What's This Feeling?

I Would Do Anything To Make You Happy

We are now in the living room, settling ourselves to start. Later on, we discussed everything about the script. We first practice reading the script with feelings. Saying those words to the person whose character supposed we're talking to. We practice and practice again and again till we memorized the script, as of now we memorized already half of the script (we're genius you know XD). 3 hours later, we decided to have a break. \

"That was tiring." Shihyun sighed.

"Well, you're lucky to have only few lines you know." I said.

"Well, you're right." she smiled. "I'm hungry"

"Unfortunately, our maid is in day-off right now so no cookies or any cooked snacks but we have still snacks like chips, biscuits and crackers, etc."

"Wae?" Shihyun said. "Is it always in weekends?" 

"Yes. We want her to spend time for herself and her family."

"That's good. So who cook your meals if she's in day off?" I asked.

"Kwangminie" Youngmin said pointing to Kwangmin. "But sometimes we just have a meal in restaurants.

"Well, I can cook some for you."

"Jjinja?" the boys asked full of excitement.

"Yes. If someone will help me." She smiled. We just the look to Kwangmin with a 'it's your chance, go for it.' face.

"What? Me?" pointing to himself with a slight pink on his cheeks.

"Yes!" we all said laughing secretly to his face.

"I'm not really good but isn't it better that it will be Mihyun-ah?"

"I'm busy here." I said acting memorizing the scripts.

"Fine." he sighed but deep inside so happy.

Actually, Kwangmin likes Shihyun but he never tell it to anyone. Unfortunately, due to his actions recently towards Shihyun, he's been clearly showing that he really likes Kwangmin. So one time.


Minwoo, Youngmin and I had been curious about Kwangmin due to his reactions recently. Everytime Shihyun talks to him, he stuttered, blushed and can't even look in to her. So we decided on a plan.

"Kwangchu~" Youngmin put his right arm around Kwangmin's neck.

"Waeyo, hyung?" who was sitting in his desk reading a book.

"Come with us." dragging Kwangmin to some place.

They arrived at the field and I was sitting under the tree signalling to come over. They came and put down Kwangmin holding both his arms.

"Yah! What's this all about, Mihyun-ah?" trying to get away from the tight grip.

"Don't worry, oppa. We're just gonna ask something" giving him a smirk.

"Fine." he calmed down. "What is it?"

"Oppa, do you like Shihyun-ah?" giving him a big smile.

"A..a...a...ni." stuttering.

"Are you sure?" giving him 'you better tell truth or you'll be in big trouble mister' look.

"I really don't." he keep on denying.

"Okay, you're really in big trouble mister." I started tickling her with a feather. Kwangmin was laughing nonstop.

"I give up! I give up so please stop." I stopped. "So what's the truth? Tell us!"

"Yes. I do like her." he said shyly with a deep red on his face. The boys unhold Kwangmin and sat down under the tree.

"You don't need to suffer if you just tell us earlier." I said with a big smile.

"So what? I already said it."

"Do you want to be with her forever?" Youngmin said.

"Yah Hyung! Do you know that Shihyun like you?"

"Yah Babo! Shihyun said it's only a crush, don't exaggerate and most of all, Youngmin knows about it already."

"Jjinja?" Kwangmin with shocked eyes looking to Youngmin but Youngmin only nodded. "You didn't even care about it?"

"It's not I really don't care, it just that I only looked on her as a friend."

"So want some help?" Minwoo said.


So that's how it is. This plan started right now. We really didn't tell Kwangmin what's the plan, we just said that we will help him. Let's just say, there's no really exact plan about this. Shihyun really had no idea about this but hope this plan works. So Kwangmin and Shihyun went to the kitchen to start preparing for some snacks. We just practice for play.

"Yah! I've got a good idea." Minwoo said.

"What is it, Minwoo?" he whispered the plan to us. "That's great."

"Wait a minute, I just need to go to my room."

"Okay." leaving Minwoo and I behind in the living room.

