We're Friends

I Would Do Anything To Make You Happy

Mihyun's POV

Few days after the party.

"Ring, Ring, Ring."

My alarm clock ringing. It's Monday . . . I woke up, got up from my bed and start doing the morning routine. After that I went downstairs to eat breakfast with my family. Time to go to school. I went with oppa outside the house and walked to our limo. We get inside and our driver drove us to school. Few minutes, we arrived the school. The same as usual students greet us every morning. As soon as we reached the school door, I heard loud screams.

"KYAAAAAA!!" "MINWOO OPPA!!" "MINWOO-SSI!!!" the screams of fangirls of No Min Woo.

As Minwoo stood out from their limo, he suddenly ran to me screaming, "Mimin-ah!!".

I was shocked because I've never used to it. I just replied to him with a smile and get inside the school. But, he ran  going to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Mimin-ah, wait." he tapped my shoulder panting.

"Omo! Minwoo oppa."

"Dongsaeng, I gonna go first."

"Arasso, oppa." Donghyun oppa left me with Minwoo.

"Waeyo, Minwoo oppa?"

"Can we go to our classroom together?"

"Hmm. Are you with the twins?" he nodded.

"Can we just wait for them? They'll be here any minute." as soon as he said that, the twins arrived.


"Ah. Youngmin hyung and Kwangminnie." 

"Hi Mimin-ah!"

"Annyeonghaseyo. Youngmin oppa, Kwangmin  oppa." I bowed to them.

"No need to bow, we're friends right?" I nodded.

"Kaja Mimin-ah!" they've said.

We went to our classroom together. Students were whispering because this coming together thingy doesn't happen before. Even though I became a queenka, I've never been with the kingkas except from the twins sometimes. Maybe it's a  shock for them especially to the fangirls. I received too much glares especially death glares. 

"Scary" I said to myself feeling the glares of the fangirls.

We arrived at the classroom. As soon as I open the door, Shihyun suddenly jumped to me that made almost fell on the floor. Thanks to Minwoo who catch my back.

"Gwenchana, Mimin-ah?" giving me a worried look. 

"I'm okay, Minwoo oppa." he smiled.

"Mianhe, Mimin-ah." feeling sorry.

"It's okay, Shishin-ah."

We get inside our classroom and sit on our respected seats.

"Mimin-ah, are you busy after school?"

"Aniyo." I shook my head. "Waeyo?"

"Can we hang-out after school?"


"Anywhere. Maybe at the ice cream galore or coffee shop?"

"Arasso." I smiled.

"Yay!" she smiled excitedly. Someone interrupted, "What's the chitchat about?"

"Youngmin oppa." she smiled and blushed. Shihyun actually had a crush on Youngmin. 

"We're hanging out after school. Wanna come?" 

"Hmmmm. Let me ask them first." Youngmin left and went to the 2 other boys. Few minutes he came back.

"Sure. It's okay if my twin and Minwoo can come?" I nodded and smile.

"Sure! It will be more fun" Shihyun said with her thumbs up.

The teacher came with our class representative with 2 other boys. They brought a dozen of look-alike a book.

"Class, your class representative is going to give the script for the characters."

"May I ask the characters to please stand up and fall in line here to get their scripts."

We stood up and fall in line.
Here are the characters:

Princess Aurora/Briar Rose: Kim Mi Hyun

Prince Philip: No Min Woo

King Stefan(Aurora's Father): Jo Young Min

Queen(Aurora's Mother): Park Shi Hyun

King Hubert(Philip's Father): Jo Kwang Min

Maleficient (the evil): Bora

The 3 Fairies:

Merryweather(blue): Krystal 

Flora(red): Taeyeon

Fuana(green): Sulli

As soon we received the script, we hurriedly sit back to our respected seats.

"Characters, please start memorizing your lines because this coming friday we will start our 1st practice. Costume and props maker, your assigned costume/props should be done as soon as possible."


After the class play topic, our teacher start the regular class.

Skip to Lunch Time

"Krriiiiiiiiiiiing." the bell rang for the lunch break. The teacher left the room so as the students.

"Yay! Lunch time!" Shiyun yelled. "Kaja, Mimin-ah!"

"Arasso." I nodded then someone interrupted.

