No other

All my heart

Donghae POV

I walked out of my room with no pants on strutting my stuff.

"Umm..what are you doing?" Teukie said rasing an eyebrow at me.

"This is my outfit for going to the movies!" I said throwing my hands up in the air. Teukie rolled his eyes at me and pointed to my room to go change. Stupid leader always telling me what to do, damn him! I headed back to my room to grab a pair of jeans when I ran smack into Eunhyuk. I gave him my best smile pulling him closer to me. He started to blush. "Why hello there good looking." I smiled he really did look good in the black t-shirt that hugged his muscles (it was my favorite t-shirt after all) and those lose jeans that I loved so much at on him.

"You're so weird. Put some pants on." Eunhyuk said pushing me away trying to avoid looking at me. Okay so you caught me I had always been in love with Eunhyuk everyone knows I am gay and so does he. But he just doesn't know that last little detail is all no biggy.

Eunhyuk POV

I grabbed my favorite black t-shirt which was also Donghae's favorite too. I sighed how was I able to keep this secert from him? I knew he was gay so it was possible he felt the same way about me. Why was it so hard to tell your best friend of 10 years how you felt about him? I even told him some rather akward things that I would rather not mention.

Yet, telling him this which would not be nearly as akward seems so hard! I groaned just wanting to punch something. I need to grow some strength and buck up. I pulled on my shirt and grab the first pair of jeans my hands touch which were Donghae's favorite jeans too! What was with me today? I walked out of my room feeling rather depressed that I just couldn't buck up.

Everyone told me (especially Henry, I hate it when he is right!). I ran smack into Donghae on my way to the livingroom. He had no pants on and his legs were nice and tan. I couldn't help but check him out. I blushed when he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him. I swear my heart skipped a beat.

"Why hello there good looking." Donghae said giving me on of those amazing smiles of his. I tried not to look at him afaird I'd do something stupid if I did.

"You're so weird. Put some pants on." I said pushing him away. Truth be told I didn't actually want him to put pants on he looked to damn y with no pants on. I walked towards the couch throwing my feet up on the arm rest while Teukie and Kangin were snuggling on the other end. I turned my head looking them so they looked upside down to me.

"Why can't you two just admit you're a couple? The whole band doesn't care I mean they care but they won't judge you because they already know. Plus since I am gay and all I have no right to judge you." I said as they gave me a death glare. Jeez they've been like this for years and still won't come clean about their relationship. If I had someone as amazing as Kangin (Donghae that is) I'd tell the whole world about it. I wouldn't care if people judge me. I wish I could be as brave as I was in my mind in real life, damn you low self-a-steam.

"Hyukie, you are the last person to be telling us that we should tell the band about our relationship. You are too chicken to even tell your best friend your gay when he is gay! Infact not only that you can't even tell him that you have been in love with him for years!" Teukie said glaring at me. Okay, what was with the glares? So, I was a chicken but I was so afaird Donghae would say no he doesn't feel the same way. I feel like if he regected me I would die.

"I can't tell him. He just doesn't feel the same way I do." I said turning my attention back to the TV.

"See that's where you are wrong, you don't know anything unless you try." Henry said popping out of no where and causing me to jump out of the couch.

"Henry, I swear to god if you scare me one more time you are going to want to sleep with one eye open!" I threated. He just shrugged his shoulders heading back to Zhoui Mi and giving him a peck on the lips before wrapping his arms around his waist and digging his head into his chest. I felt a pang of jealously right then.

I had to tell Donghae if I ever wanted what everyone else had, I had to tell Donghae if I ever wanted to even have a chance of having something with him. I got up finally gather the courage to tell Donghae everything. When he walked out in dark skinny jeans and a beanie hat, he just looked so gorgeous I don't know what came over me, but I walked up to him a kissed him right the lips. When I realized what I was doing, I pulled away blushing and ran to my room feeling like and idiot. What did I just do? Ugh I was so stupid!


So, I got really bored with black text and made it my favorite color :D. Well, sorry this chapter was short :( I try to make them longer but I don't want to drag it on. I love all my subbers you guys make my day so do the sweet comments! Haha yes, I just had to write a cliff hanger type thing >:) anyways you guys rock and I hope you enjoy my story! Comment and sub if you would like to! Love ya! I will update all my stories soon!! :) Love ya again!!! :)

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Sooooo cuuute love it
wow this is nice
Awww so cute ^^ <3
ukwonbias09 #4
Aww thank you @Cloudsungie :)
ukwonbias09 #5
@Honeyhyuk I have a feeling Eunhae has kissed on the mouth several times :) but other than a feeling I don't know :/ lol. i hope they did!
Honeyhyuk #6
what ?! :D but in real he didnt kissed him on the mouth right ??? cause then that is something i didn`t know...;) :(
I love eunhae moments in this chap. So fluffy ^^
ukwonbias09 #8
@StrawberryQueen: Haha! let me know how that goes :) lol.