"How about if we practice with actions?" Minwoo suggested. "Sure with me."

We practice the whole story but we stopped till the kissing scene part. We almost forgot about the kissing scence. 

"Neh, oppa. How can we do this?" I said with a shy voice.

"We can do something about it." thinking possible ideas.

"How about you just put your lips over here?" pointing the part between the cheek and lips. Minwoo agreed. "Wanna try?" with a smirk.

"Yah! Are you a babo?" hitting him a pillow.

"Yah! That hurts." he hit me too. Because of that it ended we're having a pillow fight.

Unfortunately, I slipped on the floor that I accidentally pushed Minwoo we both fell on the floor. Luckily, Minwoo was fast that his head didn't hit the floor but the not really good thing was I was over him.

"What is this feeling?" I think of myself. I feel hot at the same time my heart beats so fast.

"Omo. Oppa, Mianhe." I just hurriedly stand up and took a sit on the sofa.

"It's okay." Minwoo sat on the other sofa but still near me.

That moment became so awkward. I just hid my face with my legs covering them. My heart beats so fast than usual, I feel so hot, I think I'm blushing and  there's something on my stomach. I think this is what they called 'butterflies'?

"Don't tell me, I'm in love?" I said to myself. "Impossibble. Minwoo is only a friend."

"O..o..oppa." I called Minwoo. "Waeyo?" he said like nothing happend.

"Don't tell anyone about this and let's just make it as nothing happend, okay?"

"Arasso." he smiled and I just smiled back to him.

Later on, the others came back. Thank Goodness is what I just said in my mind. I feel relieved.

"SNACKS ARE HERE!" Shihyun shouted with Kwangmin holding the tray with the snacks.

"Yeah!" we start digging in and after eating we just start practicing again.

We spend the whole day at the boys' house. Even eat lunch there. The night sunset comes, we decided to call it a day. 

We ended our practice and decided to continue it at school.

The boys suggested to take us home, and we managed to get home safe and sound.

The night I texted Minwoo.

To: Minwoo oppa
From: Mihyun

Oppa, mianhe. I'm really sorry for what happened earlier. Sorry for being so clumsy.
Are you hurt?

Later I recieved a reply.

From: Minwoo oppa
To: Mihyun

It's okay, I didn't get hurt anyway.
It's not your fault. After all, it was all an accident.
By the way, you look cute when you're blushing at that time.
Anyway, Good Night. Sleep Tight.

"He saw it?!" I said. "Oh no. That was embarassing." I just reply his text.

To: Minwoo oppa
From: Mihyun

Oppa, stop it. It's embarassing you know.
Good Night to you too.

I just slep to have a rest for the day. This day is really trying.

Days have passed, we just continue practicing for the play and also for the preparations. There only few days left for the play and I start getting nervous about this.


New update again.

Hope you like it.

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Please bear with it.

The best part is coming soon.

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Thanks for reading.

Hope to update ASAP.

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Sarahjoyce #2
Poor Minwoo...
At the way he act in front of Mihyun...
I'm sure he already have a little feelings for her...

You know...
The time they saw Mihyun wearing her pink costume for the play at her house... :D
=)) cute♥ update soon ^^
Hahahahahah xD

BTW update soon
... you know something? my name is Kim Mi Hyun.
LOL! I was so shocked seeing my name in your fic xDD
Please update soon! :3 I miss this story a lot and I'm still wondering what'll happen. :) Fighting! :D
Please update! I just started reading this and it seems really good I want to know what happens next!
cliffhanger -.- :)) Minwoo-oppa, why are you so bad? T^T I'll push you off the building if you play with her feelings >:| :))kidding. XD please please update soon... LONGER CHAPTER :)) (geez, I'm so demanding :|) this is really getting interesting. :D
So that's the plan.. Minwoo you're so bad.. Let's see if you won't fall for her.. Keke~
author-nim, i want to kill minwoo here! poor Mihyun. :( please update soon!