
Almost V

Appa says the second day of something is always better than the first because you know what to expect, and he's right. The Hotbox is slightly more tolerable today. I sacrifice my long waves for an updo and tie the scarf as an headband, which keeps the sweat from rolling down the back of my neck. Anna has taken preventative measures too, bringing in a battery-powered fan from home that she mounted between our stations. Our biggest obstacle is juggling bathroom breaks, because we're drinking more water.

Halfway through my shift, I get my thirty-minute break. Taking off my green vest, I head upstairs to the cafe, where I find not too full. The sugar cookie Taehyung gave me yesterday was pretty delicious, so I buy two and find an empty table in a private nook under the pirate ship. I pull out my phone and look up what's been happening since I've clocked in today.

Jonghyun "Victorious" Kim was a professional surfer who won a bunch of World Surf League championship titles and Triple Crowns in the 20th century. According to his online biography, he's continually ranked as one of the top surfers of all time. it looks he died a few years ago. There's a photo of a life-size memorial statue out by the surfer's crosswalk, taken at sunset, with a bunch of flowers and surfboards propped up against it.

I start to read about how he grew up in a poor Korean family and started surfing at the age of six, and how he fostered this entire multigenerational family of professional surfers: his son, Seokjin Kim, and his grandchildren -

Wait, Taehyung has a younger sister, Eunjin, sixteen, and she's a state and nationally ranked surfer who'll be competing professional for the first time this fall and predicted to join a yearlong world tour starting next January. But Taehyung won't? And what happened to his dad?

A shadow falls over my phone. I hit the power button, but not fast enough.

"Reading up on me?"

I close my eyes for a moment. How did he find me up here? "Are you stalking me on the security cameras?"

"Every move," Taehyung says. Metal legs squeak against the slate floor as he spin another chair around backward and straddles it, legs spread. He crosses his arms on the chair's back. "If you wanted to know something about my family, all you had to do was ask."

"I'm good, thanks." I start to gather up my stuff, but I'm only halfway through the first cookie, so it's pretty obvious that I just sat down.

"I saw you staring at my appa today." An accusation.

"I wasn't -"

"You were."

A tiny groan escapes my mouth. My shoulders fall. "I didn't know . . .I mean, Anna kind of mentioned something happened, but I didn't know what, exactly, so I was just . . ." Just what? Digging my grave a little deeper? "Curious," I finally finish.

"Okay," he says, nodding his head slowly. "So what do you already know?"

I turn my phone on. "I got to here," I say, and point to the article.

He leans over the back of the chair and looks at the screen. "Ah. That's it? So you know who my grandfather was and how he died?"

"Didn't get to the death part," I say, hoping that doesn't sound as bad as I think it does.

He doesn't seem to take offense. "He was a big wave surfer. That means he had steel balls. Too stupid risks, even when he got too old to be doing it. In the winter, after big storms, the waves will crest very high, up at the Secret Garden. He took a big risk one morning after a storm when I was thirteen. I watched him from the cliffs. The wave ate him whole and spit him out onto the rocks. That's why call it Secret Garden by the way. He wasn't the first one to die there. Just the famous one."

I don't even know what to say. A large family stops near our table to pose for a photo in front of the sea monster. We lean to get out of the way, once, twice, three times. They're finally finished, and we're left alone again.

Uninterested in bringing up his grandfather again, I try to think of something else to talk about. My mind turns to what I thought I witnessed in Deja Vu. "Was that your friend or something? That RM guy?"

Taehyung grunts. "We grew up together." He squints at me and says, "Was he bothering you?"

"not successfully."

Taehyung's mouth twists at the corners. he chuckles softly. "Now that I believe. He used to be very bright but something happened. He's pernicious. I do my best to keep an eye on him, but . . ." Taehyung trails off, like he was going to say more but thinks better about it and clams up. I notice his eyes flick over to me, head to bare legs - not really in a lustful way. his eyes are tight, wary, and troubled, and there's something behind that dark emotion connected to RM that I don't understand. I wonder if it has to do with that Jennie girl they were talking about.

Whatever it is, I decide not to pursue this any further. Another evasion tactic I've learned: Change the subject as many times as you need in order to avoid uncomfortable conversation.

"I see you have a sister who surfs."

"Yeah," he says, and he looks happy that I changed the topic too. "Eunjin's killing it. She's got crazy potential. People say she'll be way bigger than appa - maybe even bigger than halabeoji."

