All of my heart

All my heart

I am going to say sorry in advance for this! I am horrible at being dorky lol but I am making donghae seem like a total space case lol. I am sorry that I at being funny lol. I will try harder next time haha! :)


Donghae POV

One minute I was walking out of my room the next I was being acttack by Eunhyuk's soft lips. Speaking of which were did that boy go? I am so not in the real world like everyone else. Maybe I was an alien? Or a robot, that'd be cool! Okay, enough with the robot and alien stuff! Focus! We need to find Eunhyuk. We? Since when have you been my friend, brain? Since forever now move! Sheesh bossy much? Why did Eunhyuk run away? Didn't he know I was gay? Oh wait, he didn't know the part about me being in love with him that's right!

"What was that about?" Teukie asked me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know but I am going to find out." I said determind while I walked over to Eunhyuks room, but for some reason I decided against opening the door. I walked back to the couch sitting down and sighing. Why had he kissed me? I bet the answer was so obvious but I was over thinking! I know me thinking was probably scary enough as it is. So, over thinking things must be terrifying. 

"Mr. Determind has given up I see." Teukie smirked at me. I just glared at him hoping I'd burn him with my gase unluckly I didn't have super powers (sadly) and nothing happened to his good looking face. 

"Oh I will find out! Just don't know how to apporch the issues." I said trying to think of something. 

"There isn't an issues." Teukie replied simply. No issues? I wanted to punch him. 

"Yes there is!" I snapped trying not to scream at him. 

"Not that I can see. You love Hyukie and he clearly loves you too. See no issues." Teukie replied smiling. I glared at him, he was too smart and too good looking for his own good that jerk. "Yah! Why are you glaring at me? Oh yeah, because you hate it when your wrong and I'm right." Teukie smirked turning back to the TV. I shook my head then turned to see the time, it was 6:45, the movie was at 7:30. I was hopping Hyukie would still be going, but if he didn't I guess I'd stay behind (haha I had plains!). 

*End of POV* 

Eunhyuk's POV

I hit my head against the wall, a little harder than plained. Hopefully they'd all leave for the movies soon, so then I could gather my thoughts. I was freaking out, how could I do that?! I couldn't believe myself, how had I been that much of an idiot? I mean I've done stupid things like hold my breath for as long as I can with Donghae but that wasn't as stupid as kissing him! I shouldn't have done that.

I rubbed my head it hurt too bad. Ugh was I an idiot?! Why did this have to happen? See what happens when I don't think! Yes, people I actually have a brain in my skull incase you didn't know. Please Hae don't kill me in my sleep I'm sorry. I should be able to tell him this, Eunhyuk do not make things akward! He is your best friend DO NOT DO THIS! 

I heard a knock on my door after everyone had left for the movies. Who could possibly still be here? I walked over to my door breathing deeply before opening it. I saw the gorgeous Donghae standing there with a crocked grin on his face. I blushed just wanting to close the door but he stopped me before I could do anything. I backed away trying to look for an escape but with my luck I found none. He walked towards me pinning me against the wall. He crossed his arms still grinning at me. 

"What?" I asked trying to act like I didn't know what was going on. 

"Don't act like that towards me mister you know what is going on. Now explain." Hae demanded. I was about to do that most stupid thing of my life. I took a deep breath knowing this would end horribly. 

"Hae, I'm sorry I kissed you. It was just a spur in the moment. No matter what Teukie says it's a lie. In fact to since I am being completely honest it was a bet to kiss you. Even ask Teukie." I lied knowing he won't actually ask Teukie because he'd be too mad.

I could see anger buliding up in eyes. Why couldn't I tell him the truth? Why was I such an idiot?! I looked away not wanting to see Hae's hurt face. I couldn't believe I had just hurt my best friend of 10 years because I was too shamed of my own self. I waited until Hae left to break down crying. What had I done? 


Yayaya I finished :D poor Hae :(  Hyukie you meanie how could do that?! I promise you guys will get a new chapter soon! :) 

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Sooooo cuuute love it
wow this is nice
Awww so cute ^^ <3
ukwonbias09 #4
Aww thank you @Cloudsungie :)
ukwonbias09 #5
@Honeyhyuk I have a feeling Eunhae has kissed on the mouth several times :) but other than a feeling I don't know :/ lol. i hope they did!
Honeyhyuk #6
what ?! :D but in real he didnt kissed him on the mouth right ??? cause then that is something i didn`t know...;) :(
I love eunhae moments in this chap. So fluffy ^^
ukwonbias09 #8
@StrawberryQueen: Haha! let me know how that goes :) lol.