"Can we come with you?" I nodded. "Yay!. Kaja Hyung, Minwoo-yah"


We left the classroom and went to the cafeteria. Shihyun ran to a vacant play and sit. We followed her to the table and sit. I sit beside Shiyun then the 3 boys across us, Kwangmin Youngmin, Minwoo respectedly starting from the wall. Minwoo was across me. We leave some of our stuff on the table to make sure no one steals our place. We went to the counter to take our lunch. Few minutes, we went back and start eating our lunch.

"Can I ask a question?" asked Shihyun interrupting others in eating their lunch.

"What is it, Shishin-ah?" I asked to her.

"How did you become friends?" pointing me and Minwoo.

"Waeyo?" I coughed.

"Just asking here." 

"Ask him." I pointed Minwoo who is currently busy eating his lunch.

"Minwoo oppa, how did u become friends?" he almost got chocked.

"We've become friends on my Mother's birthday party." he answered calmly.

"Ahhh" nodding her head. "But why are you in her Mother's birthday party?" looking at me.

"His mother and my mother are friends." I answered.  "Actually, Bestfriends." I emphasized

"Bwo?" blinking her eyes. "Sure sounds interesting."

We ended our chitchat and continue eating our lunch. Later on, we finished our lunch and start preparing for the next class. The bell rang signalling the end of lunch break. We seperate our ways to go to our classes. Shihyun went with the twins and I went with Minwoo. We both have all the same classes. It means I always spent the day with him in all my classes. It's our first time to be together alone. People are glaring me. It was scary. We just talk like friends yet I still disturbed by the glares.

"Oppa." I whispered.


"Everyone is watching us."

"Don't mind it." I took Minwoo's advice and didn't mind the students watching us especially his fangirls. I heard him mumble something but I didn't mind about it.

Minwoo's POV

"Oppa" Mimin-ah whispered pinching my sleeves.

"Waeyo? I asked.

"Everyone is watching us."

"Don't mind it." I told her as advice.

"This plan will work smoothly." I mumbled.

We arrived in the class and went to our seats. The bell rang signals the start of afternoon classes. The teacher arrived and the class started. All the afternoon class went well. *skip to dismissal*

Mihyun's POV

The bell rang. We started fixing our things. Soon we left the room and walked through the hallways. I text my Donghyun oppa that I will not be with him in going home. Soon I received his message and received an OKAY. We left the school to hangout with Shihyun, Minwoo,Youngmin and Kwangmin. We walked on the streets laughing and chatting. We saw a shop named "Patissiere"

"Cool name, come let's get in."

"Sounds cool."

We were excited so we hurriedly went inside. The waiter gave us the menu and start choosing among. Few minutes, the waiter arrived to asked our orders..

"May I ask your orders, please?"

" Strawberry Parfait and Strawberry Shortcake please."

"1 slice of Blueberry Cheesecake and Chocolate Sundae."

" Mine is Chocolate Cake and Mango Shake"

" Vanilla Sundae and White Chocolate Cake."

"Vanilla Sundae and Cheesecake "

"Copy. Please wait for awhile."

After for a few minutes, our orders arrived. It was so delicious even though you still looking it. It seems you can feel the taste already just by looking at it. After receiving the ordered food, we started digging it. 

"Delicious!" is what we all said after a first bite.

"I love it. Neh, Mimin-ah, how about making this our hang-out place?"

"Sounds good." We can meet here if we want too."

"Join us too!"

"Sure" :D

So it was decided. It beome our hang-out place or meeting place. A place we can meet together. We spend an hour talking and chatting about each other.  After that we decided to go home. It ended up I'm going to go with Minwoo ALONE. The boys wanted to know our homes and be gentlemen by taking us home. So they divided the group into 2. The twins take Shihyun with them and Minwoo will be with me. I don't know why but it just been decided in a blink in an eye.

Outside the Shop

"Time to go home. Kaja Mimin-ah!"

"Wait!" cried Youngmin


"How about if we take you to your home?"

"It's a good idea but we don't live together nor our houses are near. Our houses are far from each other." Shihyun said calmly but deep inside so  happy.

"How about if we divided it into 2 groups?"


"Minwoo will be with Mimin-ah and we will go with Shihyun-ah." Kwangmin said with a smirk. "Is it okay with you, Minwoo?"

He nodded. "It's okay."

"Fine with me. Right, Mimin-ah?"

"Umm." I said while nodding.

