Mere Drawing

Flower Boyz Cafe




Characters: Hyunjae, Ju Yeondoo (o/c) and special appearance by Ju Haknyeon, Younghoon and Jacob.
Brief descriptions: Yeondoo was too busy with her drawing assignment that she ignored her only boyfriend, Hyunjae.


"Hey," Hyunjae greeted the girl beside him as he took a sit, "How are you today?" He asked.

The girl frowned to see a weird guy beside her, "Who are you?" She asked.

"Yah, Kang Yeondoo, I know that you're good in acting but please stop it," Hyunjae giggled.

Yeondoo rolled her eyes, "I could never deceive you," She sighed.

Hyunjae found Yeondoo cute, "Why do you want to deceive me? You're so weird, you know that right?" He asked. The girl shrugged and focus back on her drawing, "What are you going to draw today?"

She stopped and looked at Hyunjae, "Can you stop disturbing me and do your own job?" She asked. Hyunjae was really disturbing at the moment. She needs to finish this drawing before noon and it's already 10am. Hyunjae pouted, "I will play with you later, just let me get done with this," She showed a gesture asking the boy to leave her room.

Hyunjae walked out from the room with a weak step, "Hyung, don't be too sad, she's just busy," Yeondoo's younger brother, Ju Haknyeon said when he saw Hyunjae came out with a sad face.

"But she's always busy with her drawing, though?" Hyunjae whined as he rolled his eyes, "I mean, when can I ever spend time with her? I need to go to practice right away after this." He sighed.

Haknyeon remember something, "Oh yes, we have special stage tomorrow right?" Hyunjae shrugged to the question, "Hyung, chill, you look like a child lost his lollipop at the moment," Haknyeon giggled as he took a bite of the chocolate he had in his hand.

"Yah, Ju Haknyeon, you better stop eating," Hyunjae warned, "You know that we will check our weight this evening, right?" The news mentioned by Hyunjae made Haknyeon to choke right away.

Haknyeon passed a glare to Hyunjae, "Why you didn't tell me earlier, hyung?" He went to the kitchen and throw away the chocolate other than trying to get the chocolate he ate just now out from his mouth, "I'm dead, already. Just kill me hyung," Haknyeon sighed and ended up sit on the floor when he knows he would get scold by the manager because of his weight later.

"I'll go first, okay? I need to see Younghoon," Hyunjae grabbed his coat as it's winter outside. Then, he put on his boot and walked outside the house before Haknyeon shouted something.

"Hyung, what about noona?" Hyunjae turned around and smiled. He shook his head as if he said, don't tell her that I'm going first without telling her.


"Where's Hyunjae?" Yeondoo asked to her little brother as soon as she got out from that suffocated room. Finally, she could grab a fresh air after doing her drawing for 5 hours. She looked around and she couldn't see Hyunjae; his coat ain't here too nor his shoes, "He left, right?" Yeondoo sighed. For the nth times, she has been wasted the free time Hyunjae had to spend with her.

Haknyeon who was watching television at that moment nodded his head, "Well, he looks quite disappointed just now," He paused, "Noona, I think that you better break up with him if you're not going to take care of his heart. You know that our hyung is really fragile right?" Haknyeon gave a ridiculous suggestion.

"Yah, are you even in your right mind? How can I ask for a break up from him? You know how much I like him, don't you?" Yeondoo couldn't believe her little brother. How can he ever thought that way? But it's true though. Yeondoo always busy with her drawings that she always forget about Hyunjae, her only boyfriend.

He shrugged, "Then, be nice to him, I'm begging," He turned off the television and went to his room to get ready for practice.

Yeondoo sighed, "How can I be nice to him? I can't even go out and have a proper date with him," She muttered alone under her breath. Why the hell she chose to date an idol?


"Are you sure that you're okay?" Younghoon asked his same-age friend, Hyunjae who was spacing out when they're supposed to practice at the moment, "Okay, I don't know what your problem is, but please focus on our practice, okay?" Younghoon patted his back and went to the members.

Hyunjae sighed but then giving up and went to the members and all of them started practicing. Without they realized, the clock strikes 2am when they finished with their practice. They only have 3 hours to sleep before they need to wake up and prepare to go to music broadcast.

Hyunjae grabbed his phone that has been put on silent for the whole day. He unlocked his phone and could see a message from his girl, Ju Yeondoo. He smiled when he saw the message.

"Looks like my sister message you, huh?" Haknyeon put his arm around Hyunjae's shoulders as he .

Hyunjae shrugged to the question and locked his phone before put it back in his bagpack. All the members then went back to the dorm to take a little bit of rest before they need to proceed with the next schedule.


"Where is your sister?" The first thing Hyunjae asked when he stepped into Haknyeon's house. Today, Younghoon and Jacob tag along going to Haknyeon's house since Haknyeon said he will be cooking something special today.

"Yah, Hyunjae," Younghoon nudged him, "Yeondoo is not going to go anywhere, right?" He laughed as he said that. Jacob on the other side just watch his two friends' silly behaviour.

Haknyeon shrugged to the question, "In her room maybe," He claimed. To be honest. Haknyeon entered the house at the same time as them, how he was supposed to know where the hell his sister at? He sighed.

Hyunjae went to the girl's room and knocked but there's no answer from her. He slowly twisted the knob and opened the door, he looked inside but there's no one in the room. He closed back the door and sighed, "Your sister is nowhere to be seen," Hyunjae complained.

