A day

All my heart

Donghae's POV

Everything happens for a reason whether that reason is good or bad you may never know. Like right now for instance I am running for my life away from Leeteuk because I was late once again for dance practice. So, maybe I was late everyday, no biggy! Well, not according to my drama queen of a leader I mean come on!!


*flash back to earlier that day*

I broke my alarm clock in my sleep before it had ever gone off. I was having a dream about being attacked by ninjas (probably because I had watch a scary movie that night) and was trying to defend myself. I woke up to someone violently shaking me. I joilted upwards in a cold sweat. Eunhyuk was standing over me a frown on his face and his hands on his hips.

"Donghae! Get your cute out of bed NOW!" Eunhyuk yelled slamming the door as he walked out.

"Was he mad?" I said to myself not really knowing what was going on.

"YES I AM MAD YOU IDIOT!" Eunhyuk yelled through the door. Yikes guess he had heard me. I jumped up getting changed unware of the time. I picked up my phone not noticing my smashed alarm clock on the floor. It was 9:00 am. It didn't click at first until I started thinking about why Eunhyuk was mad and why no one else was in the dorm. Oh !! We were late for dance practice again! I groaned running out the room grabbing Eunhyuk who manged to follow my pace as we ran to the studio.

*End flash back*

"Leeteuk! I am sorry! I was having a bad dream and my alarm clock didn't go off because someone stole it!" I said still unware of my alarm clock.

"No one stole your alarm clock. You threw it across the room at me when I came in the morning. Thanks for that by the way, jerk." Eunhyuk snapped. I threw my alarm clock at him? Why does that not surprise me? Last week it was my pillow.

"Did I miss?" I asked worried about the answer. Eunhyuk glared at me and lifted up his shirt showing a nice purple burse on his chest. Eek I got him good. "I'm sorry." I said but Eunhyuk continued to give me a death glare. Okay, clearly he was still pissed off about it.

"Donghae! I warned you if you were late one more time, I was going to kill you! You are never on time and it's driving me crazy!" Leeteuk snapped. "You are late everyday!!!" He yelled at me. Uh-oh, he had the murderish look in his eyes. I took off running knowing that was a big mistake because Teukie was really fast no one could out run him in the band. He took me down and just when I thought a fist was going to land square in my beautiful face nothing happened. I opened my eyes to find Kangin holding Leeteuk in his arms claiming him down. See those two have been together since forever, you'd swear they are dating (personally we all know they are but they think they are so sneaky and that I don't..I mean we..WE don't see anything) but according to them they aren't (and according to us they are).

I was safe as long as Kangin could claim him down (which we all know how he did that) I got up and slowly moved back to the dancing studio. We danced for what felt like 10 hours when really it was only 5. I was all sweaty and gross. We were all going out to the movies tonight (of course couples with couples but they said it wasn't a date thing and that everyone could come, well I knew the truth those jerks). I need to wear something nice. I started plaining my outfits out in my head while walking back to the dorm.

It was a natural thing for me to drap my arm around Eunhyuk while we were walking, usually he didn't care at all, but today I could have sworn he was blushing but I didn't think anything of it since it felt too natural to have my arm there anyways. When we got back I tore into my closet (Eunhyuk's and I's closet) right away. I threw shirts everywhere one of them hit Eunhyuk square in the face, I thought about laughing but decided against it since Eunhyuk threw the shirt back even harder at me. I ducked barely dodging it.

"Haha missed me, now you gotta kiss me." I said pushing my lips out to make a kissing sound. I got a slap for the one. "I like it rough!" I yelled after Eunhyuk who was leaving, his face was bright red with embarrassement. This was too easy!

"Ya Hae! Stop teasing poor Hyukie you big bully!" Leeteuk yelled from the living room while curled up in Kangin's arms.

"Ya, Teukie why don't you and Kangin come out of the closet and just admit you two have the hots for eachother!" I shouted back running to close the door before Teukie could straggle me.


"Aww that's not very nice, Teukie! Killing people is against the law it's called murder." I said in my smartass ways. When was I going to learn.

"Teukie, just leave him alone. If he wants to be a butthead then let him." Kangin said obviously confronting poor Teukie.

"But but...ugh!! I wanted to kill him!! You're so unfair!" I could just his pouty face now. I smirked at the fact that I, Donghae the great, had won. I puffed my chest out and flexed my arms like I was a greek god (who are we kidding here, I am a greek god). "You better not be doing that stupid pose of yours!" Teukie yelled from the living room.

"How did you know?!" I replied in shock digging through my shirts. I finally found the perfect one. Now for some pants, nah just go in my boxers way more ier look.


Clearly, Donghae is full of himself and a little bit of a smartass but I still love him :). This my lame atempt at being funny so I hope you guys laugh at this!! You better laugh or else >:) lol just kidding! :). Love you guys!!!!

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Sooooo cuuute love it
wow this is nice
Awww so cute ^^ <3
ukwonbias09 #4
Aww thank you @Cloudsungie :)
ukwonbias09 #5
@Honeyhyuk I have a feeling Eunhae has kissed on the mouth several times :) but other than a feeling I don't know :/ lol. i hope they did!
Honeyhyuk #6
what ?! :D but in real he didnt kissed him on the mouth right ??? cause then that is something i didn`t know...;) :(
I love eunhae moments in this chap. So fluffy ^^
ukwonbias09 #8
@StrawberryQueen: Haha! let me know how that goes :) lol.