001. beginning

30 day writing challenge

Jungkook was never great at telling stories. He would start in the middle, double back when he's realized that he missed a crucial plot point that made he tale make sense, repeat himself because he's forgotten where he left off when he caught up with his own story. His timeline always seemed to be skewed.


Until he met Jimin.


Jimin, whose smile was like a new day, like the sun pushing away the darkness of night. Jimin, whose laugh is like the chiming of bells in the summertime. Jimin, whose sadness becomes Jungkook's sadness, whose tears become Jungkook's tears, whose pain becomes Jungkook's pain.


Jungkook never thought he could fall so hard so fast. But this didn't feel like falling, with Jimin he felt like he could fly.


Jungkook's world became defined as Before Jimin and After Jimin. One year After Jimin, Jungkook achieved his dream of debuting. Three years After Jimin, they received their first music show win.


He finally found what he had always needed - a definite beginning.

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