I wonder if this is a point of contention between them, if it hurts his boy pride. but he's digging his phone out from his pocket to show me pictures. A girl on a board inside the tunnel of giant curling wave. I can't really make out much about her face, only that she's wearing a pink-and-blue wet suit like a second skin and looking like she's about to be swallowed by the ocean. Taehyung shows me others, some closer, some in which she looks upside down in the middle of the wave. The last one he shows me is the two of them together on the beach, both of them with wet hair drying in the sun, wet suits peeled down to their waist, tanned skin gleaming. he's behind her, arms around her shoulders, and they're both smiling.

And right now, sitting across from me, there's nothing but pride on his face. he doesn't even try to hide it. His eyes are practically sparkling.

"She's pretty," I say.

"looks like eomma. it's our genes." He looks up at me and explains. "Half Hawaiian and Korean. My grandmother was Hawaiian and my grandfather was Korean. Appa meet my mom when he was my age, surfing along the coast. Here." He pulls up another picture of his mother. She's gorgeous. And she's standing on the boardwalk near my favorite churro chart, in front of a familiar shop: Kim's Boards. Well. Guess that answers that; it was his family's shop after all. Note to self: Pick another churro chart, already!

Feeling oddly shy, I glance his his face and then quickly look away.

"Is it weird having a younger sister who's going pro?" I ask, more out of nervousness than anything else.

Taehyung shrugs. "Not really. She'll be heading out on the Women's Championship Tour for the first time next year. it's kind of a big deal. She gets to travel the world."

"What about school?"

"Appa's going with her. he'll homeschool her during the tour. I'll stay and help eomma run the shop." Taehyung must see the look of doubt on my face because he blinks a few times and shakes his head. "yeah, it's not ideal, but Eunjin doesn't want to wait until she's eighteen. Anything could happen, and she's on top of her game now. On the tour, she gets a small salary and a chance to win prize money. but the big thing is the exposure, because the real money is the product endorsements. That's pretty much what we used to live off until Appa lost his arm."

Sounds a little pageant mom-y, making the kid perform on stage for money, but I keep this opinion to myself. "You guys don't own the shop?" I say, nodding toward his phone.

"Sure, but what people don't understand is that the shop barely breaks even. The overhead is ridiculous; rent keeps going up. And now that appa isn't surfing anymore . . . well, no one wants a one-armed man working."

Dang. This conversation is heading into awkward waters. I turn away to find the sea monster's big eye judging me - You had to be on your phone, looking this up at work, didn't you? Couldn't you wait until you got home? - so I turn back toward the table and pick at my half-eaten cookie.

"I knew one of the three had to be right."

"Mmm?" I swallow cookie while trying to look cool and nearly choke.

"You like sugar cookies. I didn't know which one. I was just hoping you weren't vegan or gluten-free or something."

I shake my head.

He breaks off a piece of cookie and eats it, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't know where his hands have been. We aren't friends. And just because his appa's missing an arm, doesn't mean I've forgiven him for being a jerk.

"You aren't going to ask me?" he says. "Or do you already know?"

"Know what?"

"How appa lost his arm?"

I shake my head. "No, I don't already know. Are you going to tell me?" Or should I just wait until you leave and look it up? That works for me, thanks, see you later.

"Three years ago, I was seventeen, a year older than Eunjin. I went down to Mount Wave to watch appa surf for this charity thing. it wasn't a competition or anything. Mostly older surfers, a few big names. Out of nowhere . . ." He pauses for a second, lost in thought, eyes glazed. Then he blinks it away. "I see this big shape cut through a few yards away. At first, I didn't know what it was. It heads straight for appa and knocks him right off his board. Then I saw the white collar around its neck and the mouth open. Great white."

My mouth falls open. I shut it. "Shark?"

"A small male. They say it's like getting struck like lightning, but damned if it didn't happened. And let me just tell you - it wasn't like Jaws. Hundred of people around me on the beach and no one screamed or ran. They all just stood there staring while this thousand-pound monster was dragging appa through the water, and he was still leashed to his board by the ankle."

"Omo," I mumble, stuffing half of the second cookie in my mouth. "Whaa haapened next?" I say.

Taehyung takes the rest of the cookie, biting off a corner and chewing while shaking his head, still looking a little dazed. "it was like a dream. I didn't think. I just raced into the water. I didn't even known if appa was still alive or whether I would be if I bumped into the shark. I swam as hard as I could. I found the board first and followed the leash to the body."

He pauses, swallowing. "I tasted blood in the water before i got to him."


"The arm was already gone," Taehyung says quietly. "Skin flapping. Muscle hanging. It was a mess. And I was so scared I was going to make it worse, carrying him back to shore. He was heavy and unconscious, and nobody was coming to help. And then the shark doubled back tried to get my arm too. I managed to hit him and scare him off. Took 69 stitches to sew me back together."

