The Party Part Two: Mianhe~

I Would Do Anything To Make You Happy

Mihyun's POV

Oppa and I went to our umma, as soon as we arrived we saw a long table with Mrs. No and his husband and umma.

"Mimin-ah, Donghyun! Come here sit." signaling to come. I sat beside umma on her right and Donghyun oppa on her left.

"What is it umma?"

"She's the one I'm talking about. My bestfriend and her husband.." I looked unto her, she's more beautiful in close up.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Mrs. No. and Mr. No." we stood up, bowed, and smiled to them.

"Mihyun imnida." "Donghyun imnida."

"Omo. Such a good kids."

"Thanks Mrs. No."

"I want you to meet my son. He'll be here any minute."

"It must be--"

"Umma!" someone shouted.

"Omo. Minwoo-yah you're here. I want you to meet my bestfriend Mrs. Kim and her children, Mihyun and Donghyun. Probably you know them already because you're in the same school."

"Annyeonghaseyo." he bowed down and smiled. 

"Come sit." He sat beside her mother. He looked at me with a what-are-you-doing-here look.

"You have a kind gentleman here."

"Neh~." Mrs. No laughed.

Both our families are having fun eating and chatting together. I don't wanna look on Minwoo because everytime I saw him, I feel like I wanna punch him or something. I just lowered my head and play with my food.

Minwoo's POV

"Umma!" I ran to her.

"Omo. Minwoo-yah you're here. I want you to meet my bestfriend Mrs. Kim and her children, Mihyun and Donghyun. Probably you know them already, after all you have the same school."

"Annyeonghaseyo." I bowed and smiled to them.

"Come sit." I looked at Mihyun with a what-are-you-doing-here look.

Our families are having fun together. Mihyun is alway looking on her food and played with it.

"I heard you're having a play in your class for the School Festival."

"Yes, Mrs. No."

"Nice! I also heard that your story will be Sleeping Beauty. Minwoo will be playing the Prince."

"Yes, Mrs. No."

"Who will be the princess?"

"Umma~" I whined.

Mihyun lowered her head seems to be embarassed.

"Her." Donghyun hyung pointed Mihyun."


"Jinja?! Isn't it nice, Mrs. Kim?"

"Yeah. I looking forward to it."

"I'm going to watch it. You're a perfect match."

"Umma.. Please stop it."

"Don't worry Minwoo. I know you'll do it great."

"Mrs. Kim, don't you think they will be great couple?"

"What?!" we both said unison with a what-the-- look.

"Bwoya? I'm just asking."

"You're right Mrs. No. They will be a great couple. Hope they ended with each other in the future."

"You're right Mrs. Kim."

"No way." I said to my mother.

"Aissh. Don't worry, we just hoping. It's not we're arranging you a marriage."

"Jeez. Need to get some fresh air. Umma, can I leave?"

"Sure. Make sure to come back here."

"Aiish. Why do they need to do that?" Ruffling my hair leaving them and went to the terrace.

Mihyun's POV

"Umma, can I leave?"


"Thanks that he's not here anymore. But still can't get over what umma and Mrs. No said before."

"Umma, can I leave?" oppa asked


"Oppa, where are you going?"

"I'm gonna meet my friends."

"Okay. See you."

"Kids nowadays are sure so fun."

"Umma, can I also leave? Just wanna walk around the hall."

"Sure." leaving them and went to the terrace for fresh air.

As I went to the terrace, I saw a familiar figure then realize that is was Minwoo. I leand on the railings very faraway from him. It was so awkward because it so quiet and you can only here the wind. I rub my arms with my hands because of my coldness.

"So cold." I rub my arms with my hands signalling that it's so cold. Later on, I heard footsteps getting nearer and nearer. Then someone put a jacket on my back.

"Pabo. Why are you staying here when you know it's cold?" he smirked.

"Minwoo-ssi?" I though to myself.

"What are you doing?"

"Just wanna show how to be a gentleman?"

"As if."