"Maybe she's out," Haknyeon said as he get ready to cook for the members, "By the way, are other members coming?" He asked.

The three same-age friends put their finger on their chin simultaneously as if they were thinking about something, "Maybe Juyeon and Kevin is coming, I'm not sure," Jacob said and took out his phone to call them.

"Where's Yeondoo for God sake?" Hyunjae whined as he slammed his body onto the couch and closed his eyes, "Ah, I miss her so much," He complained.


It has been a week, Hyunjae and The Boyz members were so busy with their promotion that they barely get any rest. It has also been a week since the last time Hyunjae met Yeondoo. Hyunjae rarely hold his phone which made the two of them didn't contact each other either.

Finally, they had a day off and Hyunjae decided to spend his whole day at Haknyeon's house even if Haknyeon said no for thousand times. Hyunjae opened the door by using the password given by Haknyeon. He took his shoes off and entered the house. 

"Ju Yeondoo," He called out for her name but no answer. Hyunjae went to her room to surprise the girl. He slowly opened the door and took a peek into the room. He could see Yeondoo was doing her favourite thing as usual, she's drawing at the moment. Hyunjae sighed, "Ju Yeondoo," He called the girl's name again.

Yeondoo startled by Hyunjae's appearance in her room, "What are you doing here?" She asked coldly and continued her drawing.

Hyunjae pouted, "To give a surprise to you," He said.

"I thought you have a day off today. Then why are you here? You should spend the time to rest. You've been busy for the whole week. You must be tired right?" Yeondoo nagged Hyunjae instead of welcomed him.

He grinted his teeth, "Yah, Ju Yeondoo, I came here because I miss you but if you're going to treat me like this, then I'll go," Hyunjae rolled his eyes; getting annoyed with his girlfriend who always busy with her drawing that she ignored him too much.

"Hyunjae, you know I didn't mean that way," Yeondoo put her brush down and get up from the chair before walked towards the boy, "You're tired, you need a rest. You don't need to spend your free time with me." She held onto his hand as she said that.

Hyunjae snapped his hand from Yeondoo's hand, "Then why are we even in relationship? Seriously Yeondoo? Do you know that you've been ignoring me too much because of your mere drawing?" He rolled his eyes for the nth times.

Yeondoo let out an assymetrical smile, "Mere drawing?" She paused, "How can you call my drawing is just a mere drawing? You know that those drawings means the world to me right?"

"And you also know that you're also means the world to me right?" Hyunjae sudden statement made the girl went speechless, "Am I even in your world, Ju Yeondoo?" He smiled and leave the room as he slammed the door.

Yeondoo gulped, "What the hell I just did?" She crouched on the floor as she scratched her head.


"Are you serious about breaking up with Yeondoo?" Younghoon asked Hyunjae as they was watching television. Hyunjae shrugged, "Boy, you love her don't you?" He asked and Hyunjae nodded his head, "Then why?"

He let out a slight smile, "Because I'm not in her world anymore," He said and sighed. Younghoon frowned didn't know what the hell Hyunjae was talking about. Suddenly Hyunjae phone rang showing that someone called him, "Haknyeon? Haknyeon isn't in dorm?" Younghoon shrugged while Hyunjae slide to the right to answer the call, "Yes, Haknyeon, why?" He asked the boy, "Uh, okay, I'll come now." He ended the call and rushed himself to go out.

"Where are you going?" Younghoon grabbed Hyunjae's wrist, "It's already late," He looked at the wall clock that strikes 11:43pm right now. Hyunjae turned around and smiled. He wore his shoes and went outside, "Well, it's so obvious that he's going to see Yeondoo," Younghoon mumbled.

"Where's Hyunjae going?" Jacob asked when he saw Hyunjae was going out as soon as he came out from the toilet, "Ah, Yeondoo?" Younghoon nodded his head and Jacob just smile, "He's so eager about the break up and now look who's running like he's going to lost his life," Jacob made a right statement at the right time.


"Yeondoo?" Yeondoo slowly opened her eyes when she heard someone calling out for her name, "Are you okay?" Hyunjae asked when he saw Yeondoo opened her eyes.

Yeondoo tried to open her eyes a little bit bigger to have a better vision, "Hyunjae?" She smiled as soon as she saw the boy's face.

"Yah, how can you skip your meal for days? Are you even in your right mind?" Hyunjae nagged her right away after she noticed his presence there, "You're lucky that Haknyeon comes by or else you might die because of starvation. Are you really going to do this to me, Yeondoo?" Yeondoo managed to let out a slight laugh when she heard to Hyunjae's nag, "Ju Yeondoo, this is not the time to laugh, okay? It's serious."

Yeondoo nodded her head indicate that she understand with all the things has been said by him, "Just shut your mouth," She said, "I'm dizzy." She smiled.

"How dare you to whine now?" Hyunjae so close to lost his mind at the moment. He was worried as hell when he got the phone call from Haknyeon; saying that his sister passed out in toilet. Like for how long she has been passing out?

Yeondoo closed her eyes and sighed. She opened her eyes back and looked at Hyunjae's worried expression, "You still love me don't you?" 

"How can I not love you, you fool?!" Hyunjae rolled his eyes, "Never ever do this again, or we'll break up for real."

"I miss you."

"I miss you too." 

Both of them smiled. Hyunjae put a peck on Yeondoo's forehead, "I love you," He confessed.


[2048 words]




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A lot of things happened lately that I couldn't work on any of the request 😭 will make sure that I put myself together again and start doing the request


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Chapter 1: loved this !