Twenty-five (REPOST!)

Cinderella story: Skydragon version.
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*I'm doing this all from my memory. I might add a little bit more from last time. I gave up on the hope that one day AFF will bring my chapters back.. so yeah.

Jiyong's POV:

I dropped all of my stuff and started to grab any shirt/pants i had my hands on in the closet. I put them on without realizing it was completely out of order. Not matching, opposite brands, what was i thinking? 

I grabbed my keys and ran towards my car. I put my keys in the slot but its not working. I twisted the keys once, twice, but still. 

"Dammit, why at this time?" I said as i kicked the tire. 

I headed out without a disguise, ignoring any fangirl who second thought i was the infamous G-dragon. I headed to her house, running my fastest. I don't usually run that fast, but for Chaerin.. i'd do anything.

I stopped at her house. Burnted up into flames and firefighters trying to cool it down. Dara was inside the ambulence, but i couldn't find Chaerin anywhere. I tried looking everywhere; everywhere except inside the house. 

I started to make my way into the house, but caught by the firemen.

"Where do you think you're going? This is not your business." The fireman shouted, pushing me to stop me. 

"There's another person in there! You can't just leave her." I said, putting him arm back in place.. still making my way in.

"Gdragon. Right? Well just because your life is jelly beans and rainbows, doesn't mean you get to do absolutely everything you want." 

"I DON'T. You think i have as much freedom as you? Tsk. If i die, its my fault not yours." I snapped then left him speechless. 

Everything was filled with grey smoke. You could barely see anything. Luckily for my mind, i memorized the place. I made my way to the red door; Chaerin's room. There she was, weak coughing and trapped from the wooden frames that burnt down. 


"Ji-" She couldn't breath anymore. I got scared, i didn't know what i was supposed to do. I'm not superman; i can't lift those heavy wooden frames. I could barely see anything, everything was getting too intense. My breathing became even more heavier, to the point that i'm coughing like Chaerin. It was so hot.. flames were just burning everything. Everything that i thought was cozy and warm in the past, is gone. Focus. What am i going to do? How do i get people when they don't even know we're inside here? 

"HELP!" With my last breath, i yelled. Coughing as i fell to the ground and close my eyes. 

Is this it? Right when i got everything in life..


Chaerin's POV:

I woke up from a white, clean aired room. The hospital, to be exact. I sat up inside my bed and looked around. Nobody was here, everything was just empty. Then i remembered the fire, I was helpless, and there was Jiyong's voice. 

Then all in a sudden, a black insense floated into the room. Floating

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I love fanfic
ndd2604 #2
Chapter 26: Yes i want , it will be good. Please update
Chapter 26: I love this please update soon..
j3llyD0NuT #4
Chapter 26: xDD pls update soon
Randomxx #5
Chapter 26: new reader here ~ please ;;
mimi_qitchi #6
Chapter 26: I like , but please dont make to many
And update soon please
Where key by the way....
yes lol
KYAAAAAA~ Make out <3 ^^
please hehehe :P
cl_jiD #10
Aigoo you don't have to ask us we are hardcore crazy skydragon shippers of course we'd say yes hahahahaha we wouldn't miss a chance for a steamy skydragon scene now wouldn't we kkkkk!