The Arcade

EXO Seoul Beats

I decide on the arcade. Seoul has a pretty good game scene....there's tons of internet cafes. Where I used to live I was confined to my room to play League of Legends. This could be a lot more fun.....

I ask the taxi to take me to the most conveniently located one. Once there, I peek inside and find a paradise. XBOX, Wii, classic arcade machines, fancy gaming pcs....

My eyes sparkled. Is this heaven? I dash inside, looking around in awe. There's so much to do....never enough time!

There's a huge crowd gathered around one of the TVs in the corner, with people clapping and making sounds of approval. I overhear a couple's conversation as they walk in that direction.

"My money's on R3d, he's a legend!" One got out his wallet.

"No way. Someone's gotta beat him. He can't be THAT good." The other scoffed.

The yelling got louder. It seemed to be the of the battle. The duo ran off.

On the other side of the area, It's quite empty. There's a man sitting alone at a Pac-man booth, looking very focused on what he's doing. Even from a distance, I could see his current score in giant, bold letters. 

Impossible! Has he been playing for that long?!

I look at the two different scenarios again. Hmmmm.....

-Go see what all of the ruckus is about

-Go to the man playing alone


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