Lies (Keo)

31 Days of December Drabbles

December 2: Lies (Keo)


There he was, tall and handsome. His broad shoulders, his short black hair framing his dark piercing eyes. How he could stand there and smile at her like that was beyond him. Sure she was pretty with her long blonde hair but he thought her makeup was a bit too heavy. Well apparently it was enough to seduce the love of his life. It wasn't fair but it wasn't a surprise, what with all the sneaking around and forced smiles. But that's how Taekwoon was. He avoided anything that made him uncomfortable, especially when it came to Jaehwan. Jaehwan was everything Taekwoon wasn't; energetic, bright, cheery, and open minded. And that was the problem. Taekwoon couldn't let himself be open, to accept himself falling in love with Jaehwan. 

So here Jaehwan was, watching the love of his life force himself to fall in love with a girl he barely knew. It just wasn't fair. Jaehwan had given all of himself to Taekwoon, everything. But even though it felt right to Taekwoon, it scared him. He didn't want to be ridiculed by his peers or rejected by his fans and that made Jaehwan mad because he was ready to sacrifice everything for love and Taekwoon just wasn't mature enough to see that so many of their peers were already in love with each other. Taekwoon didn't want to listen to the words of wisdom Hakyeon had for him. He kept poisoning himself with lies and Jaehwan wasn't going to stay around, not when he wasn't going to be heard. 

When would the lies stop and the truth some forth? Who knew but Jaehwan wasn't going to wait forever. He stopped caring and turned his back, not wondering if Taekwoon was looking for him.  

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Chapter 31: Congratulations on finishing up the entire month! You've worked hard~ Glad to say I read all of them and loved it all!!
Chapter 23: This was too cute and I loved it! My daejae feels are hitting me.
Chapter 23: aww so cute ♡♡
Chapter 14: Jin x bts is soooo adorable and as usual the maknae line compete for jin's attention but Yoongi won't let them be, not now or forever.. ^o^
Chapter 4: Aayyiihhh kookie so sweet to Jin hyung ♡♡♡
Chapter 18: I miss him so much. I don't feel like this is reality I keep saying he is gone but my heart keeps denying it because I don't want him to be. Please say this is not so!

I am not even excited for christmas anymore since the news because all I want is Jonghyun back on this earth alive and breathing.

I want to be selfiah and have him back but he had his reasons and I accept that. But why did he leave! I know they said it but my brain can't comprehend it and I just... I just miss him so much and I feel like a part of me is missing.

I just miss him. Please tell me he isn't gone I know its a lie but my heart can't take the pain anymore. I have not stopped crying and it just hard.
Chapter 16: I love your drabbles author-nim thank you for the updates!
Chapter 3: ahh... I'm done т_т it still hurts..
Chapter 1: My Eunhae feels. This was great author-nim off to read more of your drabbles now!!! Honestly though fans dig up sh** like they are a part of the FBI!
Chapter 9: Thank you..
This one told alot...