Eh, Some Other Time.

EXO Seoul Beats

I shrug. The store looks cute, but then again haven't I done enough of that?

I find my way to the area of the mall with the restaurants. My stomach rumbles.

Usually I would settle for some fast food, but since it's my first time here....I'll treat myself.

I go to a cute little diner and take a seat in the corner. 

A waiter comes up to me and my heart beat accelerates. He's so beautiful.

"What would you like to drink, pretty lady?" He raises his eyebrows repeatedly that makes me let out a giggle. Ah, he's the jokester type.

"An espresso would be nice~" I turn red, making him smirk in his success.

"I'll be right back!" He practically skips off, stumbling a little along the way.

Well then. He's got quite the personality.

He comes back with a kettle and cup. His hands tremble a little as he pours, and before I could even gasp in suprise, there's coffee all over me.

He goes pale and quickly goes down to his knees in apology. "Ohmygod I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I'm really clumsy...." The waiter goes off into a small rant about how sorry he is. 

I smile weakly. "It's ok...." Ah well. I guess I'll be going home like this. 

The waiter lights up, getting an idea. "I'll be right back!!" He dashes out of the store, returning a few minutes later with brand new clothes for me, fresh out of the store.

I gasp. "Aish, you didn't have to do that for me...." I take the clothes and retreat to a bathroom, changing. When I come out he's on his knees again in apology. I laugh and help him stand up.

"No need for that. I forgive you. I'm ___."

The waiter smiles. "Baekhyun." He gently lifts my arm that still has a tag on it.

His phone number is written there.

-Start Baekhyun route

-Restart! I want someone else!

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