The Comeback

The Mansion
I laid in my bed with the three sitting on the sofa waiting for me to sleep.This was it I was finally going back to my family but I was afraid that I wouldnt be able to get them back but I wouldnt know unless I try. "It'll be okay yeri"I flinched at the sudden voice and saw seokjin oppa. "Yeah were here for you so dont worry you will definately meet you family"said taehyung oppa. "You dont have to worry about us we will catch up to u in no time dont worry"Said namjoon oppa. ""I said as I felt started to cry. "Ye..i"I suddenly heard a voice."..e..i" Its them my family is calling me again "" I could hear the voice calling for me rapidly. I felt everything getting brighter and brighter and finally I shut my eyes. ********** I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mother standing above me with red eyed from crying. "Yeri your awake yeri....."She said as she hugged me tightly. "I...where am I?"I tried to recall but I got nothing but a headache. "Your at the hospital dear you collapsed in the forest during your camping trip with your friends.It was raining so you fell.We searched for you for days but when we finally found you you didn't wake up for a whole month."She said and every thing came back in a flash.How I was wandering in the rain how I found the mansion,the oppas.I had to find them quickly and get them to come back. As I was listening to her explanation someone barged in with a loud bang along with two others."Yeri!!!!!!!"She shouted as she ran towards me and pulled me into a hug. "Omg finally yeri I thought you wouldnt wake up." "Ah seulgi...I missed you so so much"I said and cried on her shoulder. "There there its alright now your back theres nothing to worry about"She said as she patted my back. I sniffed and pulled myself out of the hug "Joy...Irene.."I looked at the two who were standing there."Yeri...we missed you"They both said in a sync amd rushed to my side. All four of us were crying and hugging it had been a long time since I had last seen their faces and I became all emotional about it.Later on the doctor came to greet us with a good news that my check ups were at normal and that I could leave after a week. Now my main mission begans.
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Hey guys this is my fisrt FF that Im writing hope you like it :)
I will be uploading a new chapter every thursday.


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Chapter 12: Did she just imagine the whole soul trap thing then?? If Taehyung is just lying, well, that's just rude. Maybe the time moved so differently that they thought she forgot about them?? Maybe they forgot? Or aliens??
Chapter 11: A camping trip? Hmm... Who was she with, why did she collapse? How long was she out? Well I guess that's beyond the point. Just curious. I wonder if the rest of the guys are in the same hospital
Chapter 9: I like her plan. Even if it might not be for her own good, she'll try to do it for them, too, as she's grateful for their help
Chapter 7: ..... She saw nothing then? I don't expect her to see a rotten witch there. But so.... They were so cold to her because they didn't want her to get stuck too? Then why drive her to the forest and tell her to leave if they knew she wouldn't be able to return? Why didn't they just help her in the first place... They are playing too hard with this. If they are too afraid of never leaving themselves, at least they can try to get her back. And maybe, somehow, she can help them return there too. And then they'll be shocked when they remember each other when they wake up. Or or or Yerim wakes up in a hospital room with her family there, and then she sees them laying on the beds in the same room! And then she'll call them so that they can finally escape the mansion too.
Chapter 5: Omg. Is she actually dead? Did she collapse in the forest? Did something posses her? Or turn her into something? Is it the guest house for the dead? Or can it only been seen by the dead? Why was she in the forest in the first place?
Chapter 4: Ooooh who is it. Taehyung? Maybe Namjoon was forced to come after her? Someone else we haven't heard of? Agh. I need to know. Maybe it's a vampire. And are the three like ghosts or do they just know ghosts or are they cursed there? I'm really forcing this ghost tag here aren't I. But anyway. Poor Yerim. I would've left too after knowing I wasn't welcome. I don't know if I'd regret it or not because of my personality. Namjoon basically showed her she had no right staying there