"So it's decided. Kaja!"

So that's what happen. We walked together until we arrived on 2 ways leading in opposite sides. As what decided we split-up as pair/group as what was decided. It was an akward moment with both of us.

Minwoo's POV

"Stupid Jo Twins. They didn't tell me about taking her home. I'm not prepared for this yet." I mumbled

"Did you say anything, Minwoo-ssi?" Mihyun asked looking at me.

"A-a-aniyo." I stuttered. "Wait, why did you call me Minwoo-ssi?" I asked to change the topic and stopped for awhile.

"Oops. You realized. Sorry, I'm more comfortable calling you Minwoo-ssi."

"Okay. You can call me Minwoo-ssi until you're comfortable oppa but then I'll call you Mihyun-ssi to make it fair?"

"Fine with me." She smiled. "Kaja."

Even though I'm not prepared for this things, I hope the plan will work smoothly as it is. So I just continue on walking Mihyun to her home. It may be a little awkward we still talk to each other but it won't take long. This time I talk to her.



"Do you still hate me?"

"Aniyo. Waeyo Minwoo-ssi?"

"Nevermind. Just making sure. Then we're really friends?"

"Of course. Why would I be with you when we're not friends?"

"You're right. Btw, can I ask for your phone number?


She gave her phone number to me and I also gave my phone number to her. A few minutes of walking, we already arrived at her home. Her house was so big, it's really for the 3rd of the richest family.

"So we're here." she smiled. "How about getting inside? You must be tired."

"No thanks. I need to go home now."

"Okay. Thanks for taking me home. See you at school tomorrow."

"See yah!"

---3Min's House--- (A/N: They have their own house for the 3 of them. They're rich afterall.)

I arrived at 3Min's House. We usually stay here sometimes on our parents'. Our families were very close that they let us have our own home as friends.

"How was it, Minwoo-yah?"

"Babo. You didn't tell me about it and I wasn't prepared for that. Good thing it went well."

"Calm Down, bro. So what happend?"

I tell them what happened and blah2x.

"Jinja? You got her phone number?" I nodded.

"Minwoo-yah! Way to go!" Kwangmin jumping around like a kid."Your plan will work well bro."

"I know but I still need your help." 

" Sure ! "

--------Minwoo's room----------

*kring kring kring* my phone rings signalling for a text message

From: Mihyun :)
To: Minwoo-ssi

Good Evening. First text message to you :D By the way, thanks for taking me home.
Take Care! :D See you at school tomorrow, friend. :D

I received Mihyun's text message so I replied.

To: Mihyun-ssi
From: Minwoo

No problem. How about hanging out at home this Weekend?
You can bring Shihyun with you. Don't worry, the twins here also.
We can also practice for the play, right?

I received Mihyun's reply.

From: Mihyun
To: Minwoo-ssi

Sure. See you then. I'm looking forward to it.
Good Night! I'm going to sleep already.

It ended our conversation. I put my phone on my table and lied down on my bed then fell asleep.


Sorry for taking too looooooooong to update.

I was so busy for the finals last month. I was also busy for the past weeks.

Hope you like it.

Thanks for 14 people who subscribed. 14 subscribers already :D

I'm very sorry if it's too lame chapter. Hoping you still read it.

Continue on reading this . .

Wishing to update as soon as possible.

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Sarahjoyce #2
Poor Minwoo...
At the way he act in front of Mihyun...
I'm sure he already have a little feelings for her...

You know...
The time they saw Mihyun wearing her pink costume for the play at her house... :D
=)) cute♥ update soon ^^
Hahahahahah xD

BTW update soon
... you know something? my name is Kim Mi Hyun.
LOL! I was so shocked seeing my name in your fic xDD
Please update soon! :3 I miss this story a lot and I'm still wondering what'll happen. :) Fighting! :D
Please update! I just started reading this and it seems really good I want to know what happens next!
cliffhanger -.- :)) Minwoo-oppa, why are you so bad? T^T I'll push you off the building if you play with her feelings >:| :))kidding. XD please please update soon... LONGER CHAPTER :)) (geez, I'm so demanding :|) this is really getting interesting. :D
So that's the plan.. Minwoo you're so bad.. Let's see if you won't fall for her.. Keke~
author-nim, i want to kill minwoo here! poor Mihyun. :( please update soon!