute conversation, I’m already slightly crushing on him.


Sandara Park

..I gotta go now. Bye. Nice meeting you.




Oh crap. I just humiliated myself. I completely blew off the whole “play it cool” act. He’d have to be stupid to not get the fact that I’ve already fell for his flirting skills.


Kwon Jiyong

Bye :)


So, that went smoothly. I should probably go tell Bom, since well, she is the “match-maker”. Within three rings, Bom already picked up. So, I told her everything that happened. Now the teasing’s gotten even worse. Oh god. I can’t wait for tomorrow.







Walking inside the apartment was …different, no more than different. It was the complete opposite as to when I first strolled in Minji’s room. This time it was bare, well, the living room was bare. She’s only finished taking everything down in the living room but I’m already missing her old apartment. Her piano was gone, her little disco balls were packed away, and all her posters were off the walls. I’m going to miss her indefinitely.


“Who’s going to be my new neighbour now?” I asked her.


“I don’t know, but I overheard from the landlady that some guy around your age will.” She responded.


“Well, either way, I’m going to miss you.”


“Aish. Stop bringing that up. It’s not like I can change my parent’s decision.”


I released a tiny sigh.


“Yeah. That’s true.” I concluded.








Normally, I would to go to my apartment after visiting Minji. However, this time I’m going to the mall with Bom. It’s our weekly time to go and shop or look for some hot guys. Well, it’s mostly Bom doing the hunting.


“Dara, this would look AH-MA-ZING on you! Go try it on!” exclaimed Bom. Before I could look at the piece of clothing, Bom had already pushed me inside the changing room. It was just a shirt with purple Hyacinths’ decorated along the lower half of the top. Bom’s fashion sense is usually more chic. She would never think this looks “AH-MA-ZING” on me.  Oh well.


After opening the door to show Bom the shirt, I noticed her hastily trying to put something back in her purse. What’s she hiding from me?


“So, what do you think?” I casually ask.


“Ehh. No. Let’s go look for clothes somewhere else.” She replied.


“Uhh.. okay.”







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alwaysdreamygirl #1
Chapter 4: I love the view. Im not understand it at first. Then, i repeat it again and again. I love view. I love view. I LOVE YOU !! Hahahaha
Chapter 7: sequel author-nim!!!!!!!!! DARAGON!!!
YuukiPot #3
Sequel! Oh pretty please author-nim. .
Like this so much!
joyzly12 #4
Nice story.. and i really like it.. please make a sequel. :) please
ohhh.. please make a sequel.. thanks for this
browneyesmouse04 #6
this makes me giddy like crazy! COME ONNNN CONTINUE THIS!!:3
stitchaddict #7
this surely need a sequel dude. i demand sequel!!1 :D
BowzNrain #8
Please do a sequel!! Pwetty please with a cherry on top!! ^^ <3 I really loved the originality of this story, and I would live for you to continue your amazing writing into a sequel !!! ^^
Lots of love!!