Chapter four

Cinderella story: Skydragon version.
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Jiyong's POV:

"We will be landing in 5 minutes, please buckle your seatbelts." The innercom said. We both buckled our seatbelts on and continue to have awkward silences throughout our conversations. 

"What do i call you if i can't know your name?" I asked. She didn't want to be called 'Princess' obviously. 

"CL, That's what they call me in school." She replied. Cl.. and Gd... That's so cute. 

"Hmm.. Cute. Cl and Gd." He said giving her a smile. She rolled her eyes and looked at me without blushing or even going insane.. She's something different. 

"We're not together, lover boy." She said with a sigh. 'WE WILL BE TOGETHER! FOREVER~' I thought while imagining her together with him.

"Yet." I said, she smacked me acrossed the head. 

"Owwh. Can you be less violent?" I said while massaging my head.

"When you stop being less annoying!" She said.

"Whatever! Our names will never me inseparable!" I teased while smiling cheekly.

"Shut up!? I don't see no resemblance!" She pouted and leaned her head against the window. 'Awh, baby why you so cute?' I thought.

The plane landed and we all got off from the plane and into the korea airport. She seemed to loose track of her sister or friend.


Chaerin's POV:

WHERE'S DARA ?! Are you kidding? That dragon kid is starting to follow me around.. or maybe its just a coincedence? I turned to a right corner to see if he was really following me. HE TURNED! Aish, why is he so attached to me like he knows me. I was just starting to turn when..

"HEY! CL Wait!" He yelled. I turned around to see his suitcase wheel came off. I rolled my eyes and starting to laugh. 

"Why are you following me!" I said while walking towards him. 

"Uh- I, i'm not! I'm just trying to find my hyungs you know." He made an excuse then started to blab more and more. While not

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I love fanfic
ndd2604 #2
Chapter 26: Yes i want , it will be good. Please update
Chapter 26: I love this please update soon..
j3llyD0NuT #4
Chapter 26: xDD pls update soon
Randomxx #5
Chapter 26: new reader here ~ please ;;
mimi_qitchi #6
Chapter 26: I like , but please dont make to many
And update soon please
Where key by the way....
yes lol
KYAAAAAA~ Make out <3 ^^
please hehehe :P
cl_jiD #10
Aigoo you don't have to ask us we are hardcore crazy skydragon shippers of course we'd say yes hahahahaha we wouldn't miss a chance for a steamy skydragon scene now wouldn't we kkkkk!