
All my heart

Keep reading down! It's the different after Teukie's POV i promise! :)


Woohoo Huykie loves me! I squeeled on the inside. This day was amazing already. I manged to get the guy I've always wanted. I still thought nothing could be more perfect but then again it seemed like all perfect moments had to coem to an end.

"HYUKIE!!!!!!" A very angry maknae yelled (more like screamed) from in the livingroom. I heard a giggle next to me and raised an eyebrow.

"What did you do this time?" I asked hopping he was nothing bad.

"Oh I just hide his video games. Sungmin was complaining that Kyu was not paying attention to him enough so I took his games away. And I might have broken them all." Hyukie said innocently.

"Might? Hyukie, you are really evil sometimes." I smiled rolling over and giving him a peck on the lips. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Oh but you like it though!" Hyukie grinned pulling me in for another kiss causing us to roll over. I pulled myself up off him just to be a few inches from his face. I looked into his beautiful eyes never wanting to see anyone else's eyes.

How could I feel this way about someone? I had barely started dating him and I felt like this was a normal everyday thing. Maybe it had always been normal. I mean we had held hands before and yes, even kissed.

I always thought it was just fanservise, but I realized it wasn't after that one concert.

*flash back*

I was so tired from dancing, singing and whatnot. I could barely get through this last song. Wookie and Yesung were busy being all lovely and Siwon was just flirting with EVERYONE! I had my round the first song, and I was pretty sure Hyukie was glaring at us that whole time.

It's not like I could push Siwon away when the fans loved it. I walked over to Hyukie, lacing my hand through his like I usually did.

He smiled me, squeezing my hand and pulling me closer to me. I was excepting him to whisper something in my ear, but he ended up kissing me full on the mouth. I didn't know how to respond except my body did the responding for me by wrapping my arms around his waist and deepening the kiss.

Wait, why was I so into this? Did I like Hyukie? I mean I thought he was cute and all, but did I like him as more than a friend? I got my answer when my stomach started to flutter.

Hyukie pulled away blushing and pulled me to the end of the stage as the fans were screaming. We bowed with the other members. Before heading back stage. Hyukie let go of my hand and didn't speak to me for the rest of the night. I liked him. I really liked him. I realized I had always thought about him and now I knew why.

I smiled at the thought. It didn't bother me because I had always know I was gay. But I had no clue if Hyukie was or not.

*flash back ends*

"Hae? What are you thinking about?" Hyukie asked staring at me.

"I was thinking of the time I realized I liked you. After that show." I said, Hyukie blushed clearly remember how he had ran off and hide the rest of the night.

"I was so scared that you were going to kill me." Hyukie said burring his face in his pillow.

"I couldn't kill something so adorable and sweet." I said smiling at his cuteness.

"Hae?" Hyukie said looking at me with wide eyes. He looked so cute.

"Yes?" I said giving him my best smile.

"I love you." Hyukie quickly kissed me on the lips before running out of the bedroom to face the evil maknae. I smiled to myself, yupe I was the luckiest guy ever.

Teukie's POV

 I woke up beside my amazing man, snuggling against him still not feeling close enough. I picked up my left hand and admired the ring that was upon it. I smiled, he was mine, all mine. He was going to be mine forever. I smiled at the thought, this was amazing. I couldn't wait to tell the band!

I looked up at Kangin's beautiful face only to have my smile widden. He looked back down at me, giving me a kiss on the mouth before pulling me even closer to him.

"I love you, Lee Teuk." Kangin whisper to me.

"I love you more, Kangin." I whispered back pulling his head down and pushing my lips to his.

Donghae's POV

I was busy getting dressed when the thought came to me. We had to tell the other members of our relationship, yes they might yell in joy or smile and say aww that's so cute, but none of them would be disguested just because they loved us and could never not support our choices or feelings. I loved the band for that. They were really true friends. I ended up falling over while trying to put on my pants and Hyukie laughed at me so I pulled him down on top of me.

"Ooo Hae, you want to do this now? I just got all good looking though!" Hyukie whined as I held him on top of me.

"Hyukie, you always look good no matter what time of day it is." I smiled at him leaning up to kiss him.

"You want to tell the members don't you." Hyukie said moving away from the kiss. Damn he was good.

"Yes, I do, but only if you are ready. I just don't want to keep something as great as you a secert." I said pushing him down and this time getting my very much needed kiss.

"Okay, we can tell them together, now." Hyukie said in between kisses. Of course it took us ten minutes to stop kissing before we could go tell the band. We got up fixing our hair and clothes. I took my Hyukie's hand in mine and we walked out into the dorm. "Guys, we have something to---" I was cut off by a Yesung.

"You guys are dating, we know." Yesung said not even turning away from the TV.

"Well, you know you could have pretend not to know then think it's all cute!" I demanded but Yesung just rolled his eyes and pulled Wookie closer to him.

"Kangin and I are going to the states to get married!" Teukie annoced from the door way of his room. My mouth fell open and everyone said aww. Jerks, why couldn't they just follow my demands. I looked over to see Hyukie smirking at me.

"What?" I asked him

"Oh you look so cute when you don't get your way." Hyukie teased me. "I do not!" I agrued but he just kissed my cheek pulling me back to the room.

Everything was perfect. I had Hyukie for good and Teukie was finally admiting to being in love with Kangin about time those two! I was so happy, I wouldn't trade this moment for anything okay, scratch that I'd really like to be on top for once -_- but noo Hyukie is always demanding he should be! Ugh!! Men these days!

The end :)


Hope you enjoyed it :D Love you guys!! I will be starting another fanfic or two >:) i have so many ideas right now! :)

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Sooooo cuuute love it
wow this is nice
Awww so cute ^^ <3
ukwonbias09 #4
Aww thank you @Cloudsungie :)
ukwonbias09 #5
@Honeyhyuk I have a feeling Eunhae has kissed on the mouth several times :) but other than a feeling I don't know :/ lol. i hope they did!
Honeyhyuk #6
what ?! :D but in real he didnt kissed him on the mouth right ??? cause then that is something i didn`t know...;) :(
I love eunhae moments in this chap. So fluffy ^^
ukwonbias09 #8
@StrawberryQueen: Haha! let me know how that goes :) lol.