Don't get Lied to - Don't fall in love with a fake.

Good Advice to Young Generations From Hyung/Oppa
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After an event that happened here that caused a lot of heart ache and stress I wanted to explain to you younger people how to spot liars and people who are trying to manipulate you and fool you.


In this I will outline some of the key factors to watch out for. 


If you meet someone who you think is your 'perfect' Ideal person, keep in mind this is the internet. If they show you a picture and you think that the person is perfect for you, look into it. There are simple ways to do this, the simplest way however requires you to do some research. Look for that picture online. google has an 'image search' where you can right click any image online and do a backwards search. 9 times out of 10, if that persons picture comes up in a search - they aren't who they say they are.  

If you talk to someone about a hobby and suddenly they like it too, there is a good chance they are lying and trying to decieve you, however, to make sure of this try to come up with things only true fans (like yourself) will know. It will be harder for them to come up with on the spot. For example, if someone likes BTS (Supposedly) talk about BTS memes, ask about favorite songs, favorite members, ask what they know about it. If they can't answer this, be weary. this isn't to say if someone doesn't know everything, they are lying about themselves. 

They lie about their age. People get caught up in their lies all the time, they will say one thing and end up doing another. 

They lie about their events. If someone says something like "i did this and got in an accident and suddenly they found cancer..." Use your brain. This person is lying to you. If you don't understand why, feel free to PM an adult and ask them 'Hey, does this make sense?" There is a large community here of older, much wiser and very informed logical people to PM, here is a couple of the people I know who are amazing at picking up on bull and are very protective of the younger generation: 





And these are only the few I know. I'm sure there are PLENTY more out there who can give wonderful advice. Make sure you find yourself an older mentor who looks out for your wellbeing. The internet is dangerous. 


Remember, never share your picture, your real life experiances, your location, or details that would link you to your school or home town online. If you do happen to share these, make sure the only people who see these are CLOSE friends. 


If you feel someone is too perfect or is lying to you, here are things to look out for and do. 

You:   "Hey, lets chat on a phone or skype" 

Them:  "Oh, I don't have a mic"  "Oh, I don't have a way to do that..."  "Oh, I can't download skype." "Oh, I can't I ______" 

Basically, an

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Youre too sweet, bray. Love ya.
Chapter 18: The fact that you care so much about our well being is mind-boggling and so sweet, like, wow. No one else bothers to help others but you go the extra mile with it.
Thank you so much for all that you do.
Chapter 21: <3333
Ik there's still hope for you... I'm here in any way i can be if you ever need to talk...
Chapter 20: don't be hard on yourself
we're all human but it is best to try and make decisions with as clear a head as possible
good advice, but don't hold yourself so hard to it that you end up hurting more <3
GriffinEvanescent #5
Chapter 20: Don't be too hard on yourself, that may be easy for me to say especially when I don't know your situation and 5 friends is quite a lot. But even though you made a mistake in letting your emotions catch up to you, at least you recognized it, better than a lot of people who still blame the other side without acknowledging they themselves did something wrong too. Just because your a role model to others doesn't mean you have to be perfect. You're allowed to make mistakes. Take care of yourself to as you do with others, you're just as important <3
Wide_awake #6
Chapter 19: Owh you're having GERD too.
I was told that besides food intakes, emotional problems have some effects in our digestive system.

So, again, let's live a healthy 2018, both physically and mentally.
Wide_awake #7
Chapter 4: Hi, not sure if you're an oppa for me, I found this warm and wise.
Sincerely hope that you've done going through all these s, which made you as wise as you are now.
I guess I got some power from reading this.
Thank you.
Chapter 18: Thank you for protecting us, oppa