The lies

All my heart

Hehe >:) the picture totally fits this chapter! :) I think it's cute! Oh and if your wondering where the picture is from it's from Super Junior's Mini drama which is actually on youtube and easy to find :) it also has eng subs too :D which means I can understand it yaya! Anyways enjoy the chapter! Love you all! :D Ugh english is my first language and I even at it! >.< don't feel bad those who screw up the english language! I do it too! :) And i've speaking it my whole life -_- that english language is just too hard! >.<


Donghae POV

I was pissed off. How dare they bet using me?! I couldn't believe they were SUPPOSED to be my friends! Not some low lives who just wanted to hurt people. What had I ever done to them? Okay, so was that time I put fake spiders in Hyukie's bed that time I got kiss from him too only things ended a bit better that time. I smiled at the thought, suddenly realizing I wasn't supposed to be pissed.

*flash back*

I was hidding behind the door, all my rubber spiders were in place. I loved Halloween. Especially when it came to scaring Hyukie. Finally I heard slow foot steps coming towards the room.

"Good night Teukie! Happy Halloween!" Hyukie said walking into the room. He stripped his shirt off realving his beautiful body. My jaw drop at how beautiful is was. I looked down at my own body, I didn't have a nice body not compared to Hyukie.

Then again he did work out a lot while I sat around getting potato chips (yummy chips). I should start working out just to impress Hyukie, wait what? "Donghae looked really good tonight in his costume. Ugh when was I going get up the courage to tell him how I felt? Probably never." Hyukie sighed pulling off his pants showing off his musclar legs and checker boxers. How he felt about what? What was he talking about?

Hyukie headed over to his bed sitting down only to get up screaming. I fell over laughing so hard. Hyukie was breathing hard trying not to freak out in front of me. I stood up whipping my tears from my eyes smiling at him. I walked over to him smiling.

"Happy Halloween, Hyukie. I got you good!" I smirked. Suddenly Hyukie was in my arms crying. "Hyukie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you that badly. Please don't cry." I begged but he continued to cry. When he pulled away he pressed his lips to mine. I turned my head sideways allowing better access. We stood there for a while before Hykuie fell asleep in my arms. He had kissed me? What was going on? I mean yes, I love Hyukie and I mean wayy more than a friend.

"I love you, Hyukie." I whispered to him before putting him into his bed.

*flash back ends*

I stood there thinking about that night. He said how he felt and tell who? Who was him? I was going to figure this out. Suddenly I wasn't mad anymore. A smile came across my face. I wasn't the brighest crayon in the box but once I figured something out there was no stopping me.

Eunhyuk's POV

I walked out of my room sitting on the living couch. I put my face into my hands felling like crap, well I should after what I just did. I hadn't realize Hae had been leaning against his door frame smirking at me. I jumped breathing hard like the time he had put spiders in my bed. Wait..he had heard me that night. Frick! He probably thought I was a loser or something worse!

"What are you doing?" I asked feeling a little scared as Hae made his way towards me. I just stood in the middle of the living room. Hae had always been taller than me so I was afaird he was about to punch me. He didn't tower over me but he was tall enough that he had to look down at me to see me. His face was inches away from mine.

Okay, so maybe he hadn't believed my lie but was he just messing with me right now? It didn't seem like it since he had this look his eyes like he was serious. He leaned his face down towards mine pressing his soft lips against mine. My arms out of instict wrapped around his neck as his hands pushed me down to the couch.

Our kissed got deeper and more passionate. Thing were heating up as Hae slipped my shirt off pressing himself against my bare skin. I manged to pull his shirt off in the heat of things. Our tounges were in the middle of big war when we heard the door knob jingle causing us to spring apart. I quickly threw Hae his's shirt and pulled mine on.

Teukie was giggling and was holding hands with Kangin they hadn't seem to notice us since they started kissing right then moving back to their room knocking things over here and there. They slammed the door shut still unware we could see everything. It's not that we were surprised or anything. We had it already figured it out. Yes, people we are not stupid hate to disappoint.

"Okay..akward." Hae said as we gave eachother a look before heading to our bed room. Closing the door and locking it. Hae pushed me against the wall and we were back where we started.

Shirts off and our tounges having a war, so far Hae was winning, but I wasn't going to give up that easily. I pushed him down on the bed pressing myself on top of him as his arms s around me causing there to be no space that even air could fit in. Suddenly I realized something, Hae was gay and he loved me, the same way I loved him. I smiled in between kisses, never feeling more happy in my life.


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Sooooo cuuute love it
wow this is nice
Awww so cute ^^ <3
ukwonbias09 #4
Aww thank you @Cloudsungie :)
ukwonbias09 #5
@Honeyhyuk I have a feeling Eunhae has kissed on the mouth several times :) but other than a feeling I don't know :/ lol. i hope they did!
Honeyhyuk #6
what ?! :D but in real he didnt kissed him on the mouth right ??? cause then that is something i didn`t know...;) :(
I love eunhae moments in this chap. So fluffy ^^
ukwonbias09 #8
@StrawberryQueen: Haha! let me know how that goes :) lol.