This is war, Our War!

Sweeter than stories, more than love story.
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This is war, our wars!


"You do realise you might get ink poisoning from the excessive amount you write on your arm right?"

I looked up at the girl seated next to me, my sharpie posed above my arm, ready to write down the day's homework. Not having caught on to what she was suggesting, I arched an eyebrow up in confusion.

She nodded her head at my sharpie. "Ink poisoning, Tiffany. It's not good for you."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Taeyeon, sharpie's are non-toxic." I quickly scribbled down the maths homework before the professor could rub it off. "And besides, I'd have to ingest at least 1 oz of ink fluid for any significant effects to occur."

She gave me a doubtful look, those brown eyes of her narrowing when I grabbed a hold of her arm to draw a small smiley on her hand. "I wouldn't brush off the warning just like that if I were you."

I waved my hand nonchalantly at her. "Relax Taeyeon, I've done my research on this. Did you really think you were the first to tell me off about writing on my arm too much?"

She shrugged as she shouldered her bag. "Hey, if more than one person is actually warning you about your high potential in getting ink poisoning, I'd have thought you'd be smart enough to listen." I threw my sharpie's cap at her but she dodged it and made her way to the door laughing. "Just sayin' you know."

"Yah TaeTae and I hate you." She raised an eyebrow. "Just sayin' you know."

Her brown eyes twinkled as the sides of her lips lifted. "Sure, Miyoung Hwang."

'I'm gay!'

"Hey!" Taeyeon exclaimed, grabbing my hand and wrestling the sharpie out of my grip. She examined her arm thoughtfully before raising her brown eyes to meet mine. I smiled innocently and held out my hand.

"Can I have my sharpie back?"

"Pany. No."

I pouted slightly and watched her shove the sharpie into her pocket. "But that's stealing!" I ducked my head down as our math professor turned away from the board to shoot us a dirty look. "Taeyeon!It's my sharpie!" I hissed under my breath.

Taeyeon shrugged and continued copying the notes off the board as if nothing had happened. She didn't even bother to look at me when she spoke. "And this is my arm," she indicated to the spot I'd just drew on, "if you really want to get technical about it."

I pouted again, not that she'd notice from all the attention she seemed to be paying me. "Yeah, but it's not like I took your arm and put it in my pocket, refusing to return it to you."

"You don't have pockets on your dress Miyoung." She glanced at me quickly before diverting her attention back to the maths book spread out before her. "And when did I say I wouldn't return your sharpie?"

The corner of twitched upwards when I harrumphed and sunk lower into my chair. "Fine Taeyeon, be that way then. I have five more sharpies in my locker if you really want to play this game." I turned my attention back to the professor, intending to ignore the frustrating thief next to me.

"Game?" I could hear the amusement in her voice, but ignoring her was so much easier than giving her the satisfaction of...well I don't know what but it was just easier.

"Yes Kim Taeyeon," I told her as I flipped to the answers in the back of the maths notebook. "Did you really think I would just let you steal my sharpie like that?" She raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "Just watch out," I told her, "You never know when I'll strike."

I had to give Taeyeon credit for being able to keep a straight face. Okay, so she was definitely having trouble and I could tell by the amusement in her brown eyes that she found my words highly entertaining. Heck, even I couldn't help laughing at my own words. I snickered as Taeyeon’s lips lifted upwards, showing off her dimple. She shook her head slightly and looked away from me.

I was distracted the rest of the lesson by the confusing new formulas I had just learnt and barely registered the coolness spreading across the skin of my arm made what could only be by a sharpie, until it was too late.

The boyish glared sadistically up at me as Taeyeon bolted out from her seat. I narrowed my eyes at her, but she only waved my sharpie at me, a smirk gracing over her face.

"Think fast!" I was too stunned to move or block the pen that flew towards me. The pain registered after a second and I could only stare dumbfounded at the sharpie lying in my lap before turning my shocked expression towards Taeyeon. She shot me a wink as she bolted for the door.

"This is war Kim Taeyeon!"

Taeyeon stopped at the door and lifted up her arm. She pointed to the two words I'd hastily written there at the start of the lesson.

"Bring in on, Tiffany."

'I have a dominatrix .'

"Um, Tiffany? Pany?"

I peered up at Taeyeon innocently. Of course, I knew what she was going to ask. Obviously, I was the only person that would have written those five words across the front of her maths folder in thick block letters with my trusty sharpie. But playing stupid was much more interesting.

"What's this?" She waved her folder in front of me and I pinched myself to refrain from laughing.

"Looks like someone has written on your folder with a texta." I shrugged. "Happens to the best of us."

Taeyeon narrowed her eyes and ran a hand through her hair. She eyed me suspiciously but didn't say anything. We both turned our attention back to our maths professor who was currently rattling off the solution to a question she'd made us do the day before. I had pretty much forgotten about the folder incident when Taeyeon decided to ignore it. Stupidly thinking that Taeyeon’s actually believed it hadn't been me, I excused myself from class to go to the toilet a few minutes before the bell.

Upon returning, I knew I'd made a huge mistake in doubting Taeyeon.

Across the front of my own maths book was scrawled; 

‘Boys and girls, call me for a great time! ;)' 

Under it was my number, enhanced by the amount of times Taeyeon had gone over the digits with my sharpie.

"Karma's a eh?" She smirked as she shouldered her bag, the dimple grinning at me as her eyes shone mischievously. I shot her a glare and stood up, pulling

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Ta...da! Short story from me to you!


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aglaonema #1
Chapter 15: Lol
Chapter 14: By force is seems like the only way to ask Taeyeon out
Chapter 8: The twist hahahaaha
Chapter 13: Taeny seems to be a very lovely couple here :)
tipco09 #5
Chapter 12: Everything is fair in love and war. Haha!
Chapter 12: I can't help but notice Fany's to Tae's dimple LOL
mochick #7
Chapter 12: hoho please make a squel Author-nim XD
sclocksmith #8
Chapter 12: Aww... So sweet
Chapter 12: Argndjdjhsgshdh... so sweet n cheesy... ergggg... I can’t take it.. haha. But I like it.. thanks for sharing... please write more???
Chapter 11: thank you so much for update I like this very much