He unfolds his arm until it's extended in front of me, and rucks up the short sleeve of his security guard uniform. There, above the Gucci surf watch, are his zigzagging pink scars, bared for my examination. Looking at them feels ographic. Like I'm doing something I shouldn't be doing, and any moment, someone will catch me . . . but that the same time, I can't make myself look away. All this golden skin, all these eggshell-glossy scars, a railroad track, crisscrossing miles of sculpted  lean muscle. it's horrifying . . . and the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Seeing the scars reminds me of something else about myself. Something I can't tell him. But it tugs on a dark memory inside me that I don't want to think about, and a fluttering of unstable emotions threatens to break the surface.

I breathe deep to push those feelings back down, and when I do, there's that scent again. Taehyung's scent, the lavender and wax. Not the suntan-lotion fake kind. What is this stuff? it's driving me crazy. I don't know if it's the lure of this wonderful smell, or his story about the shark, or my urge to contain my own unwanted memories, but before I know what I'm doing, my fingertips are reaching out to trace the jagged edge of one of the scars by his elbows.

His skin is warm. The scar is raised, a tough, unyielding line. I follow it around his elbow, into the soft, sensitive hollow where his arm bends.

All the golden hairs on his forearms are standing up.

He in a quick breath. I don't think he meant to, but I heard it. And it's then that I know I crossed some kind of line. I snatch my hand back and try to think of something to say, to erase what I just did, but it just comes out a grunt. and that makes things even weirder between us.

"Break," I finally manage. "Got to get back."

I'm so embarrassed, I stumble over my chair as I leave. The ensuing metallic grate of metal on slate echoes through the cafe, causing several museum guests to look up from their afternoon coffee. This never happens to me. I'm not clumsy. Ever, ever, ever. He's messing with my game. I can't even look at him anymore, because my face is on fire.

What is happening to me? I swear, every time I have any interaction whatsoever with Taehyung Kim, something always goes screwy. He's an electrical outlet, and I'm the stupid toddler, always trying to poke around and stick my finger inside.

Someone needs to slap a big DANGER! sign on that boy's back before I electrocute myself.

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Final chapter is updated!
Thank you to everyone that reads my story. This have been one of my favorites that I have written.
I hope you all will enjoy the next story, "I Remember You" featuring Jin and Suzy. The update will be coming out soon.


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karma705 #1
Chapter 44: Wow great story! Immersive mmm sad for RM n bittersweet abt yoongi :( but a good story nonetheless.
Chapter 42: Author nim pleease write another taezy fanfic after this. ? I love this couple and your writing style so much. This chapter is so beautiful and i can't wait for next chapter. (:
Chapter 42: OMG YOU KIDDING ME!? THIS IS SUPER INTERESTING I CAN'T STOP THINKING OF IT. I just loveeeeeeeee your writing! And the plot obviously XD omg omg i swear i can't wait for the next chapter. Meeting V!? Damn this is exciting XD finally finally!! Okay i gotta calm down kekekekeke. Little that Suzy know she's handling only one boy (less complicated) hehehe. See you on the next chapter~
Chapter 41: So can she for give him about being jerk? I can't wait for next chapter. I hope you can update next chapter soon. (:
Chapter 41: Three chapters to go T.T it was really sad when Suzy returned the shark tooth.. but really happy that suzy open up to Anna. Oh my, why oh why RM never change. He's too much. Stay away from taehyung! Can't wait for the next update (though I will miss this when it ends)
Chapter 40: Author nim when this story finishes please write an another taezy (TaehyungxSuzy) story, i love this couple and your writing style so much. (:
Chapter 40: Oh dear, four chapters LEFT!?!?!? How I'm supposed to move on T.T I'm going to miss this lovely couple T.T
On the other side of note, i kinda understand both of them .. well, taehyung need Suzy's trust in order for him be secured of their relationship but he's not being fair by leaving suzy dumbfounded just like that? Poor girl even got a massive flu XD but I really hope she get the courage to be honest to him. Their story tangled in such an interesting and miracle way and they need to find that out together asap! Hope Suzy got the clue soon that V is taehyung cause I'm sure taehyung ain't giving it away for free XD I'm seriously going to miss this :'(
Chapter 40: I don't want this story to be end.I love this story so much and Taehyung is a jerk. I hope you can update next chapter soon author nim. (:
Chapter 39: I hope you can update next chapter extremely soon author nim. I love this story so much.(:
Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Chapter 38: And Taehyung is acting like a jerk, other mans can take Suzy from him. Maybe he doesn't know this but Suzy doesn't need a man, she can live without a man and if she wants she can find a man better than Taehyung, she is so gorgeous, strong and so beautiful. She is my princess. Anna and Suzy must show this jerks(Taehyung and Jungkook) that they are strong and can find better man than these jerks. Maybe they can make them jealous.