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2ne1  Apartment ..


“ Santokki at last you came,  we left you some food  in the table.” Bom said


“ Thanks Bommie but I already have dinner at YG cafeteria” Dara said



“ Oh .. I  see … Are you sure you are not hungry anymore?” Bom asked



“ Ani , I’m full” Dara said



“ Okay ! I will just put it in the fridge. Good night Santokki” Bom said



“ Good night Bommie…” Dara said before she went inside her room.



Dara  is thinking of the sweetness she discover in Bigbang’s leader Jiyong. She really didn’t expect him to be caring and sweet . Among the Bigbang  he is the most cold  and aloof person to  them. That’s why his sudden concern for her to her by surprise.


Hours ago…




“ Noona  I’m back . …” Jiyong said giving her a complete set of meal that is almost good for three person..


“ This is too much Jiyong , I can’t eat all of this” Dara said looking at the plates of food” Dara said



“ Don’t worry noona, I will help you eat all of these. “



“ You should be , because I will get sick if you force me to eat everything .” Dara said smiling at him .



“ No , I will not allow you to be sick again noona” Jiyong said  softly 


“ Did you say something Jiyong?” Dara asked



“ Aniyo …”


“ Hmmm okay”



“ Let’s eat noona”  Jiyong said and Dara nodded. After  30 minutes  of chatting and eating dinner , Jiyong asked Dara…


“ Noona  do you want to go to YG’s garden for a walk. I’m so full and  I need to walk for a while.  Well if you just want to walk with me for a few minutes..” Jiyong asked



“ Sure , I’m so full with the dinner we ate ..” Dara said



“ Okay let’s go?”  Jiyong asked



“ Neh”



The two starts walking towards the Garden inside the YG premises.. Dara was amazed to see the beautiful flowers in the garden .  She never visited the place  before …


“ You like  it  Sandara……noona?”  Jiyong asked seeing the smile in her red lips.


“ Neh, I never visited this place . This is my first time to  be here, and  it’s so beautiful especially the flowers.” Dara said



“ I’m glad you like it .. Let’s sit for a while” Jiyong said and the two sit in the wooden bench in the garden.



“ Wow ! Look at the stars they are so beautiful and bright .”  Dara said looking at the stars

“ Yeah it’s beautiful  “ Jiyong said  but he is not looking at the stars but to Sandara. When Sandara  look at Jiyong she saw him

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Girlie_goyal78 #1
Chapter 35: Nice story, but pls update... thank you!
Yuri0001 #2
Chapter 8: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/130658/8'>SEVEN</a></span>
Decided to finish reading this because of what Manong(GD) did (changed his IG name to G-Daragon for almost 7hours before changing it back to G-Dragon) last night.
UserRiri #3
Chapter 7: i can do a banner for you here if you want just dm me don't worry it's free hehehe
marymae01 #4
Chapter 35: Update pls
paparatsky #5
Chapter 35: Thank you thank you for the update!! Have been waiting for this?????
Chapter 35: Thank you for the update
I have always been a reader of you daragon ff but a die hard jaedara ff lover ? please continue to write :)
Chapter 34: Update more authornim i really love this storyyyy it great and funny. Please finish this story authornim. Thank youuu ?
freckles #9
Chapter 34: Thanks for the update. . . . 'Til the nxt chap. . . . :-D
Chapter 34: Poor ji.. thanks for coming back with an update! keep them coming plsssss...