"Mianhe, Mihyun-ssi" rubbing the back of his head.

I was shocked on what I heard so I asked, "What?"

"Mianhe, Mihyun-ssi." he said louder.

"Jinja? I'm not hearing things right?" I looked onto him.

"Aissh. I said Mianhe."

"For what?" I asked.

"For what happen a year ago."

"Ah. I still remember that time."

"So, will you forgive me?."

My head was tilting to left and right, thinking if I'll forgive him or not. A minute passed and I decided.


"Jinja?" I nodded. He directly hugged me.

"Stop it. What if someone sees us?" I pushed him gently.

"It's all my fault. If I didn't that thing to you, you'll never done such thing to me." (A/N: See Chapter 4)

"Aniyo. I'm the one who's fault. I should've be gentleman at that time and I shouldn't react too much about it." (A/N: See Chapter 3)

"Then we're even." we laughed together.

"So..." he rubbed the back of his head.

I tilted my head and wonder why with questions marks pops out over my head.

"Can we be friends?"

"Sure." she smiled

"Jinja?" I nodded. "Then you can call me Minwoo-yah or Minwoo oppa." he smiled.

"You can call me Mimin-ah, Minwoo oppa." I smiled.

"Gomawo, Mimin-ah." he smiled. He looked so cute.

Minwoo's POV

"Can we be friends?" I asked


"Jinja?" she nodded. I smirked. "Then you can call me Minwoo-yah or Minwoo oppa." I smiled.

"You can call me Mimin-ah, Minwoo oppa." she smiled. 

"Gomawo, Mimin-ah." I smiled at her. We shooks hand together. We chat for so long but suddenly my phone rings.

"Excuse me, Mimin-ah." I left her for awhile to answer the call.



"Minwoo-yah. It's me Youngmin."

"Youngmin, waeyo?"

"Have you started the plan?"

"Neh. It went pretty good."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Of course."

"Arasso. Good Luck."


Another call arrived, it was from umma. Telling me to come back to her.

I went back to Mihyun after the call.


"Waeyo, oppa?"

"Mianhe, I need to go now. Umma called me."

"Arasso. Here's your jacket." she passed my jacket to me.

"See you at school. Good Luck on the play." I smiled and left.

"See you too." she waved goodbye to me.

Author's POV

The party ended. All the guests are starting to leave. Mihyun saw her Donghyun oppa and her mother, then went to them.  They also leave the hotel, went inside their limo and went home. Mihyun fix herself and prepare to sleep. She took a quick shower, blow dried her hair, comb, change to PJs and get to sleep.


Sorry for a lame chapter.

Anyways its an update.

Hope you like it. 

11 subscribers. Thank you so much :D

Have a good time.

2 chapters updated for one day.

btw, sorry for my mistakes.

Thanks for reading.

Note: I'm not going to update always for I have many stuffs to do especially school and etc. So please wait patiently for my next update. Gonna update as soon as I have vacant time.



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Sarahjoyce #2
Poor Minwoo...
At the way he act in front of Mihyun...
I'm sure he already have a little feelings for her...

You know...
The time they saw Mihyun wearing her pink costume for the play at her house... :D
=)) cute♥ update soon ^^
Hahahahahah xD

BTW update soon
... you know something? my name is Kim Mi Hyun.
LOL! I was so shocked seeing my name in your fic xDD
Please update soon! :3 I miss this story a lot and I'm still wondering what'll happen. :) Fighting! :D
Please update! I just started reading this and it seems really good I want to know what happens next!
cliffhanger -.- :)) Minwoo-oppa, why are you so bad? T^T I'll push you off the building if you play with her feelings >:| :))kidding. XD please please update soon... LONGER CHAPTER :)) (geez, I'm so demanding :|) this is really getting interesting. :D
So that's the plan.. Minwoo you're so bad.. Let's see if you won't fall for her.. Keke~
author-nim, i want to kill minwoo here! poor Mihyun. :( please update soon!